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Stephen Wolfe, an evangelical Presbyterian, advocates an ethnically uniform nation
ruled by a "Christian prince"
with the power to punish blasphemy and false religion.
Wolfe veers chapter by chapter between close readings of often obscure Reformation theologians
and mostly unsourced screeds against the dangers of feminist "gynocracy" and immigrant invasion.
For Wolfe, the nationalism part of Christian nationalism is synonymous with ethnicity…
2024-06-16 13:54:08

If you see me talking to myself a bit on here, I am trying to get @… to answer questions on its own.
2024-06-16 12:20:49

Every time you see or hear the phrase "crisis at the southern border" remember this: a lazy journalist is parroting a right wing talking point.
The "crisis" is manufactured by the Republican Party to pander to racism.
2024-06-16 19:11:02

satellite #radio heads: i will be appearing on tales from the golden road with the doyens @… & g. lambert, today between 4-6pm, on the siriusXM #GratefulDead channel, talkin…
2024-06-16 22:31:25

Yet more journallistic malpractice in NYT coverage of Biden.
Quotes Jodie Evans, a demonstrator against Biden, describing her simply as a "political activist and documentary producer." No mention of the Times's own reporting last August that her husband "works closely with the Chinese government media machine and is financing its propaganda worldwide" & Evans herself "stridently supports China" and works closely with her husband.
2024-06-16 12:37:45

TD challenges Dept of Education on "absence of references to farming" saying “Our farmers deserve far better than to be relegated to the level of a footnote in the conversation around climate"
#ireland #farming #environment

Stephen Wolfe, an evangelical Presbyterian, advocates an ethnically uniform nation
ruled by a "Christian prince"
with the power to punish blasphemy and false religion.
Wolfe veers chapter by chapter between close readings of often obscure Reformation theologians
and mostly unsourced screeds against the dangers of feminist "gynocracy" and immigrant invasion.
For Wolfe, the nationalism part of Christian nationalism is synonymous with ethnicity…
2024-06-16 22:31:25

Yet more journallistic malpractice in NYT coverage of Biden.
Quotes Jodie Evans, a demonstrator against Biden, describing her simply as a "political activist and documentary producer." No mention of the Times's own reporting last August that her husband "works closely with the Chinese government media machine and is financing its propaganda worldwide" & Evans herself "stridently supports China" and works closely with her husband.
2024-06-16 04:40:42

The Kenny Drew Quartet - Hidden Channel
from the album "Talkin' & Walkin'" (1956)
Side B Track 1
( 音楽 / 音樂 / 音乐 / 음악 / music )
2024-06-18 05:02:00

Perplexity und Telekom: Partnerschaft für faule Leute und die Zukunft der Suche
Aravind Srinivas, Perplexity-CEO, und Jonathan Abrahamson von der Telekom sprechen im Interview über die Antwortmaschine und KI-Telefone.