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2024-06-16 14:07:59

Prairie dog October 2017

photo of a prairie dog sitting on top of its burrow. They do not live on the prairie, and they're not dogs. They are rodents. They should properly be called steppe squirrels. They are often infested with fleas that harbor the plague virus. Sometimes a whole colony will die off due to this infection. They don't hibernate during the winter and can often be seen scurrying around in the snow on sunny days all winter long. Cute af.
2024-06-16 07:24:10

Overwhelmed at/by Gavarnie. Unforgettable!
#SilentSunday #LandscapePhotography #Photography #Mountains

Photo of the inside of the epic Cirque de Gavarnie with up to 1500m tall rock walls and numerous large waterfalls from all sides. Because of the scale, only small sliver of sky is visible. Lush green mountain meadows on the valley floor, criss-crossed by a network of small creeks & more waterfalls. Isolated snow patches on some of the rock faces.
2024-08-18 11:25:44

2024-06-16 05:02:45

Guten Morgen,
Farmers stuff in Marienbad, Tschechien (Czechia), 2024 by me.

Alter Traktor in einem Bayernhof abgestellt, rechts daneben ein überdachter Holzstapel mit Sägespänen vor dem Stapel vom HOlzmachen, linke vom Traktor ein Wellblechstreifen und allerlei alte Gerätschaften.
2024-06-09 19:58:17

#SilentSunday #SoCal #MonkeyToes

iPhone photo of my ridiculous monkey toes with pale pink nail polish in the cool, sparkly, turquoise pool
2024-06-09 19:21:39

A quiet park in central London, England.

A footpath in a lush green park in London, England. In the foreground is a single red camellia flower, and the pathway continues under a bower covered in wisteria which has not yet started blooming.
2024-06-09 21:11:32

#SilentSunday #photography
2024-06-09 23:38:21

Venice sunset #SilentSunday

View of lagoon with a boat, trees in the distance, clouds and reddish sky
2024-06-09 21:16:27

#SilentSunday #Mosstodon

Close-up of various green weeds and a flat stone with orange-to-green moss growing on top of it.
2024-06-02 14:49:58


A field full of pink clover and yellow and white Marguerite flowers in front of some brick houses
2024-06-09 15:43:25

A quiet street in japan at night.🗼 🌜
#silentsunday #japan #neon

A quiet street in japan at night.
2024-06-09 01:22:27

#SilentSunday #birdsOfMastodon
Red winged Blackbird harassing a Great Blue Heron June 2024

Photo of a great blue heron flying overhead, being harried by a red winged blackbird. No idea if this is typical behavior. The blackbirds do nest near water, and herons will eat anything they find in or near the water, so it’s possible the blackbird is defending its nestlings. He chased the heron for several hundred feet in any case. June 2024
2024-08-11 15:09:55

2024-06-09 19:44:43

A window on a quiet small courtyard in the old town, Edinburgh.
#SilentSunday #FensterFreitag

A stucco-covered building on a small square in central Edinburgh. The stucco is terra cotta coloured. There is an old fashioned sash and case window, with blue and white plaid curtains. In front of the window, a latticework formed by the delicate branches of a magnolia with small leaves.
2024-06-09 18:02:28


Farbiges Kirchenfenster in gotischem Rahmen  und ein Kerzen Regal im Vordergrund, auf dem viele kleine Kerzen brennen
2024-06-02 14:49:58


A field full of pink clover and yellow and white Marguerite flowers in front of some brick houses
2024-06-09 19:57:50

The old boathouse on the Union canal in Edinburgh, on a cold winter day. Iced over, golden light.

