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2024-04-27 17:09:01

#Spring Now Offers #Free Access for the Spring #Academy Pro Content by @…<…
2024-03-30 16:38:55

It's 9°C and sunny here in #Caledon. I'm walking around the yard looking at all the tulips sprouting early and I've made the decision that winter is over and spring has sprung. So I've removed my driveway markers (for guiding my snow plowing neighbour) and put away the snow shovels.
No disrespect to you Mother Nature....
#Spring #PositiveMindSet
2024-04-28 16:51:26

I recently read a post on "6 Ways To Pass Parameters to #Spring #REST API". Though the title is a bit misleading, as it’s unrelated to REST, it does an excellent job listing all ways to send parameters to a Spring application. I want to do the same for
2024-04-26 18:50:44

Hey friends! Two quick impressions from my evening walk. It's getting warmer - finally! and its Friday!
Tomorrow we'll go for a cycling ride - at least that's what we planned.
#landscape #bayern #spring

A picturesque scene of a vast field filled with colorful flowers stretching as far as the eye can see. Towering trees with lush green leaves are scattered throughout the landscape, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere. In the distance, majestic mountains rise up against the clear blue sky, their snow-capped peaks contrasting beautifully with the vibrant hues of the flowers below. The foreground is dominated by the white flowers and the green grass, while the background is adorned with shad…
A serene scene of a lush green field under a clear blue sky, with fluffy white clouds floating overhead. In the foreground, a sturdy wooden fence stretches across the landscape, dividing the field into sections. The grass is vibrant and abundant, swaying gently in the breeze. The image exudes a sense of tranquility and natural beauty, with the fence adding a touch of rustic charm to the rural setting. This idyllic countryside landscape is perfect for those seeking a peaceful escape into nature,…
2024-04-18 11:00:33

2024-04-08 08:35:14

Hmm… Just last week I was complaining about #Spring in #Oslo not really being Spring.
Anyway I just clicked on the #PennyFarthing hastag a moment ago and it seems this is something I…

A screenshot of post by Velocipede Rider ( beautified by Mastopoet tool. It was posted on Mar 31, 2023.

The spring is never going to arrive, is it?


Post has one attachment. The attachments alt text is:
Yellow penny farthing bike sitting in the snow, leaning against a railing. There is a waterfall in the background.

[While not visible in the picture, there is actually no snow at all on the main roads around Oslo. They are bone dry and lacking ice (fo…
2024-05-26 15:11:35

Simple background added, so I now have a complete game.
Functionally it's mostly equivalent to Jump King (with some differences around wind and ice sliding), but I've added a few additional things that I think would help reduce rage and make it easier to learn.

Animation of the Spring Princess jumping in the wind. The wind oscillates towards the left and right, blowing the Princess a bit as she jumps with the wind.
2024-04-16 17:08:02

6 Ways To Pass Parameters to #Spring #REST API
2024-05-15 06:10:31

Slightly late for #ThickTrunkTuesday
This oak tree near the flooded gravel pits of Testwood Lakes is often inundated by overflow, but rarely this late in the spring
#Spring #Trees

A mature oak with outstretched boughs and fresh foliage is reflected in floodwaters
2024-04-16 22:59:05

The purple iris decided to surprise us today by all blooming at once. So pretty. #spring
2024-04-11 05:17:49

#spring in full #bloom

California Poppy's and other spring flowers
2024-05-08 21:20:08

Damn you, Spring wind 🤧
#allergies #spring

Clip from The Simpsons where Lisa is on the ground in a forest sneezing as we see trees spew their dust and seeds
2024-04-07 16:18:48

"How is #climate change affecting #spring #blossoms? Rare Czech almond grove blooms early
A rare almond grove in the
2024-04-14 18:44:38

Frisches Grün des #Frühlings überall in allen Grüntönen an der Kamp heute bei Peygarten-Rastenstein
Fresh green of #spring, river Kamp at Peygarten-Rastenstein, Austria today
2024-04-07 19:31:42

In an alley in my #WestSeattle neighborhood #spring

A bank of flowers — bright yellow dandelions and something purple — under an old apple tree trunk along a lush green alley. No cars are visible
2024-05-08 21:20:08

Damn you, Spring wind 🤧
#allergies #spring

Clip from The Simpsons where Lisa is on the ground in a forest sneezing as we see trees spew their dust and seeds
2024-05-06 19:37:09

Wuhu! Didn't procrastinate too long and wrote the blog post from our walk on the 1st of May. Lot's of #spring, lots of green, an unexpected chapel, lots of #landscape ..
I'm just happy that my wife tolerates all the interruptions and pauses I ask for when I think I discovered a m…
2024-05-02 16:30:10

This week I tried a voiceover, reading aloud three springish paragraphs. Hear it all in three-and-a-half minutes.
#Poetry #Spring
2024-04-07 19:31:42

In an alley in my #WestSeattle neighborhood #spring

A bank of flowers — bright yellow dandelions and something purple — under an old apple tree trunk along a lush green alley. No cars are visible
2024-04-25 15:03:13

