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2024-04-11 14:26:42

Dieser Podcast über Aninas Kampf mit #PostCOVID ist wichtig. Seit über 800 Tagen hat sie das Bett nicht verlassen. 🎧👉 fel…
2024-04-13 10:19:00

Doctors feared #Myocarditis was increasing amongst #athletes #postCovid, what they found was not that, but another even more rare increased heart rate ailment, with young women competitors particularly susceptible

Health ; young, athletic and suddenly ill... Since Covid 29 diagnoses increased of a condition called POTS
2024-04-18 13:44:28

Gesundheitsminister Lucha klopft sich gerade im @… auf die Schulter, man habe im Land die #PostCovid-Versorgung und PostCovid-Netzwerke aufgebaut und die #MECFS
2024-06-13 13:48:32

#MarinCounty only #SFBayArea county to show precipitous #PostCovid 10% drop in percentage of #HighSchool

Over the course of four years, Marin County went from boasting the highest percentage of qualified seniors of any Bay Area county to placing fifth out of six for 2023 graduates. the California Department of Edu data shows High school graduates  in Marin last year were less prepared to attend UC and CSU schools than 2019 graduates . All Bay Area counties outpace the statewide total, which grew from 51% to 52%, but only one county saw a decrease from 2018-19 and that was Marin.  Other  counties s…