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2024-05-22 06:04:04

What’s a hot and useful technique in network #dataviz?
I am fiddling around with a graph that represents extractive practices around a #datacenter. Work in progress in #Obsidian.

A network graph. Moving from the left to the right: earthly matter (e.g., sand, energy, clearing land), intermediary (like pouring concrete), infrastructuring (e.g., build a damn DC), and charismatic commodities (think servers). The main categories on the left are the most important and thus in colour
2024-06-03 20:41:17
Content warning: Obsidian (note taking app) remark READ CAREFULLY

DISCLAIMER: What I'm about to mention is not an advertised feature of #Obsidian, and they've said on the forums it is known to cause issues.
So, I'm subscribed to the Obsidian Sync service (because I really like the team and the app). I had tested with 2 pc's, having the same note open on both pc's and editing on both pc's. It seemed like it could handle having two peo…
2024-05-03 07:13:51

People using #Obsidian (and similar) don't even understand when I'm writing about #lockin situations.
If those services could be easily replaced by any Markdown edtor and a decent sync mechanism, why are they using those services in the first place? 🤷
I'm going to blog about that to…
2024-05-02 13:32:31

Hahaha, while getting somewhat deeper into #Obsidian I came to this:
"Note that when you insert callout within callout, the line separating the callouts should only use single angle bracket (“>”)"
And it made me miss the times when I was learning how to code in C [all those Cat class/"Cat cat"/Type Cat command examples...]. <3 /s
2024-05-03 18:16:28

This year I wanna get into doing diligent note-taking: #Obsidian vs #Logseq, which is the better option? Or something else entirely? My only real requirements are having a Linux app and an Android one being a nice-to-have.
2024-05-04 10:19:39

I'm writing a longer (as it seems) article on the lock-in effect of solutions like #Obsidian that are using open formats like #Markdown for storage. The file format is not the only thing that might lock you in.
I did already start with a list of arguments but also want to collect your ideas so t…
2024-05-01 09:46:02

I really do like the uttermost and complete neurospicyness of @… on YouTube explaining #Obsidian for beginners. <3
Thanks for [implicitly] hinting me towards restart pondering and thinking about my
2024-05-01 17:28:55

Ok, ich hab heute angefangen, mein mehrere Jahre altes Planungs-Googledoc zur #nonApologia nach #Obsidian zu übertragen - und liebe das jetzt schon. <3 Der Mann hat [nochmals] gesagt, dass ich ja auch evtl. lieber planen möchte, wie genau diese Buchidee denn umzusetzen wäre, als sie wirklich zu schrei…