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2024-05-14 18:28:03

Buying a #CP train seat reservation (when you have an #Interrail pass) in Portugal is so much simpler and faster than for #Renfe trains in Spain. No need to show your passport or national ID for the sales…
2024-05-06 18:37:05

Passports have had machine-readable text for ages. Still, whoever designed #Renfe’s over-the-counter ticket sales IT system didn’t think of including a suitable reader. (Don’t know about the self-service ticket machines.) Even if Renfe, like all long distance travel companies in Spain, requires the passport or ID card number of each passenger. (Which then is, I assume, extremely rarely checked, b…
2024-05-10 05:51:04

Might this perhaps be good news? Or it is just marketing BS? #Renfe
2024-05-09 08:41:46

Nice complimentary breakfast in #Renfe AVE in this expensive class of reservation (23.50€) that we were sold to go with our first class #Interrail. Not exactly #FreeStuff, but still.
But obvi…
2024-05-06 14:29:52

More #Renfe rant: This display showing who is next in line to be served at the counter uses most of the area to display ad videos. Instead of for instance using a larger font for the numbers so that they could actually be seen by people standing far away. Oh, and some of the queue numbers use both capital O and digit zero. And there are benches to sit on in the corner, from which the display is n…
2024-05-06 14:29:52

More #Renfe rant: This display showing who is next in line to be served at the counter uses most of the area to display ad videos. Instead of for instance using a larger font for the numbers so that they could actually be seen by people standing far away. Oh, and some of the queue numbers use both capital O and digit zero. And there are benches to sit on in the corner, from which the display is n…
2024-05-06 12:17:00

What the actual duck? Buying train tickets Madrid–Cordoba from #Renfe on the web, one gets put on a bloody waiting list (page) for five minutes, before one even sees what connections there are? (To check how full trains might be, and to potentially buy a normal ticket.) Spain seems to be really weird and backwards for train travel in many senses, not just
2024-05-06 06:57:21

Good job, #Renfe and Java. #PublicComputerError
2024-05-02 07:14:25

In a #Renfe AVE (built by Siemens) to Madrid. The train is nice, but the boarding procedure with its security theatre and queueing is such a joke. #Interrail
2024-05-11 15:39:29

There is a train connection from Lisbon to Badajoz (border station in Spain) that arrives at 17:26. Guess when the train to Madrid leaves Badajoz? Four minutes earlier of course. Because reasons. Would be reasonable to expect state owned railway companies in neighbouring countries to coordinate their timetables, right? #CrossBorderRail