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2024-05-16 04:16:25

So, yeah, what goes up must come down - this is quite the thread from @… on what happens to old #SpaceX satellites...
I am talking to a reporter about this in a couple hours:
This is about an hour away from my farm, so this'll be a fun conversation, and yet another great opportunity to tell a lot of people about what a huge problem we have with unregulated commercialization of orbit.
2024-05-16 02:47:56

Oh look, another Elon company stiffing its contractors.
“Texas property records show that Hydroz is one of more than two dozen companies that have filed at least 72 liens since 2019 against sites developed by SpaceX and its contractors. Combined, Reuters found, the liens have sought payments totaling more than $2.5 million.”
2024-06-15 18:47:06

I follow the news about
, despite their asshole CEO. They are building impressive and, unlike their asshole CEO, reliable rockets. However, sometimes when I read "#Starship" I have to think of this:
2024-06-12 23:28:31

Two tight-lipped #SpaceX guys have now picked up a substantial piece of #SpaceDebris from a recent #Falcon9 launch which had landed on a farm in Canada: An earlier report:
2024-04-02 18:58:14

Seeing some people read the news about #Boeing and #SpaceX and concluding that Elon Musk should build planes - which makes me wonder if they've ever heard of #Tesla
2024-06-06 19:49:10

Busy day in space news! #SpaceX is simply unbelievable. It's absolutely incredible what they can achieve and get through to reality compared to the rest of the industry.
And very happy to see #Starliner make it too! Finally!
2024-06-06 16:29:37

Der #SpaceX #Starship Start heute war eine nervenzehrende Vorstellung sondergleichen.
Aber eine großartige Leistung der Techniker!
Wer den 🚀 nachschauen möchte:
Start bis Landung #SuperHeavy Bo…
2024-06-04 22:34:18

Starship flight test 4 tomorrow! I will be watching. History in the making #spacex
2024-04-02 18:58:14

Seeing some people read the news about #Boeing and #SpaceX and concluding that Elon Musk should build planes - which makes me wonder if they've ever heard of #Tesla
2024-05-16 11:07:03

space junk falling down
Entertaining and actually quite important story from @… about some SpaceX junk falling on a farmer's land, luckily not killing anyone.
#SpaceX #SpaceJunk #Saskatchewan #Canada
2024-06-06 16:29:37

Der #SpaceX #Starship Start heute war eine nervenzehrende Vorstellung sondergleichen.
Aber eine großartige Leistung der Techniker!
Wer den 🚀 nachschauen möchte:
Start bis Landung #SuperHeavy Bo…
2024-06-14 09:59:19

🚀 Die zunehmende Anzahl an Satellitenkonstellationen, wie #Starlink von #SpaceX, könnte die Erholung der Ozonschicht gefährden.
#Satelliten #Aluminiumoxid freisetzen, den Abbau der #Ozonschicht beschleunigt während es jahrzehntelang in der Atmosphäre verbleibt. 🌍
📉 Zwischen 2016 u. 2022 hat sich die Menge an gefährlichen #Aluminiumoxiden in der Atmosphäre verachtfacht. Geplant sind Megakonstellationen mit tausenden Satelliten, was über 900 Tonnen Aluminium/Jahr freisetzen könnte – mehr als das 6-fache der natürlichen Menge.
#Ozon #Umwelt #Satelliten