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2024-08-23 04:54:22

• And, lastly, almost, to the #Ufology community, please look back through the thousands of #UFO #UAP sightings in the databases[. See] how many of the incidents were reported on the night of a
2024-06-23 08:46:56

Von #PublicEye_CH
#Nestlé, der weltgrösste Kaffeekonzern, verspricht, ab 2025 nur noch «verantwortungsvoll» beschafften #Kaffee zu verkaufen. Der 2010 lancierte
2024-08-24 19:09:31

#Mathematicians Prove #Hawking Wrong About the Most Extreme #BlackHoles
2024-06-23 04:07:05

Von #MieterinnenUndMieterverband #MV
📣 Wir sind bereit für den Abstimmungskampf! 💪
Wir wollen keine Beschneidung des #Mieterschutz'es bei Eigenbedarf und Untermiete.

Generalversammlung Mieterinnen- und Mieterverband.
Generalversammlung Mieterinnen- und Mieterverband.
Generalversammlung Mieterinnen- und Mieterverband.
Generalversammlung Mieterinnen- und Mieterverband.
2024-09-22 16:28:38

🇬🇧 Is there already a clever way (or maybe there has always been, and I don't know about it) to add some more functionality to the #ActionButton of the new #iPhone? What I mean is, is it possible to assign some additional actions, e.g. for double or even triple presses instead of just the …
2024-08-24 12:31:56

Our latest piece for @… has gone through dozens of revisions in the past week. "Total" identifies the most extreme type of #LunarEclipse.
…"Lights out on the #Moon marks …
2024-06-23 22:02:04

From #HannaHumenchuk #Ukraine
Fantastic Kyiv, Ukraine 🇺🇦

Fantastic Kyiv, Ukraine.
2024-06-23 07:24:31

From #HannaHumenchuk #Ukraine
Унікальне видовище! Неймовірна краса! Квітнуть чарівні водяні лілії-німфеї на озері Тельбін у Березняках Києва.
A unique sight! Incredible beauty! Charming water nymphaea lilies bloom on Lake Telbin in Berezniaky, Kyiv.

A unique sight! Incredible beauty! Charming water nymphaea lilies bloom on Lake Telbin in Berezniaky, Kyiv.
Beautiful pink water nymphaea lilies bloom on Lake Telbin in Berezniaky, Kyiv.
Enchanting purple, pink and yellow water nymphaea lilies bloom on Lake Telbin in Berezniaky, Kyiv.
2024-06-23 06:18:17

From #HannaHumenchuk #Ukraine
Odesa, Ukraine 🇺🇦
Lviv, Ukraine 🇺🇦
Маючи вибір, завжди обирай свободу. С. Жадан (Given a choice, always choose freedom. S. Zhadan)
Kyiv, Ukraine 🇺🇦

Odesa, Ukraine.
Lviv, Ukraine.
Маючи вибір, завжди обирай свободу.
С. Жадан
Given a choice, always choose freedom.
S. Zhadan
Kyiv, Ukraine.
2024-06-23 05:38:49

From #HannaHumenchuk #Ukraine
Spectacular Kyiv, Ukraine ❤️🇺🇦
Fairytale Lviv, Ukraine 🇺🇦 ❤️
Kyiv, Ukraine 🇺🇦
Busha, Vinnytsya region, Ukraine 🇺🇦

Spectacular Kyiv, Ukraine.
Fairytale Lviv, Ukraine.
Kyiv, Ukraine.
Busha, Vinnytsya region, Ukraine.