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2024-06-08 15:58:43

Some pictures of the various sunflowers we have in our back planter.
The first sunflower is currently over 13ft tall and blooming so beautifully!
#Plants #Flowers #Sunflowers

A photo of one of the sunflowers in my back planter. This one is over 13ft tall currently.
A photo of some of the red/yellow sunflowers growing in our back planter.
A photo of a singular red/yellow sunflower that's growing in our back planter.
A photo of several of the yellow small sunflowers growing in our back planter.
2024-06-08 15:58:43

Some pictures of the various sunflowers we have in our back planter.
The first sunflower is currently over 13ft tall and blooming so beautifully!
#Plants #Flowers #Sunflowers

A photo of one of the sunflowers in my back planter. This one is over 13ft tall currently.
A photo of some of the red/yellow sunflowers growing in our back planter.
A photo of a singular red/yellow sunflower that's growing in our back planter.
A photo of several of the yellow small sunflowers growing in our back planter.
2024-06-16 14:02:54

#Photo #Sunflower #Photography

A photo I took of one of the sunflowers that's in our back yard. You can see a bee on the left side of the image that was heading right towards the sunflower and he was captured in flight by complete accident.