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2025-01-14 15:19:08

Well doesn't this look interesting: #MPSGöttingen's renowned dynamo experts Manfred Schüssler and Robert Cameron together with Paul Charbonneau, Masumi Dikpati, Hideyuki Hotta, Leonid Kitchatinov have edited the new Space Sciences series of ISSI #book
"Solar and Stellar Dy…

A bookcover: 
Space Sciences series of ISSI
Solar and Stellar Dynamos - A new era
Manfred Schüssler, Robert Cameron, Paul Charbonneau, Masumi Dikpati, Hideyuki Hotta, Leonid Kitchatinov

On a light blue background, the above is set in white text, with the title and the editor list separated by an illustration of two stellar spheres with complex magnetic field lines drawn around them set against a black image background
2025-01-25 15:25:46

Heute #ADiscoveryOfWitches zu Ende geschaut, die hat mich so gut unterhalten wie schon lang keine Serie mehr. :blobcatcomfy:
Ich denke, dass ich die zugrundeliegende Buchreihe #AllSouls auch noch lesen werde.
In der Zwischzeit versüße ich mir die Zeit damit, endlich