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2024-05-25 17:12:08

It's painful to watch Russia hitting civilian targets at will in Kharkiv, this must stop, deliver all weapons to Ukraine it needs and allow to strike in Russia to defend itself.
#ukraine #russia #kharkiv


Two decades before the war against Ukraine, a “special operation” was launched against #Russian #historical #memory,
aggressively reshaping the nation’s understanding of its history and identity.
The Kremlin’s
2024-03-26 16:53:30

Had this happened in nazi #Russia, it'd be the West's fault.
2024-05-24 19:03:33

Russia running a distraction compaign by messing with buoys on borders.
#RussiaUkraineWar #NATO #Europe
2024-04-20 20:24:17

The turmoil in the Middle East has led to many speculations about the extent to which Russia and Iran are coordinating their actions. So I decided to make a video about the relationship between #Russia, #China, and #Iran
2024-04-27 12:25:53

Electronic warfare by Russia in Estonia.
2024-03-26 16:53:30

Had this happened in nazi #Russia, it'd be the West's fault.
2024-05-24 20:20:45

💣 How one crack in the line opened a path for the Russians
2024-06-17 10:57:51

It is a public holiday in #SouthAfrica - but the opinions must flow.
And I happen to have some opinions about what SA could have said to #Russia, just days before the #Ukraine peace conference last week.
Phillip de Wet | It got weird when SA went to Russia and spoke only about Gaza
2024-05-12 15:25:59

Russia has intensified the nuclear rhetoric, but that does not mean that we are close to nuclear war. In this video I discuss why #Russia is unlikely to use nuclear weapons in #Ukraine. The short version is that it would make the situation even worse for Russia itself, and that it wouldn't le…
2024-06-14 15:43:03

What doesn't help 🇺🇦 civilians:
❌ unconditional surrender
❌ dictatorial “peace”
❌ eternal “neutrality” (like belarus)
❌ having to ask #russia for approval of foreign policy
❌ handing everyone russian passports
What would help #Ukraine:
✅ air defence for ene…
2024-04-24 14:45:31

Nazi #Russia arrested its vice defence minister on charges of corruption.
The question is not the corruption itself. Of course he did lots and lots of corruption. Every single ruler in nazi Russia did lots and lots of corruption, most of all Putler.
The question is what did he do or say to displease the rest of the mafia. That's what I'd like to know.
2024-06-16 10:00:00

"The cost of ‘conflict carbon’: Russia could face €30bn climate reparations bill for war in Ukraine"
#Russian #Ukraine #Environment
2024-04-07 01:29:08

A former #Republican city official and National Guardsman from Holyoke, #Massachusetts — who was due in court on child sex charges — has fled to #Russia and joined the Russian armed forces to fi…

The Guardian
Fugitive former US city councillor enlists with Russia for war in Ukraine

Wilmer Puello-Mota, wanted on child sexual abuse image charges, enlists after apparently volunteering for assault on Avdiivka
Pjotr Sauer
Fri 5 Apr 2024 06.30 EDT
2024-05-21 20:34:47

Apparently Russia has decided to unilaterally change the borders in the sea between #Lithuania, #Finland and #russia
“According to the document prepared by the Ministry of Defense, Russia intends…
2024-04-23 17:13:46

🪖 Russian military trainers arrive in Niger as African nation pulls away from US
2024-04-04 07:19:21

I macchinari per munizioni made in Italy sono serviti alla Russia per armare le sue forze speciali – di Dylan Carter
2024-04-09 20:33:00

Most Excellent.
“The Istories website said Ukrainian drones might have destroyed 15 percent of Russia's oil refinery facilities. Russia's Federal State Statistics Service said earlier that, by the end of March, the volume of gasoline produced in Russia had decreased by 14.3 percent.”
2024-03-29 11:03:33

My heart goes out to this guy.
NYTimes: ‘Every Day Is Hard’: One Year Since Russia Jailed a U.S. Reporter
‘Every Day Is Hard’: One Year Since #Russia Jailed a U.S. #Reporter
2024-04-17 20:46:22

If #China can convince/bribe #Russia to pull out of Ukraine, Europe would almost certainly have to start moving away from the #US.
It could be a new era of Chinese diplomacy.
2024-05-13 10:33:23

#SouthAfrica has two potential kingmaker political parties that directly and formally support #Russia, despite its increasingly hot nuclear rhetoric.
So even a change in government away from the supposedly Russia-neutral ANC later this year will likely still see SA foreign policy in support of #StrangeloveRussia.
Phillip de Wet | Russia is going feral. 20% of South Africans apparently think it is the good guy
2024-04-24 11:10:41

Interesting for all "Kremlin watchers", Timur Ivanov was close to Shoigu so everybody is speculating what this means 🤔
#Russia #Shoigu #TimurIvanov
2024-05-05 15:00:01

"European intelligence agencies have warned their governments that #Russia is plotting violent acts of #sabotage across the continent as it commits to a course of permanent conflict with the west...
Russia now seems comfortable carrying out operations on European soil."