Some of the loveliest tree flowers in our garden are the red maple clusters. I waited and waited for these to come out to catch them and then it was so windy… In the end I managed (after how many photographs?) to get this one, which turned out fairly sharp. #266 of my flower a day project.
Thanks to @… for reminding me of these with his photo.
To view the info and Flower a Day gallery…
#EllieKPosts #bloomScrolling #flowersOfMastodon #trees #spring
2024-04-12 19:55:32

Beautiful day today. Temperature is 76. Got my shorts on for the first time this year. Kids of course love being outside. Love that it finally feels like Spring time. #spring #outside
2024-05-06 19:37:09

Wuhu! Didn't procrastinate too long and wrote the blog post from our walk on the 1st of May. Lot's of #spring, lots of green, an unexpected chapel, lots of #landscape ..
I'm just happy that my wife tolerates all the interruptions and pauses I ask for when I think I discovered a m…
2024-04-09 00:13:13

My pasque flower took a year to get established but now she’s really here. What a delightful plant. The blooms are gorgeous and the plants are literally pettable… every bit as soft as they look.
I took this during the eclipse, which is when I first noticed it was blooming, so this will also be my Eclipse Photo.

A purple pasque flower photographed from above. It has a cluster of seven or eight blooms, only a few of which have begun to open, showing their yellow centers. Its leaves are fine and feathery and covered with soft-looking hairs.
2024-04-02 15:57:29

I have bunch of trees, but I dare to call "bonsai" only this one :⁠-⁠) I brought it home about 3 years back from the wood and besides some re-potting just some trimming and that is it :-) #bonsai #spring

Bonsai with small young leaves in fresh green in a bonsai pot, soil covered with green fluffy moss and one white stone.
2024-05-15 09:29:09

Beans, Beans: What's in a #Spring #bean?

Spring-ish part 2. Which one do you like more?
#photography #Spring #写真 #春

A photograph of white flowers on a tree. The flowers in the foreground are in focus while the branches in the background are out of focus.
A photograph of white flowers on a tree. The flowers in the foreground are out of focus while the branches in the background are in focus.
2024-05-13 00:20:34

#Spring sprang, at least in this little corner of the yard!
#lilies #BloomScrolling #Memphis

Several square feet of garden are shown. The ground is covered with vinca. Lilies colored in reds, pinks, and oranges are blooming.
2024-04-09 00:13:13

My pasque flower took a year to get established but now she’s really here. What a delightful plant. The blooms are gorgeous and the plants are literally pettable… every bit as soft as they look.
I took this during the eclipse, which is when I first noticed it was blooming, so this will also be my Eclipse Photo.
2024-04-14 13:21:37

New green leaves unfurl
On boughs of oak and hazel
Above the blue mist
#Bluebells #haiku #Spring #Woodland

Drifts of bluebells in spring sunshine beneath oak and hazel woodlands

I saw some neat photo opportunities over the weekend.
#photography #spring #flower #mountain

A closeup photo of a white orchid. The petals are shiny.
A closeup photo of pink flowers on a tree branch. There are more flowers and tree branches in the background.
A photo of mountains being partially covered by snow clouds. The lighting is such that only parts of the sky are bright.
A photo of mountains being partially covered by clouds. You can see snow coming down from the clouds onto the mountains.
2024-04-16 06:39:21

Spirit of April
#apple #Blossom #BloomScrolling #Spring

Close-up of white and pink apple blossom with bright green leaves, framed by grey boughs and against a blurred background of gnarled trunk
2024-04-07 14:49:08

About 4 weeks ago I decided to hike at least 3 times a week, to prepare for the golf season. My exercise tracker tells me I've only been out 5 times since then. But 10.5°C and sunny weather got Harley and I out this morning for 3km. On the way home we cross a large open pasture and a couple of turkey vultures were following us. Do I look that out of shape?
#Hiking #Spring #DogsOfMastadon #Caledon

#Spring #photography #春 #写真

A photograph of small pink flowers on a tree.
2024-04-02 18:46:10

Can't wait. 😢
Snowstorm bound for N.S. could bring outages, treacherous roads
#NovaScotia #weather #snowStorm #SignsOfSpring #Spring
2024-04-01 13:32:36

'Tis the season for maple syrup making. For any who are curious about the history and process, I made a slideshow video about the process and you can watch it on Vimeo here:
#EllieKPosts #MapleSyrup #spring #SignsOfSpring #vimeo #Video #slideshow
2024-04-04 12:18:11

Good Morning #Canada
#Caledon residents woke up to a winter wonderland this morning (I'll post pictures later), so it's appropriate that we stay focused on Spring and the promise of gardens and flowers. Here's a list of botanical gardens across Canada.
I'm disappointed that the Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton is not listed. It's Canada’s largest, with over 2,400 acres of gardens and nature sanctuary.
#SpringIsComing #Gardening #BloomScrolling