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2024-06-19 04:02:13

Lindroid Promises True Linux on Android
Lindroid Promises True Linux on Android Since Android uses Linux, you’d think it would be easier to run Linux apps on your Android phone or tabl…
2024-06-19 00:59:52

Gary Cohen just said he got word that Willie Mays has died, but I'm not seeing any news about it yet. 😔 Glad the Mets finally fulfilled their promise to retire his number. #RIP
#Mets #Baseball
2024-07-19 15:24:48

Parte 2
Ogni macchina in cui fallisce l’aggiornamento rimane un fermacarte fino all’ assistenza di un sistemista che rimette le cose a posto.
Quale è il problema?
Il fatto che si è bloccato un numero enorme di macchine e server?
Non è questo il vero problema, secondo me.
Il vero problema è che si è permesso ad un azienda ‘privata’ di fare aggiornamenti su macchine e server senza l’intervento umano!

Blue screen of death
2024-08-09 14:03:10

The traditions and promises of #TimeTravel are both drop-dead serious and drop-dead hilarious. Those are the #duality.
"On the Night of the Total Lunar Eclipse,
Time Travelers descend in their Timeships."
2024-08-04 08:29:27

Yesterday I went for a second walk, just to nip up to the top of Whiteside (700m). I knew I was over-doing it. But it'll be fine, right? I've done this sort of thing many times.
Well, this morning I can confirm that I'm not as young as I used to be. I can barely stand up. Putting a brave face on it so my wife won't ground me. But a gentle walk around the lake today, I think.

Crummock Water and Mellbreak. A view from high up of the lake with fells all around. Patches of sunlight pick out the small green fields, whilst the brown fells loom on the shore. Broken clouds are not yet threatening rain, but there is promise there.