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2024-06-16 16:55:08

If #mastodon has plugin support think of all the #patreon integration you could build.
2024-06-16 18:35:30

Trump gets name of his doctor wrong as he challenges Biden to cognitive test (Ed Pilkington/The Guardian)

Cell Site Simulators ( #CSS ), also known as #IMSI catchers,
are among law enforcement’s most closely-guarded secret surveillance tools.
They act like real cell phone towers,
“tricking” mobile devices into connecting to them,
designed to intercept the information that phones send and receive,
like …
2024-06-16 12:02:55

🍄🌲 Mit frischen oder tiefgekühlten #Waldpilzen und #Suppengrün zauberst Du im Handumdrehen eine aromatische #Waldpilzsuppe. Probiere dieses einfache Rezept doch mal aus. Tipp: Im Superm…
2024-06-16 16:55:08

If #mastodon has plugin support think of all the #patreon integration you could build.

Cell Site Simulators ( #CSS ), also known as #IMSI catchers,
are among law enforcement’s most closely-guarded secret surveillance tools.
They act like real cell phone towers,
“tricking” mobile devices into connecting to them,
designed to intercept the information that phones send and receive,
like …
2024-06-16 04:02:54

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Nils Lindberg, Fredrik Paulsson, Per Ohman, Robert Westlund, Per Nyström & Yggdrasil String Quartet:
🎵 Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?
#NilsLindberg #PerOhman
2024-06-17 20:12:02

⚡ Exploring the Use of Cold Atmospheric Plasma for Sound and Vibration Generation
2024-06-18 06:59:55

Radiative Properties of Plasmoids and Plasmoid Mergers in Magnetic Reconnection
Haocheng Zhang (University of Maryland Baltimore County, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Lingyi Dong (Purdue University), Dimitrios Giannios (Purdue University)
2024-06-18 09:00:05

"I used that example [...] to illustrate how pervasive the effects all these little examples of automation are.[...] But collectively they’re a corrosive force that erodes social bonds and spoils personal interactions and generally makes it less pleasant to go about our days as human beings."
(Original title: AI can't fix what automation already broke)