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2024-05-02 19:56:46

Haven't posted for a while but been really diving into #SwiftUI with a number of personal projects and work ones and it's come on a long way. Still a little work needed but it's now more fun to work with rather than frustrating. Plus have really noticed that previews now work more than they don't (although tiny code errors still produce inscrutable and really hard to find compile…
2024-05-02 19:56:46

Haven't posted for a while but been really diving into #SwiftUI with a number of personal projects and work ones and it's come on a long way. Still a little work needed but it's now more fun to work with rather than frustrating. Plus have really noticed that previews now work more than they don't (although tiny code errors still produce inscrutable and really hard to find compile…
2024-06-10 19:22:10

Intelligence is taking the headline, not surprising, but honestly I just want to see #SwiftData and #SwiftUI be mature technologies for building software #wwdc24.
2024-05-16 18:04:02

So, if you are using a horizontal paging TabView, make sure that ALL the child views are the same height and otherwise scrolling just stops working! This was fun to track down!