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2024-04-04 15:47:09

i like #PocketCasts overall but i dislike how it has trouble updating if an episode changes (like if a podcast fixes an upload of an episode). manual refreshes do nothing
2024-04-02 08:55:12

Oh, you can now deselect chapters in #pocketcasts! 👌🏻
2024-04-02 19:19:41

The great #podcast client #PocketCasts has added the feature "Skip Chapters" as patron preview in its latest version. This is the last feature I missed from #castropodcasts

Screenshot of the Podcast app.
2024-04-04 15:47:09

i like #PocketCasts overall but i dislike how it has trouble updating if an episode changes (like if a podcast fixes an upload of an episode). manual refreshes do nothing