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2024-04-30 13:55:49

Yeah, this one is going straight on the wall in my classroom.
#teaching #education

Guy is pulled over in a car, the officer is writing a ticket. The guy in the car says, "To be frank, officer, my parents never set boundaries."
2024-06-16 19:06:08

True story: At the end of a class introducing C operator overloading, a student approached me and said: "I think you just broke me."
#cpp #teaching #trueStory
2024-06-05 05:43:30

1980: "Classroom Discipline"
2010: "Behaviour Management"
2040: "Vibes Tuning"
2070: "#0B3D13-NC3"
#Teaching #Schools
2024-05-15 10:30:13

10 Free Generative AI Courses Offered by Google #tcea #tceajmg #coaching #teaching
2024-04-01 18:56:21

Single-letter identifiers permitted *by law* in *academic slideware*:
(high level; lots of subtlety within this framework)
#programming #teaching #education

A 2-column table with black text on alternating light blue and white background.

Column 1:

a: array
b: bool
c: char
d: double
e: enum
f: float, some function
f, g, h: some 2-3 functions
i, j, k: int, index, counter
l: long
m: lambda, method
n: size, limit
m, n: some 2 sizes, limits
o: <never>

Column 2:

p: pointer
p, q: some two pointers
r: reference
p, q, r: some 2-3 values
s: string, short, struct
t: temporary
u: unsigned, UTF encoded
v: vector
w: wide value <very rare>
u, v, w: some 2-3 v…
2024-05-17 16:45:58

#Teaching assts #StudentWorkers on #UCLA campus repped by #UAW #union
2024-05-14 10:30:18

Coaching, Building Relationships, and Brain Engagement #tcea #tceajmg #coaching #teaching
2024-05-10 11:18:07

Nice quote on ego loss, #immersion, #teaching and #learning