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2024-04-24 18:23:15

This reinforces my suspicion that #Tesla is facing a cash flow crunch due to flagging sales. They’re in a vicious cycle right now of price reduction to goose sales, which reduces revenue, prompting more price reductions etc. This bodes poorly for the company.
“Tesla profits drop 55% as Elon Musk dodges cheap car questions”
2024-04-26 20:56:39

El argumento de los defensores de #tesla es que su autopilot es mejor que el conductor promedio. Pero a la vista de esto, el autopilot es una mierda del tamaño de un chimpancé acurrucado
2024-05-26 17:35:41

My #Tesla #Model3 is almost out of its main warranty, and I wasn’t happy with the trade in price I was offered, so….. modding time!
First thing to fix; Put the speed somewhere in my peripheral vision when driving, so that means a second screen behind the steering wheel, and, as an added bonus, I can no…
2024-05-26 22:07:43
Content warning: tesla cybertruck, injury

So this guy CUT HIS WRIST on his new #Cybertruck while trying to wipe a smudge out during delivery. He spurted so much blood he had to go to the ER.
I dread the day when a Cybertruck crashes into a pedestrian. It’s literally made out of knife edges.

Forum post: “I licked my left thumb, and tried to rub the spot to see if it was actually a divet or just some stray adhesive or something...

OUCH! Crap

I jerked my arm back and the employees chuckled jokingly saying this thing can be dangerous.

I, too, thought it was a little slice like a paper cut...

Until the blood started pouring.

A lot of blood...


The two employees scrambled and took off to find something to help stop the bleeding.

The puddle of blood was more than twice th…
2024-05-21 20:22:25

Der Naturschutzbund #Brandenburg plant eine Klage gegen die genehmigte Erweiterung des #Tesla-Werks in #Grünheide. Trotz des Kompromisses, weniger Wald zu roden, kritisiert
2024-05-23 07:53:53

#ElonMusk sagt an, dass #Tesla-Autos wertlos sind. 😉
2024-05-11 18:49:02

Mehr als 1.000 Teilnehmer bei Protesten gegen #Tesla in #Brandenburg

Text Shot: Die Proteste gegen die Erweiterung des Tesla-Werks in Grünheide gehen weiter: Am Samstag zog eine Demonstration vom Bahnhof Fangschleuse zum Werksgelände. Trotz einiger Rangeleien verlief der Protest friedlicher als am Vortag.
2024-05-20 22:42:20

My wife: “It’s like Lego gone wrong.”
#cybertruck #Tesla #ElonMusk

Left side of Tesla cybertruck parked at curb in New Hope, PA, USA
2024-05-21 13:01:44

#solidarity with the people of #NewCaledonia, (still) battling french colonial power & global resource-stripping mega-industry. you might be shocked to learn that #tesla is a recent investor in a nicke…
2024-06-06 21:08:38

This seems like a win-win for #Tesla stockholders. The company gains $56B in assets, and they get rid of idiot Musk who is sinking the company into oblivion (when he even bothers to pay attention to it given his other commitments).

Another Tesla shareholder lawsuit
A shareholder has filed a complaint against #Tesla, challenging the two controversial provisions to be voted on at next week’s annual meeting:
🔸the gargantuan proposed pay package
🔸and change of legal domicile from Delaware to Texas
2024-06-14 17:00:50

Elon Musk, born on third base, thinks he hit a homer.
H/T to mikeke52 over on BluesSky
#Tesla #CyberTruck #CyberCrash

Two pane picture meme
top image shows a Tesla Cybertruck (an ugly, completely stainless steel constructed pick up truck) towing a flatbed trailer carrying a jet engine behind it.
Top Caption: “Tesla showing Off their $100,000
Cybertruck Towing a Jet engine”
Bottom pane shows a 1972 Chevy pickup truck with a tow hitch towing an American Airlines 747 passenger jet. (Image is from a Chevy ad)
Bottom Caption: “A $2,500 Chevy in 1972
2024-05-01 11:39:27

