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2024-06-06 16:03:09

Historischer Entscheid - Was EZB-Zinswende für Sparer und Häuslbauer bringt #News #Nachrichten
2024-06-06 19:24:25

“Right-wing power-mongers have long expounded the theory of a ‘unitary executive’ as the most…efficient way to achieve a policy agenda that remains deeply unpopular with the American electorate…Vought seeks to transform that theory into a comic book plot arc…
The president becomes…a master accruer of power devoted at the same time to its wide dispersion among the satellite communities of superheroes practicing an elevated
2024-06-06 14:25:03

Not gonna lie, I've always had the impression, finger #trackballs are superior to thumb trackballs. Changed my mind when I received the #Elecom Ex-G Pro and now got my hands (or rather my thumb) on a #Logitech
2024-06-06 07:12:35

Computation-Efficient Era: A Comprehensive Survey of State Space Models in Medical Image Analysis
Moein Heidari, Sina Ghorbani Kolahi, Sanaz Karimijafarbigloo, Bobby Azad, Afshin Bozorgpour, Soheila Hatami, Reza Azad, Ali Diba, Ulas Bagci, Dorit Merhof, Ilker Hacihaliloglu
2024-06-06 14:25:03

Not gonna lie, I've always had the impression, finger #trackballs are superior to thumb trackballs. Changed my mind when I received the #Elecom Ex-G Pro and now got my hands (or rather my thumb) on a #Logitech
2024-06-07 08:52:00

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-06-06 10:14:53

This has been replaced.
2024-06-06 07:27:35

CoLLAB: A Collaborative Approach for Multilingual Abuse Detection
Orchid Chetia Phukan, Yashasvi Chaurasia, Arun Balaji Buduru, Rajesh Sharma
2024-06-10 20:09:19

Gute Nachricht:
Ägypten 🇪🇬 ratifiziert die Maritime Labour Convention MLC 2006
Wir sind seit Jahrzehnten in Ägypten für Seeleute da und freuen uns sehr darüber!
2024-06-13 08:45:05

Roboterhunde schützen Wagons vor Sprayer