Why Russia Is Protecting North Korea From Nuclear Monitors:
The monitors have provided vivid evidence of how 🔥#Russia is keeping Pyongyang brimming with #fuel and other goods, 🔥presumably in return for #weapons that Russia can use in…
2024-06-04 15:06:24

The US has already been at war with Russia for a decade, just not with bullets. Or rather, #Russia has been at war with us, and all of NATO. It's high time we recognized that for what it is.
2024-04-22 21:09:32

💥 Dissident’s Arrest Puts Putin’s Past on Trial
2024-05-02 18:32:42

Some good news from Russia, for a change:
Gazprom plunges to worst loss in decades as sales to Europe collapse

Why Russia Is Protecting North Korea From Nuclear Monitors:
The monitors have provided vivid evidence of how 🔥#Russia is keeping Pyongyang brimming with #fuel and other goods, 🔥presumably in return for #weapons that Russia can use in…
2024-04-22 21:09:32

💥 Dissident’s Arrest Puts Putin’s Past on Trial
2024-06-04 03:03:24

I guess the #Philippines has the same clueless leftists as #India, who think everything is a US-led conspiracy, and believe #Russia is the same entity as the
2024-04-27 12:54:45

Strong cover by Der Spiegel
#afd #russia #derspiegel #germany

Spiegel cover about Afd
2024-03-28 22:26:30

This is how the world comes closer to Nuclear War, and it's aided by the idiotic and corrupt US Congress.
Putin: I want you to make ammunition for my forces in Ukraine.
Kim: OK, but I want to be able to develop my nuclear weapons without oversight.
Putin: Deal.
Either we help Ukraine beat Russia ASAP or we go further down this nuclear road…
2024-04-09 05:04:50

Some news for those who still believe that #russia isn't hostile to human life: will most likely be censored in russia for “terrorism”, i.e. participating in the “extremist” LGBT movemen…
2024-05-09 21:58:34

🐻 Why Russia Doesn’t Want to Liberalize
2024-05-15 17:22:47

What a surprise 🙄
#JCB #Russia #exports #Conservatives #Conservative #Tory #Tories
2024-04-20 18:43:09

Impounding russian funds and transfer to Ukraine was also part of the vote, not unimportant.
#ukraine #russia
2024-04-09 10:46:40 (#piped) is blocked in #russia
and it…
2024-04-11 13:44:19

It remains completely crazy that the US doesn't think it's a good idea that Ukraine strikes oil installations in Russia, while Russia keeps destroying civilian infrastructure like powerplants in Ukraine....
#Ukraine #USA
2024-06-12 16:16:30

#Spiegel magazine reports that #russia may be using satellite imagery from #Airbus to coordinate air strikes.
There have been numerous occasions where “someone” ordered satellite photos of a part…

Map of northeastern Ukraine: Rectangles depict satellite photos from Airbus, and crosses mark russian air strikes. Clearly, there's a 100% overlap between Airbus photos and air strikes.
2024-04-13 18:45:10

🖐️ Report details how Russia obtains Starlink terminals for war in Ukraine
2024-04-20 20:41:52

Let's not forget Trump delayed aid to Ukraine for half a year, assisting Putin, causing unnecessary deaths and destruction. Even now the majority of republicans voted against the aid, the US is still at risk, a Trump presidency is still possible after november.
#ukraine #russia
2024-04-28 06:15:28

Italy summons Russian envoy over #Ariston subsidiary takeover
#Russia, and you won't have this risk!
2024-04-17 11:03:11

It was predictable that with the coming Israeli strike on Iran, the inevitable counter-strike from Iran, Russia would intensify it's efforts in Ukraine and it seems to be happening.
#Russia #Ukraine #Geopolitics
2024-06-06 10:33:31

#Putin is already a sneaky coward - he wants to continue destroying and killing people from Russian territory, from civilian infrastructure in Ukraine, without allowing Ukraine to defend itself. (Someone on ZDF said: like the hunt for the Moorhuhn).
He threatens, but forgets that he lives in a glass house when he throws stones.
2024-05-31 08:55:31

