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2024-03-07 21:45:40

I had an idea for a talk and I can't decide if it's awful or delightful.
Would you go to a talk at a tech conference entitled:
"Carly Rae Jepsen, #3DPrinting, and the future of #OpenSource"
(CRJ would not be played during said talk to preserve sanity)
2024-05-05 11:44:43

Among my peers, I'm the one who always praises #OpenSource software. Recently, however, I was quite surprised when someone who usually uses proprietary programs told me they have completely switched from the official :youtube: app to #NewPipe. In disbelief, I asked why – of course the built…
2024-04-06 06:38:29

Honestly, the worst effect of the xz/sshd exploit is the evaporation of trust in #OpenSource.
There's this new prolific contributor. I haven't looked in great detail, but they're seemingly doing great work. All pull requests are nicely annotated as to ease review. Really, everything you could wish for. But what if it's a bad actor trying to quickly build trust?
Then this contributor kindly pings assignee a week after filing the PR. Well, nothing wrong with that. It makes sense. But then, what if it's a bad actor trying to pressure maintainers?
Or perhaps it's just a great, well-organized #Gentoo contributor.
2024-03-05 20:40:24

#Jellyfin is gearing up for the 10.9 release! Be sure to follow @… because he will be highlighting some of the awesome changes!
2024-04-04 12:42:00

Another day, another PR to the minutiae of Node.js's internal network stream handling: #opensource
2024-03-03 12:43:45

Hey all my #FOSS & #OpenSource folks, do any of you know any platforms like Open Collective except for the option to make the Collective private for members only?
2024-04-02 22:33:59

Databrick's #opensource #DBRX model seems very interesting indeed.

Is Europe the only continent that doesn't start with an A?
2024-04-06 09:20:57

The mistery of 'Jia Tan', the mastermind behind the XZ-Utils backdoor supply-chain hack [WIRED News, April 2024]
2024-03-01 10:44:55

#HDMI Forum to AMD: No, you can’t make an #opensource HDMI 2.1 driver
2024-04-03 08:54:26

#dnip xz oder: Wie die #OpenSource-Community an Ostern die Welt gerettet hat. Von Marcel Waldvogel…
2024-05-04 19:04:21

First, I love this project and want to build it.
However, I'm going to go 'Old Man Yells at Cloud' on calling it open source and how the maker projects and #3Dprinting may be unintentionally damaging the general understanding of #OpenSource.
a) the model is CC BY-NC-SA 4.0…
2024-05-02 21:10:50

Gerade noch rechtzeitig eine Stellungnahme verfasst zum Entwurf des NIS-2 Gesetzes für Österreich und weshalb es #opensource Lösungen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung bedrohen würde rolan…
2024-04-30 11:32:06

Friendly reminder 👼
#Mastodon #FediVerse #OpenSource

A screenshot of a paragraph in this article:

The highlighted section reads: "Most people don't realize the core developer team of Mastodon is still just two people".
2024-05-02 05:24:01

🚀 I’ve just posted a new tutorial on **how to collaborate on your website projects** using
@… and Gitlab
Awesome #OpenSource #NoCode workflow to collaborate on
2024-03-14 11:47:20

De app die in Oekraine wordt gebruikt voor alle overheidsdiensten (en succesvol), is volledig opensource beschikbaar,
Daar kunnen andere landen een voorbeeld aan nemen.
2024-03-29 17:16:07

#LinuxFoundation Launches #OpenSource Valkey Community
2024-03-31 12:25:38

Be amazed/horrified by how many relevant #opensource projects are maintained by just one person.
Practical illustrated example:…
2024-04-25 17:24:24

Had someone open two identical issues on GitHub. When I closed *one* of them as a duplicate, they replied “Thanks for nothing, Zach”
2024-04-29 06:35:17

Hat jemand Empfehlungen für Anbieter, die Technik und Support des Livestreamings einer mehrtägigen Online-Konferenz übernehmen können, vorzugsweise mit FOSS? #livestreaming #opensource #foss
2024-04-06 09:20:57

The mistery of 'Jia Tan', the mastermind behind the XZ-Utils backdoor supply-chain hack [WIRED News, April 2024]
2024-04-01 08:36:06

