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2024-06-10 18:56:58

An interesting perspective - the insurance industry have no interest in #SeaLevelRise projections for 2100. It's far too far into the future - as is 2050 to most. - mostly insurers are worried about 2025 - the next 3 to 5 years after that is also interesting as it can help financial planning...
2024-05-05 20:19:24

Global sea level rise is now happening at double the speed of 20 years ago.
#ClimatechangeisWaterchange #ClimateChange #sealevelrise
Via @…

Graph showing the rate of global sea level rise from 1993 to 2023, accelerating from 2.1 mm/yr in the first decade to 4.4 mm/yr in the last.
2024-06-12 05:48:23

Preparing a talk for #WMO executive council on #Antarctica and #SeaLevelRise contributions and it strikes me that this brilliant paper by @… @… project colleague Vio Coulon et al is probably the best technical introduction to the subject- So allow me to share it here...
2024-06-10 16:05:22

The increasing contribution of #IceSheets to #SeaLevelRise visualised by Ines Otosaka at the #ISMIP7workshop
2024-06-10 18:51:29

One of the cool things about the #ISMIP7workshop is the very broad range of participants - we just heard from the #PEERS network helping climate practitioners communicate #SeaLevelRise - now on the the insurers... Scott St George of WTW - an insurance underwriter that supports research into global hazards
2024-05-03 13:08:11

Today is the @… spring meeting. Just had a quick look at this game and it's so cool. Can't wait to try out at home...
#Education | Embark on Expedition Sea Level, a digital interactive activity to learn about the links between #SeaLevelRise, #glacier and ice sheet melting, and human activities