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2024-05-18 01:47:05

Jingle Bells is about a variety of Ivy League collegiate hijinks involving alternately riding in and pulling a sleigh along snow-covered lanes, naked, letting your bells jingle as you run along.
#SecretMeaningsInSongs #HashTagGames
2024-05-18 14:00:03

Simon and Garfunkel's /The Sound of Silence/ was a way for them to cope with their severe case of tinnitus, whose likely cause is still being debated by medical researchers.
2024-05-18 00:58:00

Time For 9 o'clock #HashTagGames hosted by @…
Let's play!
How to play: Write something awesome, Use the HashTag, Toot/Post and Repeat!
Hint: Use lyrics, titles, band names. ...anything, you can't be wrong. Use the entire song or just a phrase, or a line or two. Share the real secret meaning or make up something (it's a game, afterall.)
2024-05-18 13:48:56

If you play Harry Belafonte's /Banana Boat/ backwards, record it, then play it backwards once more you will distinctively hear a Socialist propaganda message about sub-human labor conditions in tropical countries created by First World demand for exotic fruit.

2024-05-18 13:40:54

/God Save the Queen/ was actually composed on the spot and performed impromptu during a tournament in 1567, when court musician A. G. Crowley noticed that his brother Wilbur was falling into a dangerous trap being set up by his opponent, the fabled Russian chess player P. K. Kasparov.