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2024-05-04 21:40:53

"there’s not the slightest sign in the #SNP of the fearlessness such “illegal’’ behaviour would require. So the wish for #ScottishIndependence will survive, even though the vehicle to carry it sits on the hard shoulder with flat tyres" -- Neal Ascherson on the useless SNP
2024-04-29 08:04:32

Yousaf is mistaking himself as the problem, they're after the whole Govt. Weariness with a Govt that's run too long isn't just a Tory problem.
#SNP #ScotPolitics
2024-05-03 18:19:19

Humza #Yousaf isn't a great politician, but he isnae a rubbish politician either, and the #SNP is short of talent at Holyrood. #Swinney would be unwise no tae gie him a cabinet seat; and gien hoo
2024-05-02 07:54:34

My friend Lesley Riddoch writing about "real policy differences between John Swinney and Kate Forbes" in @… this morning.
Sorry, Lesley, but if JOHN SWINNEY is being presented as the standard bearer for the LEFT of the #SNP, then we're in much mor…
2024-05-29 04:37:37

Lesley Riddoch here arguing, essentially, that we all have to bite our tongues, haud oor whischt, and vote #SNP, because "they're the only parliamentary route to #ScottishIndependence. I count Lesley as a friend and as someone I greatly respect, but I think she's wrong here: there …
2024-04-27 16:13:37

"When that old order fell, it took the form of a well-earned landslide, and a clear step towards something genuinely new. After a decade and a half, the Bute House Agreement breathed new life into those fading hopes. Now it seems more likely that real change will come crawling out of a tomb, in a faded red rosette"