14 bis 20'000 #Mitarbeitende sollen bei #Tesla entlassen werden. Also etwa 1 aus 7. Scheinbar noch chaotischer als die #Entlassungen bei
2024-06-17 15:29:05

So, you accidentally backed your #tesla into a swimming pool because the controls are touchy touch-screens and arrayed backwards to every automobile ever made by anyone else? Don't panic, and don't even try to break the glass (because you can't)
just follow these simple instructions…
2024-05-15 20:34:02

Oh wow, no way, I thought firing everyone in the Supercharger division was a deliberate, well-thought-out decision!
“Here's the inside story of why Elon Musk fired the entire Tesla Supercharger staff—Employees say it was a snap decision after he got an answer he didn't like”
#tesla #elon
2024-05-17 21:15:44

Veteran CNBC tech reporter Lora Kolodny reports on #Tesla's thousands of layoffs and "severe reorganization" in wake of declining stock price, recalls and #legal issues. Positions lost range across all levels from from exec, #autopilot
2024-05-02 13:00:46

Habe lange nicht mehr zum #Streik der IF Metall für einen Tarifvertrag bei #Tesla in #Schweden gepostet. Der Streik geht weiter und eine weitere
2024-05-11 02:19:21

2024-04-30 12:36:28

Tesla will be purchased/absorbed by another car entity in:
#tesla #Musk #cars
2024-05-10 16:21:40

Protest gegen E-Auto-Fabrik:
Sturm auf #Tesla-Gelände!6009649/

Text Shot: „Da simma dabei für das Klima, gegen das Tesla-Werk“, singt der Demozug auf die Melodie des Lieds „Viva Colonia“ der Kölner Band Höhner. 800 Menschen sind am Freitagmorgen unterwegs von ihrem nahegelegenen Camp zur Fabrik des E-Autobauers Tesla im brandenburgischen Grünheide.
2024-06-12 13:28:36

Wow, you can find early #tesla engineers posting on
<Patrician|Away> what does your robot do, sam
<bovril> it collects data about the surroundi…
2024-05-17 17:29:54

Looks like the #Tesla app is showing the location of someone else’s car. 😲
(My car is definitely not in the Netherlands)
2024-05-31 13:30:19

#tesla #cybertruck #incel_camino

Screenshot of a bluesky post by with "Whoever said 'you can't polish a turd' was sadly mistaken" as a caption on a picture of a Tesla CyberTruck polished to a mirror finish in front of a house.
2024-06-12 04:10:52

This is money laundering, right? Pretty sure this is money laundering.
“Tesla paid for Elon Musk’s Boring Company to dig a tunnel under Giga Texas, but why?”
#tesla #boringCompany #elonMusk
2024-06-11 05:35:51

Space Karen lag mal wieder auf einer Erbse: #AppleAI #ElonMusk #Tesla
2024-05-15 03:05:09

Nothing to see here, very normal company things.
#Tesla #cybertruck
“Tesla’s head of Cybertruck manufacturing is out”
2024-05-11 02:19:21

2024-05-30 13:02:13

Ich engagiere mich ja seit einiger Zeit vermehrt mit #Klimaktivisten unter anderem der @…
Aber die Tesla Aktionen habe ich auch nicht ganz verstanden.

Text Shot: Vom 08. Mai bis zum 12. Mai fanden die Aktionstage der Gruppierung „DISRUPT“ gegen Tesla unter dem Motto „Block Tesla – Disrupt Elon“ statt – mit dem Ziel, den Ausbau der Teslafabrik in Brandenburg zu verhindern. Es gab oder gibt (mindestens) ein Protestcamp, Demonstrationen und einen Versuch, das Werksgelände zu stürmen. Die Gruppierung begreift sich laut der eigenen Homepage als eine Bewegung, die „den fossilen Kapitalismus aufhalten will“.
2024-05-15 03:37:00

