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2024-06-16 09:51:04

RSS Podcast Feed Efficiency - The carbon cost of sloppy implementation for a service becoming fashionable again... #frugal #greenSoftware #RSS -
2024-05-10 21:20:51

What are some good (simple!) options for automagically posting RSS stuff on the Fediverse?
This works with Mastodon well enough, but I'd love a list of alternatives.
2024-06-15 03:23:03

RSS Podcast Feed Efficiency - The carbon cost of sloppy implementation for a service becoming fashionable again... #frugal #greenSoftware #RSS -
2024-06-17 07:33:46

Ich setze schon seit einer Weile wieder auf #RSS- bzw. Atom-Feeds, um News und interessante Blogs zu verfolgen. Bisher nur über #NetNewsWire und #ReadYou, jedoch ohne Synchronisation zwischen d…
2024-05-06 12:52:25

Only because its getting a bit of traction - if you're looking to go #oldschool and get #news from #RSS the way we used to (it never left... some of us did):
2024-05-16 16:15:28

Anyone have recommendations for #RSS feed readers that would sync between macOS and iOS/iPadOS?
2024-04-11 15:16:10

Hello #LazyWeb, I'm looking for an #RSS client for Android that supports the Fever API to integrate with my yarr server. I've found this which seems to check most boxes for me but I'd really like the app to look like an Android app and not an iOS one :D
2024-06-16 16:41:59

#Playlist for #RSS efficiency guitar riffs c/o RN. We iz a band "1 Gig Big"!
2024-06-13 16:29:34

One reason why I prefer personal blogs with #RSS and #atom feeds (in contrast to #YouTube channels or similar algorithm-driven platforms) is that they are not forced to publish every week or so in order to lose visibility…
2024-05-13 11:24:01

1. #Bergensbanen stengt i fŸrste halvdel av mai på grunn solslyng er litt tidlig?
2. Det er fint at Bane NOR har #RSS, men det er ikke mulig å lenke til den enkelte melding.
3. Slike meldinger burde være perfekt for en ActivityPub-implementasjon.

Melding fra Bane NOR mandag 13. mai 2024 om at det er stengt mellom Ustaoset og Geilo pga. solslyng.
2024-04-14 10:56:46

What are the #RSS feeds you regularly read and have subscribed to for years, even the content is 90% crap?
One of mine is
2024-06-03 09:20:03

#rp24: Es gibt keine tiefere Bedeutung dieser Fixierung auf Reichweite
Erlebt #RSS seine Renaissance? RSS ist für mich repräsentativ, wie das Netz fernab von Gewinninteressen um Narrative über Reichweite funktionieren könnte. Bedauerlicherweise ist zur Nutzung ein wenig Aufwand nötig. Und so ein dyna…
2024-04-13 08:46:14

More and more #reddit previews stop working these days. Current example: my #RSS #Atom feed aggregator.
I want to emphasize that I've warned about that years ago:
Don't Contribute Anything Relevant in <…

instead of the content of a post, a users sees a black box with following text:
Can we see some ID please? You've been blocked by network security. To continue, log in to your Reddit account or use your developer token If you think you've been blocked by mistake, file a ticket below and we'll look into it. Buttons for: "Log in" and "File a ticket"
2024-06-03 16:16:19

to whom it may concern:
Der #RSS-Feed des #Tagesspiegel geht wieder.…
2024-04-26 09:20:15

When #RSS and #SocialMedia meet I think there is a lack of interoperability.
When I boost a post there should be an easy way for someone who subscribes to the RSS feed of my #Mastodon ac…
2024-04-02 16:51:24

I'm now working on fixing another small corner of climate change - inefficiency in #RSS #podcasting!
2024-04-05 13:51:52

Call for help from #RSS #efficiency #protocol nerds!
RSS is maybe coming back into fashion. So it's a shame that it is often implemented inefficiently, with
2024-05-23 21:44:42

ℹ️ ASK ME OR @… ABOUT that fr-fr-fresh #11Feed homegrown #11ty self-hosted offline #RSS
2024-06-18 09:21:42

Das die #ARD ihre #ARDAudiothek als Konkurrenz zu #RSS-Feeds und #Podcatchern positioniert, erschli…
2024-05-28 09:18:06

Y a quoi comme service de ping qui soit encore utilisable pourindiquer qu'on vient de publier une billet sur un blog? Dans le temps y en avait tout plein, quelqu'un maintient - t -il une liste Š jour?
2024-05-28 14:41:32

ReadYou might be the best blend of functionality and pleasant UI in an #OpenSource #RSS reader that I've experienced on #Android. The fact that it's built with
2024-04-25 19:07:54

I'm a big sad that @… doesn't have a RSS feed for their blog by the looks of things
#RSS #Modrinth
2024-05-28 14:41:32

ReadYou might be the best blend of functionality and pleasant UI in an #OpenSource #RSS reader that I've experienced on #Android. The fact that it's built with
2024-05-23 21:44:42

ℹ️ ASK ME OR @… ABOUT that fr-fr-fresh #11Feed homegrown #11ty self-hosted offline #RSS
2024-05-02 09:53:16

#today catching up on #NewScientist article splurge in its #RSS feed, and testing new defences against bandwidth hogs of my RSS feed! Coffee is involved...
2024-05-08 19:22:04

Is #Feedly's "Explore" section my best bet if I'm looking to curate a collection of #RSS feeds? I'm looking to explore my morning reading to incorporate more #gaming and
2024-05-08 19:22:04

Is #Feedly's "Explore" section my best bet if I'm looking to curate a collection of #RSS feeds? I'm looking to explore my morning reading to incorporate more #gaming and
2024-04-04 05:07:43

Can anyone recommend a good #accessible #RSS feed reader for #iPhone that does well with both text and audio #RSSFeeds
2024-05-27 13:02:45

#today rather than any of the things that I probably ought to be doing, but feel too much like work on this bank holiday Monday, I am working up to #sonification of my #RSS
2024-06-08 14:29:12

#today I have been working on #visualisation of my #sonification of #RSS feed efficiency...