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2024-05-26 13:03:03

Time for a story.
It was a few years ago, before the 354 railway line was renovated on the #Poznań#Piła section (or maybe during the renovation?). The time needed for a train to pass that distance was long enough that — given a good change — you could instead take a train to Krzyż, and change to Poznań there (using lines 203 351), and I've loved using that option when it meant I ended up being home at roughly the same time.
That day I was going to Poznań from someplace behind Piła, using Kołobrzeg — Poznań train. I didn't change to Krzyż, because it would mean being late for my change in Poznań, and getting home a bit later. Just a few minutes after leaving Piła, the train conductor came and announced that a "rail cracked" in Budzyń, and we will have to change into buses. I answered in a disheartened voice: "Why didn't you tell us before Piła? I would have changed into the Krzyż-bound train!"
So we've reached Budzyń, and we waited… because, as it turned out, the bus had to arrive from Piła. I think it took us to Rogoźno, where the next train was waiting for us. Overall, I think we've lost around 2 hours on that, or perhaps more.
If I took the Krzyż-bound train, I would have lost maybe half an hour… But these were the old days. Today, the trains from Piła reach Poznań much faster, and Krzyż rarely offers good changes.
2024-05-26 12:54:53

Czas na opowieść.
Było to dobrych parę lat temu, jeszcze zanim linia 354 została wyremontowana na odcinku #Poznań#Piła (a może w trakcie remontu?). Przejazd rzeczonego odcinka trwał wówczas na tyle długo, że przy dobrej przesiadce, z Piły do Poznania można było równie szybko dojechać przez Krzy…
2024-04-05 11:31:01

Me yesterday: I plan to go to Drawiny, I set the alarm clock to 4:00 AM, I wonder if I'm going to actually feel like getting up.
Me today at 3:30 AM: I've woken up and don't feel like sleeping anymore. I change the plan to go Piła.
Me in Dziembówko (a station earlier): Oh, let's get out at Piła Kalina instead.
2024-05-23 19:27:47

Today we appreciate "clothes irons".
The first photo is SA108-008 at Krzyż station. It just arrived from Złotów, and it will soon depart towards Piła. This one's operated by #PolRegio.
The second one is SA105-001 (first of the name) at Zbąszynek. It came from Leszna, and soon it will depart back. This cute train belongs to #KolejeWielkopolskie.
#SA105 #SA108 #train #rail
2024-05-22 14:57:22

I have praised the Kuźnik Reserve, north of #Piła already, I will praise it again. This time I will focus on a path along the small #river Ruda. The paths starts south of Czaple Stawy (= "Heron Ponds"), and ends close to Rudnickie Lake. In the middle of it, there's a nice steep climb onto a hill. The kind that features a rope to cling to, except that it's broken and only actually starts at 3/4 of the height, so below you have to walk zig-zag across the slope.
Photographs (approximate positions):
1. A bridge on Ruda, next to Stara Łubianka.
#boulder next to Koszycki Lagoon.
#Mosstodon #hiking
2024-04-05 12:51:42

Today's #hiking trip was from #Piła Kalina train stop, around the lakes north-east of Piła and towards Piła Główna station.
1. the blossoming tree:
#Lake Płocie:
#river, from Zygmunt Stary bridge:
2024-05-12 19:47:05

As you have probably noticed already, I'm not a big fan of cities. My preferred kind of place is a town surrounded by a forest, or even better — a train stop in middle of a forest, with two houses or so.
Still, many cities in Poland have an important advantage — they're surrounded by great forests (unfortunately, sometimes distant from the railway infrastructure). Furthermore, in these forests you feel that people actually do matter — tourists, hikers. They aren't just an afterthought, a nuisance making it harder to cut trees down.
#Poznań, #Leszno, #Piła, #Szczecin, #Wrocław, #ZielonaGóra, #Bydgoszcz, #Toruń