This “Tesla Influencer” on #Xitter finally recanted his loyalty to #Tesla when they refused to Lemon Law his #Cybertruck after multiple breakdowns.
Glad this guy finally sees the light, but ho boy, the “it’s …
2024-05-06 19:52:13

I guess Elon is getting his wish to lay off 20% of Tesla because sales fell 20% (which is an idiotic equivalence by the way).
“Tesla announces fourth round of layoffs in four weeks”
#cars #ev #tesla
2024-06-06 00:16:11

2024-05-06 20:57:16

I saw a #Tesla #CyberTruck on the road today.
My friend Robert and I drew better vehicles in 1st grade.
2024-05-06 20:38:53

Reminder to not work yourself to death for the sake of your employer.
“Tesla Rewards Dedicated Worker Who Showered at Factory and Slept In His Car By Firing Him”
#ev #cars #tesla
2024-06-01 18:04:32

What do you call a group of CyberTrucks?
A recall
#incel_camino #cybertruck #tesla
2024-05-04 01:52:28

“I understand that this period of change may be challenging and that patience is not easy when expecting to be paid, however, I want to express my sincere appreciation for your understanding and support as we navigate through this transition.”
#tesla #ev
2024-05-14 21:40:42

#Tesla chopping over 3500 #BayArea jobs in #Fremont and #PaloAlto as #MelonHusk
2024-05-17 04:19:27

So…can the #Tesla #Cybertruck actually beat a Porsche 911 in the quarter mile WHILE TOWING a Porsche 911, as Elon claimed?
No. No it can’t.
But it CAN keep up with the slowest Porsche 911 to the 8th mile, which is DAMN impressive.
2024-05-02 16:59:18

What better way to set your company up for success than to burn the bridges to your future employees?
#tesla #ev
“Tesla’s Interns Reportedly Feeling the Wrath of Elon Musk
Elon Musk's massive cost-cutting efforts at Tesla are hitting the company's summer intern class.”
2024-06-12 07:26:05

“And uh…this thing can do pretty well without any of [those extra sensors]”
…as his Tesla swerves into oncoming traffic 😄
#tesla #selfDriving #autopilot

In-car footage of Model S driver explaining how Tesla’s self driving is great as the car swerves into oncoming traffic.
2024-05-30 21:24:32

#heuteShow über #thüringen, #verbrennerverbot und #tesla
2024-06-06 20:27:27

Don’t threaten me with a good time
2024-05-01 18:47:11

Unsafe At Any Speed, redux.
“the report called out Tesla as an “industry outlier” because its driver assistance features lacked some of the basic precautions taken by its competitors. ”
“Tesla Autopilot Was Uniquely Risky—and May Still Be”
#tesla #cars
2024-05-03 04:05:05
Content warning: idiot almost loses a finger

This Darwin Award enthusiast claims that a #Tesla #Cybertruck software update will now *not* chop off your finger when it gets stuck between the frunk and the fender. He then attempts to prove it by inserting his finger between the frunk and the fen…

A guy fails to demonstrate that the Cybertruck frunk will NOT crush his finger.
2024-05-31 07:20:40

Will #Tesla shareholders vote to give Elon a huge compensation package this June 13 (now worth $45B)?
2024-04-30 07:08:10

Is this for real? Did Elon just lay off #Tesla’s entire Supercharger business division?
“Rebecca Tinucci, senior director of the electric vehicle maker's Supercharger business, and Daniel Ho, head of the new vehicles program, will leave on Tuesday morning, the report said.
Musk also plans to dismiss everyone working for Tinucci and Ho, including the roughly 500 employees who work in th…
2024-06-02 20:35:42

Someone is selling a $15k Faraday cage for the #Cybertruck for “doomsday” EMP attacks. 🤣🤣🤣
Literally a tinfoil hat for your douchepanzer.
I guess they figure OTA software updates can wait while they’re protecting you from the zombie apocalypse.
A fool and their money, etc.
2024-05-05 06:02:10

“Cyber Stuck: First Tesla Cybertruck On Nantucket Has A Rough Day”
#tesla #cybertruck #ev #cars