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2024-05-27 01:25:31

For those on #NixOS who want to use #Compiz too: #Dotfiles repo, including my Compiz configuration from those screenshots:
2024-05-27 02:03:11

Updated my bio to reflect my switch from #openSUSE #Tumbleweed :opensuse: to #NixOS :nix:
I still love openSUSE, but effortless migration/reinstallation was a big interest for me and I’ve been looking into NixOS for a while due to that.
This week I was finally able to overcome my anger and will to give up and installed it on my main machine after configuring for a little while on a vm. It was really stressful, specially due to the fact that #Nix documentation is awful in most cases or often straight up nonexistent :omya_nix:, but as of today I have a working and usable desktop again. There’s still tweaking to be done, and also new stuff to do taking advantage of nix features, but the main part is now done
Note that I love openSUSE dearly, and shall they ever make a declarative distribution nix-like (preferably nix-compatible) there’s great probability that I’d migrate to it if it was good and had the features I needed (I don’t think that’s impossible, since they do like making new or experimental distros)
2024-06-15 11:43:13

#nix-init but make it recursive
2024-06-04 13:29:27

What in the actual heck is going on with chrooting into a mounted :raspberrypi: #RaspberryPiOS SD card rootfs on :nixos: #NixOS?
SOLVED: One also needs to bind-mount /nix in the target system:
> sudo mkdir /mnt/nix; sudo mount -o bind /nix /mnt/nix

tmux screenshot with multiple panes, showing that /mnt has a fs mounted and the virtual trees bind-mounted, that chrooting into it doesn't work with weird 'no such file or directory' errors, showing a NixOS config with emulatedSystems set to raspberry pi compatible arm, and other stuff
2024-05-05 19:30:29

#nixos #nix users, a little question for you. im not smart enough to set up vscode to write c# dotnet in nixos properly (without flatpaks linking libs into flatpak's fs at least). so, i want to setup some "normal" distro inside nixos to install development stuff, like dotnet, rust, v…
2024-05-04 11:42:49

I think I have finally™️ (for the third or so time) found myself a solution for :python: #Python development on :nixos: #NixOS that allows me to just work with #pythonPoetry et. al. as on other distros.
2024-05-14 01:30:30

Could anyone on #NixOS with #XFCE (or something else known to work with compiz) please test this and tell me if you also get a black screen when doing compiz --replace or if it’s just VirtualBox’s fault?
2024-05-14 01:30:30

Could anyone on #NixOS with #XFCE (or something else known to work with compiz) please test this and tell me if you also get a black screen when doing compiz --replace or if it’s just VirtualBox’s fault?
2024-06-05 11:31:03

Please tell me that it is possible to have :nixos: #nix not require or ignore the output hash, e.g. in fetchgit or fetchFromGitHub?
2024-05-08 00:40:21

What option do I need to add to my #Nix #NixOS config in order for it be impure by default? I don’t want to have to write “--impure” every single time I rebuild.
2024-05-06 14:36:28

Nice, I managed to package this little utility 'highlight-pointer' for :nixos: #NixOS, which is very helpful during screencasts.
It was very easy to do having already made an :archlinux: #ArchLinux PKGBUILD.
2024-05-08 00:40:21

What option do I need to add to my #Nix #NixOS config in order for it be impure by default? I don’t want to have to write “--impure” every single time I rebuild.
2024-05-02 13:01:52

Anyone got a #Nix config for a #musl NixOS container I could use, please?
I see many people mentioning Musl #NixOS containers, but examples of this are nowhere to be found!
2024-05-04 02:11:41

Hello, #NixOS and #Nix pros!
Could you help me please?
Why does my nixos-rebuild switch fail? It fails on the very end, after all the building and evaluating is done, when starting suid-sgid-wrappers.service.
HOWEVER, here’s the weird part: build-vm works!! The vm boots and everything! If the vm works, why does switch fail?
Any tips?
My config (alongside with a file showing the error) is available here:
Edit: an important note is that if I comment the uutils part out the rebuild works, but I want to keep uutils!
Edit2: Those are bugs on uutils! Btw: folks on uutils discord are awesome and super cool they helped me a lot in troubleshooting this and were able to reproduce it!
2024-05-03 11:36:24

Can one pre-build a buildFHSUserEnv in configuration.nix and then have a command like 'fhs' that yanks you into a shell with all your environment.systemPackages in an FHS layout?
All my tries have given me either infinite recursion errors or other problems.
Seems like a way out of the #Python development misery on
2024-05-03 11:36:24

Can one pre-build a buildFHSUserEnv in configuration.nix and then have a command like 'fhs' that yanks you into a shell with all your environment.systemPackages in an FHS layout?
All my tries have given me either infinite recursion errors or other problems.
Seems like a way out of the #Python development misery on
2024-06-05 07:27:05

Can someone help me figuring out why I can't fetch the git sources for (my fork of) #solvespace on :nixos: #NixOS?