Jan is an #opensource #ChatGPT alternative that runs 100% offline on your computer.
Jan runs on PCs to multi-GPU clusters, it supports universal architectures:
Nvidia GPUs (fast)
Apple M-series (fast)
2024-03-18 10:30:35

"Upon reflection, I’ve come to realize that the #relicensing trend towards non-compete licenses has exposed single-vendor #OpenSource software for what it truly is: #proprietary software in hiding (…
2024-04-24 15:39:18

Woohoo! Looks fresh and can't wait to dive in :)
Huge thanks to all the devs, volunteers and the #OpenSource goodness that goes into all our favourite distros 😍

System settings showing Fedora 40 and KDE Plasma 6
2024-04-08 07:17:24

Gibt es einen guten, aktuellen Artikel, der den Einfluss von Open Source auf die Gesamt-IT allgemeinverständlich beschreibt?
So was wie der Artikel, aber aktueller und tiefer?
#OpenSource #OSS #FOSS #FLOSS
2024-02-25 09:07:01

Interacting with humans in #OpenSource as well as language barriers, part 6426:
Got a reply "'"I didn't "just suspect" that it was one of them. […] So please stop taking users for idiots."'" after asking a bug reporter if he knew for sure that one of three patches was causing the problem or if he just suspected it.
Four days later the s…
2024-04-22 23:35:07

Now contributed to five pull requests on #OpenSource projects in 24 hours (four new ones, one updated one). On a roll, here!
2024-04-23 08:39:28

Rogier highlighting that dedicating time on #OpenSource software is easier to do as a white male, with picture from the blog here; #NRSD2024
2024-04-02 11:04:10

What Everyone Missed About The Linux Hack – Theo - t3․gg/YouTube – #zx
2024-02-20 23:16:20

"#opensource is not a business model. Open source does not describe a business model. Open source doesn't even necessarily need a business model." - Peter Zaitsev #civonavigate
2024-02-23 09:36:48

Last call for the @… & @… newsletter (planned to be send out early next week)! 📰 🧬 :OpenAccess:
We are always happy to include community news from the intersection of #bioinformatics, #openscience, and #opensource.
So if you have any project updates, upcoming events etc. let me know – or leave a comment/suggested edit directly on GH at
2024-03-28 07:51:56

Well, it's done. I'm now running Fedora 40 Beta (with KDE) on my main computer, and openSuSE Tumbleweed on the ThinkPad. Both camps satisfied. 😎
#linux #unix #opensource
2024-04-26 07:32:35

"Rewild the internet"? Well that caught my eye both with a #DigitalSovereignty and a #OpenSource /#TechDiversity pique!
This comes with a long article warning but is well worth it for the thought provoking review of the current internet ecosystem plantations and how they need rewilding to ensure the internet's longevity…
It goes back to the original principals on which the internet was engineered and then looks at the skyscrapers we've constructed over it.
I struggle to argue against any of the points they make and wonder if it's the sort of narrative we should be lobbying [non-tech-bro] industry leaders and government policy makers with.
(by @… & @… )
2024-03-29 18:18:11

Open source sustainability questions
As a user, sponsor and supporter of various open source projects, I find that I am again thinking about the financial sustainability of these projects. The benefits of projects like Mastodon are undeniable and a joy to many people, myself included. But have we found a sustainable financial model that supports on-going development and longevity of open source projects? I would be interested in other people's thoughts about this.
Linux seems to have found a sustainable model through the Linux Foundation. Canonical provides commercial level support for Ubuntu Linux. I suspect they are sustained by paid optional technical support agreements. I know that OpenSSL struggled for some time before finding some corporate sponsors and they also do consulting projects.
However, I’ve watched a number of decent open source solutions gradually drift into the hands of commercial operators or become more limited through licensing. Java, MySQL, Vault and MongoDB initially come to mind. To me many current open source projects seem at risk for this.
I am interested in thoughts about open source sustainability, and examples that you might add to my limited list. I will summarize the results on this in a later post. Also, please feel free to share links to other sources that discuss this question.
I would appreciate a boost if you are so inclined.
#OpenSource #Mastodon #FOSS
2024-03-30 15:38:06

Sigh. A certain thread on a certain mailing list makes me want to make another pessimistic point wrt the xz/sshd hassle.
What ain't going to happen? Long-term increase of donations and support to #OpenSource developers. And by "developers", I mean actual people who need to buy food and pay the bills, not "projects".
What is definitely already happening? Blaming, bright ideas and demands for the developers already suffering from burnout.
2024-03-19 20:47:39

