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2024-09-09 16:03:02

"The fascist threat collapses when ordinary people have meaningful opportunities for social connection and purpose, the groundwork of human dignity."
Daniel Martinez HoSang
2024-08-11 13:54:39

Cresta ONO della Rocca dell’abisso!
#alpinismo #andarepercreste

Torrioni Saragat visti dal lago superiore di Peyrafica
Cresta ONO della Rocca dell’abisso vista dal colle dell’abisso
Croce di vetta della rocca dell’abisso
Il mio faccione prima di salire per ripide rocette
2024-08-02 11:34:38

In 1979 my father-in-law Tom Norcross went to Hong Kong with his family to coach fencing. He was there for 15 years. Part of the brief was to set up a self-sustaining fencing programme. Unlike other expat coaches, he learned Cantonese and grew the talent of local coaches as well as fencers.
My wife's family are proud that he contributed a small part in the success of Hong Kong's recent fencing gold.
2024-08-06 18:43:43

The end of a perfect day...
#Alps #Mountains #Austria #Salzburg
2024-09-14 11:46:51

👌🏻 Danke @…
2024-07-18 21:46:27

@… is an open, and privacy-friendly network location service (just like Mozilla's now defunct location service), recommended by @…:
2024-09-18 06:38:19

Es müsste doch einen Weg geben, wo die Schweiz mit allen Mitteln den pazifistischen Ansatz unterstützt, sich gleichzeitig aber innerhalb einer europäischen Verteidungsalianz (schreibe ganz bewusst nicht NATO) auch aktiv an der militärischen Verteidigung Europas beteiligt. Dies müsste mit einer kleinen, professionellen und gut ausgerüsteten Armee möglich sein.