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2024-04-25 19:21:23

#30DaysOfBiking, Day 25: A bit over 9km before dinner. Rode through #Tenero (mostly around the railway tracks), alongside the #Verzasca river, and the northern part of the wildlife sanctuary

A box-girder bridge reflecting itself in a river. Lots of green in the foreground, a village on a hillside in the background. Dark green mountains in the distance.
A meadow and some trees. One tree has two thick trunks and the sun shines through their V. On the left there are multiple mushrooms growing, on the right trunk, a second, much thinner tree seems to grow along.
A traffic mirror with red-white frame showing a cyclist in a yellow hi-viz jacket.
Screenshot (literally) of my Garmin GPS after the tour:

The track looks like a very bend old key. The height profile shows two bigger bumps and two sharp peaks: One on the raise of the first bump, one between the two bumps.

Statistics shown:

14.71 km/h (average)
37:49.3 (riding duration in minutes and seconds)
up 59m down 56m (actually should be identical values, but oh well)
2024-04-24 18:31:43

#30DaysOfBiking, Day 24: Did a late afternoon ride without much a plan. Just wanted to see how much is left from the old railway track between #Tenero and #Minusio where they built the

View from the top of a tunnel portal (with a green meadow on top of it): A modern railway track with concrete railway ties runs towards the tunnel in slight curve. There's though a triangular plain left of it, clearly showing that there formerly was another track running in a more tight curve.
A small mountain road doing a hairpin turn while crossing a creek with a stone arch bridge. Lots of trees and bushes and a few buildings around.
View from Orselina on Locarno, the Maggia delta and the Lago Maggiore in the distance and the monastry Madonna del Sasso in the foreground.
A blue funicular wagon in deep, green cut in the shadow.