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2024-05-31 17:29:54

This is a very good, thorough and critical analysis.
In summary, Greens>LibDems>Labour>Tories.
Friends of the Earth: Green policies and the general election: who leads the pack?
2024-05-29 10:51:24

Oh, ich liebe diese Stelle. Good memories... man muss die Punkte verbinden!!
2024-07-30 23:35:56

Annunciazione: adesso BASTA... devo fare una definitiva #puliziaContatti (kontatty). Avevo quasi voglia di farla ora col favore delle tenebre, ma ho deciso (consultandomi cogli spiriti) che è meglio farla domattina, col favore del kaffé.
Quindi ora prima scarico l'elenco dei miei vecchi seguiti, casomai dovesse servirmi (
2024-05-29 20:50:19

My high school seemed to be constantly winning awards and topping rankings of public HS in the region. Far from filling me with pride, it was depressing, because my high school was utterly dysfunctional! You're telling me THIS is as good as it gets?
Anyway, San Francisco is the second-best bike city in the country
2024-05-29 06:02:03

Was macht ein Pflegestützpunkt? Der Leiter des Weddinger Stützpunkts im Gespräch:
2024-05-30 12:42:56

I've updated my slides on 'AI at the British Library', sharing examples from the spectrum of uses from utilities and enablers (like transcribing text and identifying places and concepts) through to new research methods
2024-05-30 09:39:32

re: Best Labour policy poll
Not much enthusiasm for any of the suggested policies here.
I didn't think to write "Purge all left-wing candidates in the election run-up" as an option though. Maybe that would have got more enthusiasm.

Republican candidates in all eight of the country’s most competitive Senate races
have changed their approach on the issue of abortion,
You softening their rhetoric, shifting their positions and,
in at least one case, embracing policies championed by Democrats.
From Michigan to Maryland, Republicans are trying to
repackage their views to defang an issue that has hurt their party at the ballot box since the Supreme Court overturned federal abortion rights.
2024-05-30 09:50:37

Autofahrer missachtet Vorfahrt, rammt Polizisten, verletzt ihn und begeht Fahrerflucht.
Polizei Berlin schlagzeilt - selbst in eigener Sache - wieder mit blöder #Verantwortungsdiffusion (Passivkonstruktion):
Polizeibeamter angefahren und ve…