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2024-04-30 16:25:11

This article on the death of #Google #search is raw. 🔪
“Rot Master Raghavan is here to squeeze as much as he can from the corpse of a product he beat to death with his bare hands.”
2024-04-24 06:06:23

This is a very entertaining story about Enshittification, written from the inside of the enshittifier. #google #search /cc @…
2024-05-24 12:49:27

GPT-4o never gives such terrible answers as Google AI in search that is being piloted, many terrible examples are shared in social media. Do they use a very simple model or is google's implementation just awfully bad ? 🤔
#Google #AI

example of AI in Google search
2024-05-27 22:42:05

Any friends (or potential friends :)) in #stockholm ? I'll be in Stockholm and have some availability to meet up. Interested in connecting in general as well as with folks in #search, #informationretrieval
2024-05-01 22:45:12

More "Pages" testing with
#AI #Search #SEO #Test
2024-05-05 07:49:00

OpenAI To Launch #Search Engine - #OpenAI will launch its own search engine of sorts soon. The first is that is showing in the log files for some servers, and also, yesterday, there were more business-oriented rumors of OpenAI launching a search engine on May 9th.
2024-06-16 21:44:56

Search engines used to strive for precision over recall: the pages returned being relevant even if not all relevant pages were returned.
Ad-revenue tipped the scale to recall, eroding precision over time. "AI search" just lets them drop all pretense about precision.
It's all about eyeballs. 👁️
2024-04-25 09:31:54 wurde in den vergangenen Wochen als Suchmaschine hoch gelobt. Die Antworten kommen als Klartext, die Quellen werden genannt. Doch auch dieser KI passieren ernsthafte Fehler. Also vorsichtig bleiben.
#Search #AI

Der Kopf einer humanoiden AI wird mit Lupe gezeigt. Eingeblendet ist der Text: "Sometimes I give wrong result, results." Unten ist die Schrift eingeblendet.
2024-06-08 09:54:29

#Search is the WORST use case for #LLMs
How many rock eating, election denying, glue pizzas, and other bullshit do we need to wade through before y'all get it?
2024-06-11 22:55:01

Beloved hero, the rescue can.
Season 7 Episode 10 "Search and Rescue"
#RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #Baywatch
2024-06-13 11:26:00

Google-Herausforderer: zeigt, wie man schon heute mit KI im Web suchen kann - Das Start-up aus Kalifornien sucht Informationen im Web und bereitet diese mit KI ansprechend auf. So soll die "Antwortmaschine" den Menschen Zeit sparen, berichtet der #Standard