I'm curious about #opensource #coworking space management #software. Anyone aware of / using any solutions currently available?
My initial queries haven't turned up a lot - The Nadine Project…
2024-03-14 11:47:20

De app die in Oekraine wordt gebruikt voor alle overheidsdiensten (en succesvol), is volledig opensource beschikbaar,
Daar kunnen andere landen een voorbeeld aan nemen.
2024-02-22 09:40:38

Phrase of the Day
Tilting at Windmills – To contribute to #OpenSource projects that too few care about, and too many depend upon.
2024-03-30 05:50:04

#opensource #libretube app for #android is really great, but the missing feature to me is subscriptions importing from my actual
2024-04-25 00:56:39

I recently switched from Thunderbird to Evolution for email. I think I dig it.
#linux #opensource
2024-04-30 01:52:39

It was quite unexpected (in a good way) but I'm overjoyed to say I've joined the #Jellyfin web team!
#opensource #oss
2024-03-15 07:51:01

DECKMÄNTELCHEN. Die Bemühungen des Bundes für digitale Souveränität und #OpenSource Anwendungen in der #Verwaltung sind personell knapp aufgestellt. Demnach verfügt das Zentrum digitale Souveränität gerade einmal über neun Angestellte. Davon kümmerten sich jeweils drei um die beiden Hauptprodu…
2024-04-17 06:46:21

paying maintainers
Useful explainer from @…, inc a morsel of dry comedy:
"Don’t people do this work for the love of open source?
"In our experience, open source maintainers often start projects for non-monetary reasons... But... no maintainers started their project because of the love of ensuring it complies wth your company’s definition of enterprise secure software development practices for no pay for the rest of their lives."
#OpenSource #software #money
2024-02-11 00:08:58

It constantly amazes me what I can do with #blender3d and #opensource and #creativecommons work.
Blender in particular is just the actual mutts-nuts of software. Not just image-making software, it's some of the best software that there is.
I wish my whole OS could be based on it's window manager, and I wish every app I used was as scriptable as it's python API.
Not to mention all the actual things that it does.
Thanks @… and team.
2024-04-24 09:51:52

The impact from smaller opensource LLMs like Llama3-8B and Phi-3 could be large. They are not necessarily the best and smartest models but can be easily integrated in software on every device and platform. Also they can be finetuned, improved with RAG to function better for specific tasks and in specific contexts. Exciting times ahead.
2024-04-23 08:56:49

A question from the audience at#NRSD2024 is whether it should be faculty working on #OpenSource or not. Rogier is highlighting how Faculty is taken more seriously and that permanent contracts are better to reward people in these roles. Interesting discussion to have with different #TIR roles popping up - should these all be faculty in that case? This does force some management roles onto the person as well, which may not be ideal for specialists...
2024-02-09 05:53:10

I am really exited about the recently #OpenSource|d #ZedEditor (#GPL) which aims to be a performant and easy to use VSCode competitor (written in
2024-05-04 05:23:44

#Datensicherheit #CyberSecurity #CyberAttack #Hackerangriff
Schritt 1: Keine #Microsoft Software mehr verwenden. #opensource
2024-02-14 11:38:31

Danke für #FreeSoftware - mein Arbeits Alltag wäre nicht der gleiche ohne #OpenSource
Ganz besonders Dankbar bin ich für #LibreOffice,

I ❤️ Free Software 

Danke für freie Software und all die Arbeit die in Open Source fließt
2024-03-14 07:00:24

ScreenToGif is a very nice screen capture tool. Excellent for documenting that unexpected behaviour of your software. Capture, Edit, Export to Gif or Mpeg.
2024-03-14 20:11:37

seriously, is there is a startup converting/translating the US tax code into an #OpenSource compilable/executable app?
2024-03-12 07:47:55

Oh... und eine „welt.html“ war da auch noch in dem Ordner.
Ich war was ganz Großem auf der Spur.
#linux #opensource #gentoo

Ein Screenshot eines deutschen Textes, in dem die Vorteile eines Computersystems erörtert werden, das kostenlos und legal ist und vom Benutzer verbessert werden kann, wobei bestimmte Wörter zur Hervorhebung hervorgehoben sind.
2024-02-19 09:55:37

