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2024-05-25 17:27:58

America's Puritan tradition has caused so much evil over the centuries.
The fact that it is being revived now is not something to be celebrated.
#StopTheHysteria #StopNeoPuritanism
2024-06-18 10:03:36

We have a system that doesn't actually prepare children for real life, but one that artificially extends their childhood in order to avoid all possible "harm".
It's a disaster.
#RespectYoungAdults #StopNeoPuritanism
2024-05-16 19:43:34

The Neo-Puritans are not giving up.
They're gonna keep fighting until they control everyone's sex life.
#StopTheHysteria #StopNeoPuritanism
2024-06-14 11:19:46

Nature gave teens all the equipment they need to attract a mate, and the desire to do so,
but left their brains too stupid to make decisions about sex until they're 25???
#RespectYoungAdults #StopNeoPuritanism
2024-05-13 14:46:29

Young adults (ake teenagers) used to get a lot more respect. Their bodily autonomy was a real thing. They didn't get treated like toddlers as they do now.
#RespectYoungAdults #StopNeoPuritanism
2024-06-09 00:16:58

-"inappropriate" is out of fashion now. Today we say "gross" or "creepy"
but it's exactly the same as when Victorian prudes said "impure" and "unchaste"
#StopTheHysteria #StopNeoPuritanism
2024-05-31 05:23:36

Young adults (ake teenagers) used to get a lot more respect. Their bodily autonomy was a real thing. They didn't get treated like toddlers as they do now.
#RespectYoungAdults #StopNeoPuritanism
2024-05-01 15:18:01

-"inappropriate" is out of fashion now. Today we say "gross" or "creepy"
but it's exactly the same as when Victorian prudes said "impure" and "unchaste"
#StopTheHysteria #StopNeoPuritanism
2024-05-12 06:46:02

People in Mississippi are super Puritan and never talk about sex.
They have one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the world.
'Cuz not being told about it does NOT mean you aren't interested and won't experiment on your own.
#RespectYoungAdults #StopNeoPuritanism
2024-06-01 17:15:36

People in Mississippi are super Puritan and never talk about sex.
They have one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the world.
'Cuz not being told about it does NOT mean you aren't interested and won't experiment on your own.
#RespectYoungAdults #StopNeoPuritanism
2024-05-15 22:13:05

Typical dialogue about consent
#RespectYoungAdults #SexPhobia #Consent #StopNeoPuritanism