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2024-04-24 21:50:41

Thought I'd try reading a Star Trek novel so I went for The Antares Maelstrom by Greg Cox.
It had good characterizations of the familiar star-ship crew but felt slow and poorly paced. I guess coz it's so much longer than a 50 minute TV show.
The way the Federation has supposedly done away with money and need makes a gold-rush story difficult to fathom. How can you have a gold-rush ("pangeum" rather than actual gold) of people heading to a mining-planet if nobody uses money or has any personal wealth?
By making the planet only a potential Federation member, it turns out.
Then everyone can act like a Ferengi.
Anyway, it was okay, but didn't really feel much like watching the old TV shows did.
#reading #books #starTrek
2024-05-04 16:30:42

“leisure digital reading does not seem to pay off in terms of reading comprehension, at least, as much as traditional print reading does.” #edtech #education #reading
2024-06-18 14:01:23

"Well, for one, we can start by saying that #books and #reading and our collections are still vital to ALL of the work we do. #Libraries offer more programs and services than people realize."<…
2024-05-10 14:06:43

reading now: I somehow missed Poul Anderson reading sci-fi as a kid but I’ve lately gotten into his works, particularly the Dominic Flandry books like “Agent of the Terran Empire”
#books #reading #scifi

Four books stacked horizontally: Agent of the Terran Empire, The Corridors of Time, Operation Chaos, and (obscured) The Trouble Twisters.  In the background there is a rectangle made of anime character squares crossing the corner of two walls.
2024-06-15 17:48:01

Some light #reading arrived today.

The Blindfold by Siri Hustvedt. Black cover. Minimalist white line drawing of a man’s jacket. A red handkerchief pokes  out of a pocket like a flame. 

The Ark Sakura by Kōbō Abe. Light black cover with strokes of deeper black evocative of tropical foliage. A large green beetle’s left half is in the upper right hand corner, a globe on fire the lower left.
2024-04-27 13:08:24

🇬🇧 I think I will manage to finish #reading the #Silo trilogy over the long May weekend! I had a slight break after the first two parts, but today I grabbed my #ebook reader and start…
2024-06-09 00:54:02

Neither The Ark Sakura by Kōbō Abe nor The Blindfold by Siri Hustvedt (a Pete Townsend recommendation) being available to order at my favorite independently owned bookstore I bought The Lighthouse by Virginia Wolf, partially for its #teal cover. 🩵
Word Cloud Press.
2024-06-01 16:43:54

Read Gary Stevenson's book "The Trading Game". Him off of the economics youtube channel who goes on about how inequality will destroy the middle classes and turn society into a new feudalism.
He's pretty cool on economic analysis, and he tells an engaging story too it turns out, about how a poor kid growing up in the shadows of the banks got into a job there and became a millionarie by being the top-ranked trader from the bank, by betting on just that: Society becoming shitter because the rich will own everything and everyone else will have nothing.
The book's more the story of the poor kid becoming the rich trader than economic analysis, so the topic of societal inequality is more backgrounded than preached like on the youtube shows,
It's a good captivating story, and doesn't make me have any sympathy for bankers at all, but the things wrong with the world aren't really the fault of the guys on the trading desks, it's the systems they work for. They don't really understand those sysdtems either in most cases.
#reading #books #garyStevenson #tradingGame