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2024-12-18 03:43:24

Russian arms warehouse near Markino, Donetsk goes up rather convincingly.
2024-12-26 13:21:18

Retour d'Annemasse, comme voyageurs, je profite du calme de la cabine arrière.
2024-12-17 09:23:47

Fast zu spät bemerkt, und das hätte mich richtig geärgert: Die Wahl des #Latein-Worts des Jahres 2024 steht an, aus der vom Thesaurus linguae Latinae kuratierten Auswahl neu aufgenommener („entdeckter“?!) Wörter! Unbedingt alle abstimmen!!
2024-12-17 23:40:23

Drawing attention to this thread of comments of mine from a few days ago, as it goes deeper into apparent efforts from European nations to Trump-proof Ukraine, which is actually VERY important for European security.
It's nice seeing news articles pointing out Ukrainian funding & Russian appeasement isn't something Trump gets to dictate, but rather, a situation where Europe is trying to diplomatically push back against Trump to defend their legitimate security interests.
2024-11-09 14:32:10

Series C, Episode 03 - Volcano
MORI: [V.O.] If you come in that approach, you will find no detectors to pick you up, and no opposition.
SERVALAN: Excellent. We will regroup immediately and approach on that bearing. B7B3

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image depicts a person sitting in what appears to be a futuristic or sci-fi setting. The individual is wearing a white outfit with silver accents, which suggests a space or sci-fi theme. Behind them is a control panel filled with knobs and buttons, enhancing the high-tech environment. The seat and surrounding decor have a retro-futuristic design, commonly seen in science fiction shows from past decades. The overall atmosphere is one of command and technolog…
2024-12-13 17:39:45

Okay, wait
There’s a native port of Shadow of The Tomb Raider? Can I get it if I only own Shadow on Epic?
#LinuxGaming #Linux #Gaming #TombRaider