#Germany follows the US' lead and also allows #Ukraine to strike russian military targets in #russia for defending #Kharkiv

German public broadcaster Dlf reports in a breaking news alert: “Federal government permits use of German weapons against targets on russia for defence of Kharkiv”
2024-06-15 04:55:44

BBC Ukrainecast: "What are #Putin's ceasefire terms? #Ukraine rejects #Russia’s proposal ahead of #swisspeacetalks
2024-04-19 12:11:28

Reading various news about russian secret operations in europe it's clear there is already a covert war going on, on par with the cold war of the 80s it seems, with GRU and FSB involved in all kind of operations.
#russia #GRU
2024-05-07 13:27:34

Meanwhile, in nazi #Russia, the dictator guaranteed that he WILL die in office.
Probably killed.
2024-04-19 14:08:20

The Insider identified man threatening Maxim Mironov, leading to arrest of Leonid Volkov's assailants.
2024-04-19 14:08:20

The Insider identified man threatening Maxim Mironov, leading to arrest of Leonid Volkov's assailants.
2024-05-12 18:55:07

Patrushev was arguably the most powerful man in Russia after Putin so it will be interesting to see what happens to him...
#russia #patrushev #putin
2024-06-13 08:43:10

The Ruble is falling, Gazprombank is apparently down and authorities in Russia are probably trying to avoid a bank run.
#Russia #gazprombank #bankrun

2024-05-03 15:08:09

Please listen to Ralf Fücks, former director of @…:
“It is pointless to speculate about whether #russia's political and military leadership shares this nuclear forward strategy. It is more important how the West reacts to that nuclear extortion: with preventive c…
2024-06-14 11:12:27

Putin issued an ultimatum for peace talks in Ukraine: Ukraine should withdraw from Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine, recognize everything above, and also Crimea as Russia and refuse to join NATO ever. Territories Ukraine should give up, besides already occupied, marked red on the picture.
Not a realistic proposal.

picture from Julian Röpcke on X, shows the territory Ukraine should give up for a cease-fire.
2024-05-05 17:26:27

Heh... Looks like the nazi regime in Moscow placed Zelensky on a wanted list.
Tsc tsc tsc...
Considering Putin is wanted by the INTERNATIONAL criminal court, this is so farsical it's a mere clown move.
I'm sure the clown of clowns, Medvedev, is happy about it. At least while he's somewhat counscious between two bottles of vodka.
2024-05-04 13:15:07

🏃‍♂️ The U.S. Should Help This Russian Dissident Survive
2024-05-06 20:18:15

Russia is advancing in Ukraine at the moment, for those people who want negotiations at this time (and not total surrender of Ukraine) , Russia should at least stop it's current advance and attacks on civilian targets, otherwise talks are impossible, it won't for now...
#ukraine #russia
2024-03-29 13:57:43

russian propaganda right in my university. "they support nazism", "save donbass from ukrainian army", "they fighted on the hitler's side". nothing more than lies and manipulations.
btw they might use students to develop military projects, like drones. ive heard proffessor discussing such a projects with some suspicious people
2024-04-02 16:21:14

The "collective west" is at it again, attacking mother #Russia.
2024-04-17 10:10:27

Unearthing APT44: Russia’s Notorious Cyber Sabotage Unit Sandworm.
#cybersecurity #Russia #APT44
2024-04-01 10:15:29

This is some serious James Bond style stuff.
There is/was allegedly a Russian secret service unit whose purpose was to target US military and security personnel around the world by using sonic weaponry to disrupt their brain patterns.
#Unit29155 #Russia #USA #SonicWeaponry #HavanaSyndrome
2024-04-06 08:54:42

If i was Russia i would use the possibly coming escalation by Iran to simultaneously take some more offensive actions in Ukraine. The US and Europe will be distracted. It could even be possible that Iran and Russia coordinate their actions ? 🤔
#Iran #Russia
2024-06-06 13:53:20

That's reassuring for Russia, that launching pads/bases for their longrange weapons systems that strike Ukraine everyday are safe from attack....🤯
"Biden said that strikes on Ukraine can only be carried out near the border, but not 200 miles (321 kilometers) deep into Russia."
#USA #Russia
2024-04-02 15:22:02

Tell me again what the difference between #Israel and nazi #Russia is?...
(OK, Israel isn't arresting protesters... yet.
Unless, of course, they're Palestinian, in which case it does... if they're lucky enough not to be shot dead.)
2024-05-05 15:38:42

