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2024-11-12 20:14:58

NERDS leave X, join Bluesky and LinkedIn
*The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocen…
2024-11-14 07:54:47

X account deactivated 🫡
2024-10-29 11:01:58

NERDS at the #D3A Conference

4 photographs from the conference, showing frontal talks, a panel discussion, and a poster presentation
2024-12-03 17:32:29

Der Lernort Kislau ist extrem unterfinanziert. Bundesmittel sind weggefallen und die Inflation stieg schneller als die Erhöhung der Landes-Finanzierung. Wenn ihr ein Demokratie-Projekt fördern wollt, seid ihr hier richtig.
2024-10-23 08:58:32

NERDS clarify AI’s Physics #Nobel

Plot showing AI papers and traditional physics nobel prize papers in a triangle by impact in different fields. Traditional papers have an impact in physics only, AI papers, with Hopfield and Hinton's highlighted, have an impact in multiple fields (including physics)
2024-10-22 11:38:27

At #d3a we just started our session "Networks, data, society and AI" 🥳:
Find us in Sal D!

Conference room with audience sitting with laptops, listening/watching two presenters opening the session.
2024-10-27 18:00:48

Je viens de finir une des courses du Lausanne Marathon.
J'ai réalisé le Nordique Walking de 10 km en 1 h 52
Un bel exploit sportif malgré ma mobilité réduite.
#Lausanne #marathon #Vaud #Suisse