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2024-06-07 23:48:03

Today has been productive so far! Made probably 2-3 lbs of tahini in the morning (used the remaining amount of brown sesame seeds we had from the 5 lb bag) using the WonderMill, then made dough for carrot parathas in the afternoon (had enough whole wheat flour from a previous grind).
This mill is (a) extremely useful and (b) really good. We have the WonderMill Junior Deluxe :
2024-06-07 03:06:00

#Fensterfreitag #windowfriday
Ein Haus in der Altstadt von Pilsen, Tschechei 2021 by me
Downtown Pilsen, Czechia

Altes Haus, Giebelfenster mit ockerfarbenen Fensterläden, jedoch geschlossen, im Stockwerk darunter drei Fenster ohne Fensterläden, im Erdgeschoss links ein Fenster, rechts eine zweiflügelige Eingangstür Fenstersturz als Rundbogen gestaltet.
Das Haus ist weiß gestrichen, hat aber aufgemalte Verzierungen um die Fenster, um klassizistische Elemente wie Säulen und Valuten anzudeuten und das Haus prächtiger zu machen, als es der schlichte Baustil hergibt.
2024-06-08 02:12:24

How did I not know about EasyEffects?!? Holy crap, much better than APO... #linux
2024-06-06 07:06:47

Electron Confinement-Induced Plasmonic Breakdown in Metals
Prasanna Das, Sourav Rudra, Dheemahi Rao, Souvik Banerjee, Ashalatha Indiradevi Kamalasanan Pillai, Magnus Garbrecht, Alexandra Boltasseva, Igor V. Bondarev, Vladimir M. Shalaev, Bivas Saha
2024-06-06 07:19:55

Prominence and coronal rain formation by steady versus stochastic heating and how we can relate it to observations
V. Jer\v{c}i\'c (Centre for mathematical Plasma-Astrophysics, KU Leuven, Belgium), J. M. Jenkins (Centre for mathematical Plasma-Astrophysics, KU Leuven, Belgium), R. Keppens (Centre for mathematical Plasma-Astrophysics, KU Leuven, Belgium)
2024-06-07 14:25:11

Finished printing this behemoth. Nearly 2Kg in sane weight measurements. Stay tuned for the painting and weathering. It's a 40-watt Phased Plasma Pulse-Gun famous as the weapon #Terminators used to hunt down humanity. Don't mind the clown colors, it's really good printing PLA of which I have a large supply.

40-watt Phased Plasma Pulse-Gun 3D Printed on a desk. Weapon is purple and silver before painting.
2024-06-07 13:30:44

The British Independent Retailers Association files a £1.1B lawsuit against Amazon for allegedly misusing members' proprietary data for competitive purposes (Ingrid Lunden/TechCrunch)
2024-06-07 11:26:31

I'm pleasantly surprised and truly honoured to have my work be acknowledged in this week's edition of the Pandemic Roundup from @… who has been one of the precious few reliable journalists unrelentingly reporting on Covid since the start. Check it out:
2024-06-06 05:35:43

De badkuip is lek en we geven de plassen de schuld:

Eindelijk is er meer andacht voor de grote groep kinderen die geen onderwijs ontvangt in Nederland.
Maar in vrijwel elke analyse wordt een beschrijving gegeven van deze groep, zo ook bij Aleid Truijens (Ten eerste, 4/6). Het zou gaan om kinderen met fysieke en mentale mankementen, hoogbegaafden
en kinderen van ouders die diagnoses of medicatie weigeren.
Zo'n opsomming, waarin vaak ook autisme en adhd genoend worden, is onnodig en werkt stigmatiserend. Onderwijs is een kinderrecht van ál…