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2024-06-14 16:11:43

There has been a huge shift in the way we talk about, and probably think about sex.
We should consider the ramifications of this change. We should consciously decide if the new way of thinking is better or worse.
#sex #sexual
2024-05-08 13:45:32

No one wants to fuck fish. Fish are not sexy.
But if fish were not sexual they could not reproduce and would go extinct.
RadFems conflate feeling sexy with being sexual, which means they produce all sorts of completely ridiculous rhetoric :-D
#Sexualize #Sexualization
2024-05-08 13:45:32

No one wants to fuck fish. Fish are not sexy.
But if fish were not sexual they could not reproduce and would go extinct.
RadFems conflate feeling sexy with being sexual, which means they produce all sorts of completely ridiculous rhetoric :-D
#Sexualize #Sexualization
2024-05-22 09:10:30

No one wants to fuck fish. Fish are not sexy.
But if fish were not sexual they could not reproduce and would go extinct.
RadFems conflate feeling sexy with being sexual, which means they produce all sorts of completely ridiculous rhetoric :-D
#Sexualize #Sexualization
2024-05-25 03:44:28

There has been a huge shift in the way we talk about sex.
#sex #sexy #sexual #sexualize