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2024-04-08 10:34:02

#TIL: es gibt eine zeitschrift für "mensch-puppen-diskurse", herausgegeben an der uni siegen:
2024-03-08 07:03:32

#TIL: eine Schnürsenkelspitze nennt man "Pinke" sofern sie aus Metall ist. Phineas & Ferb just taught me.
2024-04-08 13:54:09

#TIL Hunger Games
2024-04-09 07:12:24

#TIL, aus aktuellem Anlass:
Es gibt das eine Sonnenfinsternis-Foto, das alle toppt, obwohl es bald 55 Jahre alt und sauschlecht ist:
2024-04-08 13:51:56

#TIL The open crowdsourced database of food prices
2024-05-06 16:30:35

#TIL that… uh… Windows 12 is not released yet 😅. i honestly thought it that was the latest version and it was just that nobody cared about it. i may seen a youtube thumbnail mentioning "Windows 12", maybe some speculation or pure clickbait, but i didn't click it because i didn't care 😛, i was just like "huh, i guess they are having a tighter release schedule again 🤷".
2024-05-04 09:09:58

#til that when the Russians sent dogs into space, and the Americans sent monkeys, the French sent a cat.él
2024-04-05 21:01:50

#TIL: ring-#pizza. was es nicht alles gibt. (war lecker.)
2024-05-06 16:30:35

#TIL that… uh… Windows 12 is not released yet 😅. i honestly thought it that was the latest version and it was just that nobody cared about it. i may seen a youtube thumbnail mentioning "Windows 12", maybe some speculation or pure clickbait, but i didn't click it because i didn't care 😛, i was just like "huh, i guess they are having a tighter release schedule again 🤷".
2024-03-08 21:50:34

#TIL #California is amongst 5 US States that have #law on the books that can prevent a woman from finalizing a #divorce if she is
2024-04-05 04:06:29

#TIL Our rod cells (the monochromatic photoreceptors) are apparently a little bit sensitive to cyan light. Good to know considering my cone cells skipped that area lol.
Could this be related to cyan being the most abundant in sunlight so we evolved to be less sensitive to it?

Wavelength absorbance of short (S), medium (M) and long (L) wavelength cones compared to that of rods (R). Source: doi:10.1113/jphysiol.1980.sp013097
2024-03-05 15:06:20

#TIL Brown noise is not named from a color analogy like with white noise. It's named because it is produced using Brownian motion, named after Robert Brown.
2024-02-28 13:10:13

#TIL: Beim Fahrrad und Motorrad spricht man eher von #Schutzblech, beim Auto eher von #Kotflügel. Ich hatte beides bisher synonym verwendet. "Kotflügel" ist übrigens ein Begriff, der noch älter …
2024-03-27 14:45:01

TIL. The "buck" in "pass the buck".
Thanks ChatGPT for the info, but it is sad I've to cross-check the info with other AIs. 😥
#til #chatGPT #Copilot

White text on black, part of a dialog:

What is the buck in "pass the buck"?


In the phrase "pass the buck," the "buck" refers to a responsibility or blame that is passed from one person to another. This saying originated from poker, where a marker called a "buck" was used to indicate who the dealer was. When a player didn't want to be the dealer, they would pass the buck to the next person. Over time, it evolved to mean shifting responsibility or blame onto someone else.

The term "buck" in the phrase "pass the buck" originates from poker games in the mid-1800s. It refers to a marker, often a knife with a handle made of buck's horn, which was passed around to indicate who was next in line to deal. When a player was done dealing, they would "pass the buck" to the next person. This practice evolved into the figurative meaning of shifting responsibility or blame to someone else¹²³.
The word "buck" in "pass the buck" doesn't refer to the animal. It comes from a historical practice in card games, particularly poker [Wiktionary: pass the buck].

Back in the day, a marker  - sometimes a knife with a buckhorn handle -  was used to show whose turn it was to deal the cards [InfoPlease: Origin of "Passing the Buck"]. This marker itself came to be called the "buck". So, when a player didn't want to deal, they would literally pass the buck (the marker) to the next person, along wit…
2024-03-30 20:29:47

1. Tapirs are most closely related to equines and rhinos.
2. Mammalian phylogeny is a realm of turmoil that exceeds the worst nightmares of GRRM trying to flesh out Westeros genealogies and their backstories.
3. There's a classification group with broad support that is based on their having scrotums and not being Primates.
4. The slur “wastebasket clade" exists, bu…
2024-05-05 16:21:43

#TIL: "kohero", ein "Magazin für den interkulturellen Zusammenhalt":
[via brandeins
2024-04-27 20:37:25

CSS-Code inklusive media-queries lässt sich in SVG-Dateien einbetten. Dadurch können Grafiken unkompliziert einen dark mode bekommen. Sehr nützlich für den anstehenden relaunch der Seite von @…
2024-03-29 10:20:00

#TIL that now there are two Starbucks outlets in #Mysore. My favourite thing to do at #Starbucks is to place an order and say that my name is Ashtamichiravilasini.
2024-05-02 14:14:26

#TIL Tags on Mastodon are case-sensitive.
Or at least they seem to be based on the two clients I tried (Mastodon and Phanpy). Good to know!
2024-03-05 16:06:57

#TIL: "The Journal of Interrupted Studies"
"… …
2024-02-19 22:44:12

2024-02-20 22:07:37

Today I learned what Sesquipedalian means… and I'm afraid I suffer a strong case of sesquipedialianism, both in English and Spanish…
#TIL #WordOfTheDay #Sesquipedalian
2024-02-22 18:00:11