A cold winter day with golden light. The old boat house on the Union Canal, a bit ramshackle, a rowboat is moored in front, with a green tarpaulin over it. The canal has iced over.
2024-06-16 14:02:54

#Photo #Sunflower #Photography

A photo I took of one of the sunflowers that's in our back yard. You can see a bee on the left side of the image that was heading right towards the sunflower and he was captured in flight by complete accident.
2024-06-02 14:23:11

#SilentSunday #bloomScrolling #flowers

Photo of a lilac flower next to my mailbox. Pink flower cluster with green leaves be,ow and blue sky above. May 2024
2024-08-04 10:39:56

2024-06-02 09:41:01

Weg auf den Hochries, Samerberg, Bavaria, im Morgenlicht 2024 photo by me

3 Meter hoher Felsbrocken im Wald, auf dem sich Bäume verwurzelt haben. Blick auf den Felsen ins Morgenlicht, das die Frühlings frischen Blätter der Bäume in hellgrün leuchten läßt.
2024-06-16 05:36:12

Morgens war in der #Trinkhalle kein Betrieb, das wirkte unter der Woche schon wie #SilentSunday.
#lumix #gx800

Quadratisches schwarz-weiß Bild eines langen Gangs. Links ist statt einer Mauer eine Reihe von Säulen zu sehen, durch die Zwischenräume auch einige Bäume. Von hier fällt das Licht einer tiefstehenden Sonne in den Gang, die Schatten der Säulen sind waagerecht. Rechts an der Wand ist eine Tafel mit der Aufschrift "Trinkhalle" angebracht.
2024-06-02 17:27:12

#japan #night #silentsunday

A silent street with a red light in Japan.
2024-06-16 08:54:54

Moelfre Mornings
#SilentSunday #WelshPhotography #Anglesey #NorthWales

Foreground sea pink flowers on a sea cliff in front of Moelfre Lifeboat station.

The sky behind has dark clouds obscuring the start of a summer sunrise
2024-06-09 16:11:37

#SilentSunday #photography #BlackAndWhite #beach

Black-and-white photo of a young girl in a white dress with a white flower in her hair playing on a deserted beach. Nothing man-made as far as the I can see, a line of palms on the right, and the surf breaking on the sand on the left, all under a semi cloudy sky
2024-06-16 19:45:22

Swimming wears her out. #BelgianMalinois #DogsOfMastodon #MiddayNap #SilentSunday

iPhone photo of our taupe colored Malinois cross curled up in an ivory recliner with 3 blankets, she’s trying to sleep & has her 2 front feet sticking out straight & her head on the arm of the chair
2024-06-02 17:27:12

#japan #night #silentsunday

A silent street with a red light in Japan.
2024-06-09 14:20:50

#SilentSunday #BloomScrolling #Photography #Fotografie

Durch die Speichen eines Fahrrads mit helblauem Rahmen sieht man eine große Blüte einer lila Rasselblume
2024-06-02 15:17:20

#SilentSunday #SanFranciscoHellscape #SlowStreetsEdition #NoeValley

Photo looking north along the Sanchez Slow Street in San Francisco’s Noe Valley neighbourhood.
2024-06-09 06:53:40

Lazy Sunday.
#SilentSunday #NaturePhotography #Photography #Animals

A group of cute cows chilling and sleeping in the warm evening sun, lying in an alpine meadow near a steep slope. Some of the cows are closely huddled together, resting their heads on a neighbor. A river valley and mountain peaks in the far distance. Clouds moving in, slight haze.
2024-06-02 07:55:31

After the rain.
#SilentSunday #LandscapePhotography #NaturePhotography #Photography

A lush, young & bright green barley field with some bushes and tree line, just before sunset. Blue cornflowers in the foreground. The bright orange evening light is bathing half of the field in a beautiful glow. Vanilla sky/clouds. Early summer mood.
2024-06-02 05:36:03

T for #Wind #turbine for #SilentSunday
Except for a quiet #whoosh every time it past the pole there was nothing to he…

View up the pole of a wind turbine. One blade is in front of the pole, so the overall shape forms a T. A mostly cloudy sky on the background, black and white photo.
2024-06-16 16:06:03

#sensoji #japan #culture #silentsunday