📉 Russian troops seize two villages near Avdiivka in Ukraine
2024-04-15 15:21:32

The elephant in the room is whether EU and NATO will simply allow Putin to take west-ukraine if things go terribly wrong...or if there is a "red line" somewhere or somehow, probably not i am afraid. Putin knows that too.
In a worst case scenario europe should prepare for millions of refugees. Also a country ilke Moldova will be next.
2024-04-01 11:50:12

Oh. Right. We're starting April.
Happy #Russia day to all that celebrate.
2024-05-10 11:28:09

#Breaking news: #russia has launched a ground offensive into #Kharkiv
It is our fault that #Ukraine
2024-04-13 18:21:56

The effect of a Russian glide bomb in Ocheretyne, Donetsk region (picture by Bart Aafjes on X)
#ukraine #russia

Glide bomb damage in Ukraine, Donetsk region
2024-04-28 19:52:31

Entretanto, na #Russia nazi, jornalistas andam a ser presos a torto e a direito por se atreverem a dizer algumas verdades sobre o regime e a invasão que o regime lançou.
Hoje o Evgueni Muravich faz uma reportagem sobre os russos... de Lisboa. E as cartas que eles escrevem de cš aos presos políticos que os nazis encarceraram.
Coincidência? Pouco provšvel.
2024-04-06 09:10:20

If Russia would conquer a larger part of Ukraine, it can surely not control it (that's math, troops. territory etc.). So that possible scenario would mean decades of continous civil war in that region and central europe. Besides large additional refugee streams. Europe can't afford to let Russia win in Ukraine.
2024-03-28 17:59:20

#Russia isn't thinking this shit through.
If they insist in blaming Ukraine for the terrorist attack in Moscow, against all evidence, then next time, knowing full well it's going to get blamed no matter what, Ukraine WILL hit exactly that way.
And no Russian government fucker will be safe anywhere. Because they CAN'T stop those attacks. Not with all FSB working overtime to…
2024-05-12 18:46:54

Sergei Shoigu is now going to head the Russian security council instead of Nikolai Patrushev, arguably Putin's closest aide. No word on where Patrushev is going 🤔
Andrei Belousov is the new defense minister.
#russia #geopolitics @…
2024-03-28 17:59:20

#Russia isn't thinking this shit through.
If they insist in blaming Ukraine for the terrorist attack in Moscow, against all evidence, then next time, knowing full well it's going to get blamed no matter what, Ukraine WILL hit exactly that way.
And no Russian government fucker will be safe anywhere. Because they CAN'T stop those attacks. Not with all FSB working overtime to…
2024-06-01 06:00:38

Just another night of attacks on Ukraine, Russia is clearly not interested in peace but only interested in the destruction of Ukraine. 100 aerial projectiles, some 80 were taken out.
#ukraine #russia
2024-05-27 20:30:47

ATACMS must be a frustrating weapon system for Russia, precise , destructive, difficult to intercept. It seems Ukraine can strike at will with this weapon.
#Ukraine #ATACMS #Russia
2024-06-07 12:26:45

Very cynical how Putin and Belarus use refugees/migrants as a weapon at the border with Poland and elsewhere, it's a form of warfare not everybody is aware of.
#putin #russia #belarus
2024-06-15 13:37:27

Many Russian aircraft are almost "vintage" , the Su-24 Fencer is a good example from the 80s
2024-05-01 14:35:14

Crucial battle for Chasiv Yar in Ukraine. The picture says it all.... 😬
#Ukraine #Russia #ChasivYar

Battle for Chasiv Yar
2024-05-01 14:35:14

Crucial battle for Chasiv Yar in Ukraine. The picture says it all.... 😬
#Ukraine #Russia #ChasivYar

Battle for Chasiv Yar
2024-05-02 13:24:58

PDF schematics for the Tobol electronic warfare system in Kaliningrad. Leaked. I am wondering why, probably to increase awareness about these installations.
2024-05-31 13:24:31

If we would not allow Ukraine to defend Kharkiv by striking on russian territory (check the map) we would essentially tell Ukraine to give up this territory, city and people living there...
#ukraine #russia #geopolitics

map of area around Kharkiv
2024-05-31 13:22:18

"Blinken confirmed President Biden has approved use of US provided weapons for Ukraine to defend against Russian forces amassing on border and striking into Kharkhiv from Russian territory" , this is not escalatory but purely defensive, some people just don't understand that...
#ukraine #russia
2024-05-10 09:46:10

All attention on #Gaza and #Israel is good for #Russia in #Ukraine. Russia will encourage and fuel protests i…
2024-05-11 20:02:21

Absolute massive protests in #Tiblisi #Georgia against influence from #russia
