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2024-06-08 08:51:54

'Cowboys' is nog te vriendelijk.
'Medische mafia' is denk ik beter op z'n plaats.
"Huisartsenketen Co-Med incasseert veel patiëntvergoedingen, maar werknemers moeten smeken om hun loon"
2024-06-08 16:13:30

Cracking day out at the Stormont Classic Car show today, organised by the Dollingstown Classic Car Club in aid of Action Cancer and Pancreatic Cancer Research.
The Z8 was my car of the show - I'd never seen one in person before. Absolutely stunning.…
2024-06-09 11:11:36

A night camping in the Surrey countryside, celebrating a birthday
A flight of red kites overhead
Skylarks singing and dropping to their hidden nests
Swallows and martins hawking
Yellowhammer singing
Parakeets squawking

A view of a campsite across a field of long grass, silhouetted against a line of trees, with campfire smoke rising into the sky as dusk falls
2024-06-09 07:16:34

doping is allowed and encouraged in semiconductor manufacturing
2024-06-08 10:35:53

A look at Japan's role in the global chip battle; Omdia: Japanese companies account for nearly half of the world's six crucial semiconductor materials (Wall Street Journal)
2024-06-09 15:07:29

The one-eyed squirrel that I occasionally feed in response to its screen-climbing demands has left us a thank-you gift.
The is the table on the front porch where it typically waits after it believes I have seen it.
A couple weeks back I had dropped and abandoned a pretzel while snacking out there and the squirrel later placed it on the chair.
This is all speculation — it could have been done by one of the handful of cats that visits. But cats aren’t that courteous.

A metal mesh table between two chairs; sitting in the center of the table, almost perfectly aligned with a central support arm, is a small pinecone.
A lawn chair with a mini-pretzel sitting on the front center of the seat.
2024-06-08 08:14:04

I have a ssd of only 40 GB that I use for my /home and `df -h` was showing it was almost full.
Searching for the culprit/s with ncdu has pointed to thunderbird as the main cause of so much usage when syncing IMAP accounts from work, plus the .cache folder obviously. More than 10 GB for .thunderbird!
To solve this, I just have to configure the accounts to store its files in another larger partition.
I'm commenting it here in case someone finds himself in such a situatio…
2024-06-08 06:46:02

Good morning friends 🙋
One more photo from last year's hike.
I took this right after the last photo. After the path bent around the rocks, it went rather even with a very light incline along this side of the ridge.
This great view ahead, I just went on to see how far I could go in reasonable time.
I knew it would become chill quickly with the sun going down

A stunning landscape featuring a majestic mountain surrounded by lush green trees and grass. The scene is peaceful and serene, with the mountain dominating the background and trees scattered throughout the foreground. The colors in the image are predominantly brown and black, with white accents adding contrast. The setting appears to be a wilderness area or national park, with a highland terrain and a mix of tropical and subtropical coniferous forests. The image evokes a sense of tranquility an…
2024-06-09 08:00:05

Simple Golf
Really Simple Golf is a climbing platformer golf, that blends chill vibes with precision driven adventure. Embark on an adventure across vibrant courses, mastering tricky shoots, navigating obstacles, and sinking those perfect putts.
2024-06-08 06:46:02

Good morning friends 🙋
One more photo from last year's hike.
I took this right after the last photo. After the path bent around the rocks, it went rather even with a very light incline along this side of the ridge.
This great view ahead, I just went on to see how far I could go in reasonable time.
I knew it would become chill quickly with the sun going down

A stunning landscape featuring a majestic mountain surrounded by lush green trees and grass. The scene is peaceful and serene, with the mountain dominating the background and trees scattered throughout the foreground. The colors in the image are predominantly brown and black, with white accents adding contrast. The setting appears to be a wilderness area or national park, with a highland terrain and a mix of tropical and subtropical coniferous forests. The image evokes a sense of tranquility an…