Live UK #music and #EU exit...
Petition to reduce barriers for a sector that #til apparently employs more people than steel and fisheries.
2024-02-27 12:58:19

#TIL: Zumindest im QR-Code auf Convenience-Food-Produkten vom #Coop ist das #Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum mit codiert. Denn der Self-Checkout-Automat brachte mir heute bei einem Produkt ein Pop-Up "Mi…
2024-04-15 18:44:18

2024-04-19 08:44:28

#TIL that Python's .rstrip(chars) removes any trailing given chars, not the exact given string.
Caused some weird duration displays in #annextimelog, now fixed:
2024-04-27 20:37:25

CSS-Code inklusive media-queries lässt sich in SVG-Dateien einbetten. Dadurch können Grafiken unkompliziert einen dark mode bekommen. Sehr nützlich für den anstehenden relaunch der Seite von @…
2024-03-23 14:59:48

#TIL embiggen is a real word.
Today my vocabulary was embiggened.
It's a word, but it sounds stupid.
2024-04-01 22:16:06

#TIL someone released the complete source for Machines - Wired for War on #Github:
2024-04-27 15:52:54

#TIL that SSRN does automated screening of the contents of submitted papers for medical terminology. My paper has one mention of "severe mental illness" and another of "influence of alcohol or drugs". It is not a paper on a medical topic. Interesting.
2024-03-17 16:10:33

#TIL that npm, the package manager for Node.js, officially stands for "'npm' Is Not An Acronym" and the project doubles down on that in a novel and amazing way. (This tweet is even cited by Wikipedia.)
2024-04-01 21:43:07

2024-02-10 19:58:35

FoundationDB | Home
2024-05-03 13:38:05

#TIL: Vegan Literary Studies.
2024-04-12 18:32:56

#TIL about the so-called #AffordableArtFair, which will take place in #Berlin this weekend:
2024-03-10 15:12:26

#TIL that Denis Villeneuve’s and Isaac Newton’s surnames have the same etymological meaning.
2024-03-25 18:10:55

#TIL: #macOS has a background process named MessagesBlastDoorService, and if you run Messages long enough you might get a few of these, all sleeping and masking SIGTERM. It might correlate to Messages failing to launch. Also maybe related to increasing Messages delays and weirdness. And an absurdly large Messages…
2024-04-01 22:16:06

#TIL someone released the complete source for Machines - Wired for War on #Github:
2024-03-12 16:45:34

#TIL that #Python is older than #Java

Screenshot of Wikipedia articles of Java and Python: Java Highlighted: First appeared May 23, 1995; 28 years ago; Python highlighted: First appeared: 20 February 1991; 33 years ago
2024-02-10 21:43:34

I was today years old when I realized why that meal is called MAC and cheese........... #til
2024-02-11 10:21:50

#TIL Today I learnt that adding `?` after `*` transforms a #regex expression from being "greedy" into "lazy" (important for performance, safe validators, and protection against DoS attacks).
I don't know how I missed this bit of knowledge for so long. :blobfoxbox:
2024-02-14 19:30:00

2024-02-11 14:17:44

nielslaukens/caff2: caff-like tool to mail signed PGP keys to their owner
2024-03-29 20:20:42

Finally a powerful :android: image manipulator!
#til #anyroid
2024-04-15 15:42:23

#TodayILearned that the color Magenta is derived from the 1859 #TIL
2024-02-11 10:21:50

#TIL Today I learnt that adding `?` after `*` transforms a #regex expression from being "greedy" into "lazy" (important for performance, safe validators, and protection against DoS attacks).
I don't know how I missed this bit of knowledge for so long. :blobfoxbox:
2024-04-12 08:19:11

#Vaude, der Outdoor-Hersteller, ist gar keine schweizer Firma aus dem #CantonVaud.
Und weil es eine deutsche Firma ist, spricht man es gar nicht [vod] aus, sondern [fau’de].
Und es fühlt sich…
2024-03-26 07:28:35

#TIL: es gibt ein @gndnet-sachschlagwort namens "Heile Welt". 🙃
2024-04-29 17:56:08

#TIL about the #Mandelmap, which combines two nerdy things that I love: #maps and #fractals! 😍
2024-04-15 15:42:23

#TodayILearned that the color Magenta is derived from the 1859 #TIL
2024-03-25 11:53:42

2024-04-23 07:29:35

#TIL #Voyager is unable to tour 2024 because of singer's cancer 😬
2024-03-25 11:42:45

I followed that #UFO on the mysterious "The Bahlsen Family" logo into the web and found several #TIL​​​​s.

The dust- and moisture-resistant TET packaging is launched on the market. The TET symbol with the oval, the snake, the semicircle and the three dots is actually pronounced "dschet", but has been simplified to "TET". It is derived from an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph and means "eternal while". It stands as a seal of quality for Bahlsen quality, as the TET pack is the first cardboard pack capable of keeping the cookie fresh for a long time.

Translated with (free version)
Bahlsen introduces the first punched card as well as Europe's first flow conveyor system. Eight years before Henry Ford used it in automobile assembly.
2024-04-10 11:25:55

#TIL: "Small-Town-Roman".
2024-02-17 10:34:29

2024-02-15 08:35:13

2024-02-12 18:20:23

#TIL. Long pressing the # key in Android* causes the character № to show up. 😮
I don't know when I'd need that character but good to know the shortcut exists.
*at least on my SG21
#Android #technology
2024-05-02 09:34:31

#TIL #geekend #jetzt5 und es findet in #dresden statt.
2024-03-24 12:25:08
Content warning: uspol rupol arpol uapol

You had to cross Russia in order to fly from New York to Dubai.
#Ukraine #ucraine #til #russia