For the #opensource #bioinformatics crowd: I'm starting to prepare the next @… newsletter that tentatively will go out in early March. And as always we're looking to include community-updates too!
If you have any topics fitting the open bioinformatics scope, feel free to reply/DM here, or leave a comment/suggested edit directly on GH at
2024-03-29 18:18:11

Open source sustainability questions
As a user, sponsor and supporter of various open source projects, I find that I am again thinking about the financial sustainability of these projects. The benefits of projects like Mastodon are undeniable and a joy to many people, myself included. But have we found a sustainable financial model that supports on-going development and longevity of open source projects? I would be interested in other people's thoughts about this.
Linux seems to have found a sustainable model through the Linux Foundation. Canonical provides commercial level support for Ubuntu Linux. I suspect they are sustained by paid optional technical support agreements. I know that OpenSSL struggled for some time before finding some corporate sponsors and they also do consulting projects.
However, I’ve watched a number of decent open source solutions gradually drift into the hands of commercial operators or become more limited through licensing. Java, MySQL, Vault and MongoDB initially come to mind. To me many current open source projects seem at risk for this.
I am interested in thoughts about open source sustainability, and examples that you might add to my limited list. I will summarize the results on this in a later post. Also, please feel free to share links to other sources that discuss this question.
I would appreciate a boost if you are so inclined.
#OpenSource #Mastodon #FOSS
2024-02-20 22:47:22

Rounding out the #civonavigate sessions for the day is Peter Zaitsev talking about the state of #opensource
2024-04-02 13:34:24

What we know about the #xz Utils #backdoor that almost infected the world
On Friday, a developer rocked the world when he revealed a backdoor had been intentionally planted in xz Utils, an #opensource
2024-03-13 11:16:39

I think it’s important to remember that if you’re using the excuse that your software project should not be held to account for being inaccessible because it is released under a free software license what you’re really saying is that disabled people are not welcome in the free software world.
#FOSS #openSource
2024-02-18 09:24:08

No one cares about #OpenSource, until …
2024-03-08 23:00:01

We excited to have Katherine Druckman, Open Source Evangelist at Intel, joining us at #SCaLE! You won't want to miss her sessions. #OpenSource #SCaLE21x
2024-04-24 17:30:52

I gotta say since switching to FOSS finance tool, Actual Budget, I've been really happy with the experience. They've struck a nice balance between minimal, but powerful.
2024-04-18 16:33:50

Man konnte es leicht überlesen: die #KI -Ära ist in die nächste Phase eingetreten. Diese starken (teilw.) #opensource Modelle sind nun verfügbar:
🦙 #Lama3 (seit 45 Min.):

2024-02-15 14:52:29

If I wanted to consider de-Google my Android phone's OS, what would folks recommend? I know there are a couple #FOSS and #opensource options out there. Just no idea where to start.
2024-03-26 12:22:11

We need more free/libre games!
2024-04-05 16:33:22

just tested #opensource #nvk #linux drivers for #nvidia written in
2024-04-23 08:50:54

Rogier is asking why we can't have #OpenSource faculty positions where the majority of the time is spent on software development. This could look like the new Comenius funding for teaching faculty (who are also still trying to figure out how this works in practice, but there is at least a start :)
2024-04-25 15:54:46

New #RustLang projects are popping up all over the place. Many of them quickly reach feature parity with their non-Rust predecessors, then beat them both in functionality and performance. Seeing all this, it's hard not to think of Rust as a language that makes rapid development and deployment possible, and that outperforms other programming languages.
While I won't argue that Rust has its advantages, that's not the real reason here. In my opinion, it's all about its popularity. All the cool kids use Rust nowadays, and cool kids are precisely the kind of people who have time and energy to develop stuff rapidly. Add to that corporations investing in the next boom, and delivering a full-time paid workforce and funding, the culture of code reuse (i.e. sharing lots of crates), and last but not least, the benefit of starting from scratch.
Old folk like us, who barely manage enough energy to keep things alive, can't compete with that. However, we have one advantage. We don't care about being cool anymore. We aren't going to pack our bags and run after the next shiny thing, whenever the next best thing since sliced bread gets invented.
#Gentoo #OpenSource
2024-04-19 11:51:47

Je travaille sur un plugin #OpenSource GrapesJS pour avoir des notifications avancées dans les website builder #NoCode
J'ai besoin de commentaires sur l'UX
2024-03-13 12:30:02

Zentrum für Digitale Souveränität: Knappe Ressourcen für #OpenSource - Das Zentrum für Digitale Souveränität #Zendis soll die öffentliche #Verwaltung unabhängiger von Big Tech und einzelnen Herstel…
2024-03-14 20:11:37

seriously, is there is a startup converting/translating the US tax code into an #OpenSource compilable/executable app?
2024-03-12 10:00:29

"The #vTaiwan process consists of four successive stages—proposal, opinion, reflection and legislation—supported by a selection of colloborative #opensource engagement tools.
And an interesting leading edge of vTaiwan development is the use of
2024-03-28 20:45:43

#lineageOS #android14 #opensource #oneplus8t

Menú de inicio de LineageOS 21 en OnPlus 8t
2024-03-23 11:38:01

#Automate your developer workflow and share it with your team.
It's a #free, #opensource,
2024-05-04 15:23:49

Voice is #opensource #foss #android #audiobooks player app. you can add folders with your…
2024-03-24 07:43:49

And in the end I'm still a Red Hat guy... despite the mess that RH (actually: IBM) did with CentOS last year and SuSE did exactly the right thing as a result, which also makes it more likeable. But I've dealt with a lot more RHEL in my life than others, and in the end it's also a nostalgic decision. And habit.
2024-02-24 12:20:04

Gemma gets very bad reviews and Mistral ( Mixtral 8x7B) seems much better. What is Google doing ?
#Google #Gemma #Mistral
2024-02-08 11:25:01

"This blog concludes a 17-month journey to understand the #EU's attempt to regulate software with the #CRA. I engaged in this policy process in an effort to minimise damage to the practice of free and #opensource
2024-04-04 14:05:18

«Die Feiertage. Die ganzen IT-Abteilungen feiern mit der Familie… Die ganzen IT-Abteilungen? Nein! Eine von unbeugsamen Open-Source-Enthusiasten bevölkerte Mailingliste hört nicht auf, den Eindringlingen Widerstand zu leisten.»
Wie die Open-Source-Gemeinde über Ostern in letzter Minute eine riesige, von langer Hand vorbereitete Sicherheitslücke (#Backdoor) entschärft hat.
#xz #OpenSource #OSS #FOSS #FLOSS
2024-02-18 09:21:09

#Opensource #AI model covering more than 100 languages released
Most models that power today's generative AI tools are trained on data in English and Chinese, leaving a massive gap of thousands of languages — and potentially limiting access...
2024-03-14 04:02:45

I've just learned that there's #StaleBot after their bug reports.
If you want to mark my bug report stale, at least bother doing it personally, just like I bothered filing it. Or ideally, run my reproducer if I managed to provide one.
#GitHub #OpenSource
2024-02-24 12:20:04

Gemma gets very bad reviews and Mistral ( Mixtral 8x7B) seems much better. What is Google doing ?
#Google #Gemma #Mistral
2024-04-03 21:32:27

what #opensource web #browser do you use on your #linux and why? i stick with #firefox: its…
2024-04-22 07:25:31

Are there already experiences with installation of Llama 3 on your own hardware (on premis or a virtual server) and the experiences with that ?
(compared to via azure, amazon, google cloud).
Contemplating this as an option.
#AI #llama3
2024-04-03 21:32:27

what #opensource web #browser do you use on your #linux and why? i stick with #firefox: its…
2024-04-09 00:40:01

RAGFlow is an #opensource #RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) engine based on deep document understanding.
It offers a streamlined RAG workflow for businesses of any scale, combining LLM to provide truthful question-answering
2024-03-08 11:38:04

MarioKart.js Blew My Mind (#OpenSource #React #ThreeJS)
2024-04-08 21:33:42

just tried alternative #opensource #youtube website. it can use channels, groups and accounts from #libretube that i've already reviewed later. so, today ive completely re…
2024-03-31 22:28:42

#Valkey: The #OpenSource Alternative to #Redis Backed by #AWS,
2024-03-31 22:57:36

#RestAI is an AIaaS (#AI as a #Service) #opensource platform. Built on top of