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2024-04-25 07:24:01
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It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
"Wild his [Zeus'] desire had been for Kypris [#Aphrodite], when craving but not attaining he scattered his seed on the ground, and shot out the hot foam of love self-sown."
Nonnus, Dionysiaca 5.611
🏛️ Apule…

Red-figure vase painting of Zeus, seated and holding his sceptre, and Aphrodite, standing and leaning against a column. Her dress is transparent enough to see nipples, her navel, and the hint of a pubic triangle. On her arm sits a winged Eros, caressing her chin.
2024-05-23 12:44:28
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It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
"Akragas, five cities of that name. The first is in #Sicily, named for the river flowing past it. [...] Others say the city is named for Akragas, the son of

Photograph of two sides of a silver coin. On the left the coin shows the laureate head of Zeus facing right, depicted with a full beard and braided hair. On the right the reverse side shows a winged thunderbolt with Greek letters inscribed above and below it.

The Day of the Rope
The Molly Maguires became international news on June 21, 1877, when the authorities💥 hanged ten Irish miners in a single day in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.💥
Known as #Black #Thursday, or Day of the Rope, it was the second largest mass execution in U.S. history.
(The largest was in …
2024-04-18 10:12:43
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It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
"Ganymedes, whom #Jupiter is said to have made cupbearer of the gods, snatching him up from his parents because of his beauty."
Pseudo-Hyginus, Astronomica 2.29

Black-and-white photo of a vase painting depicting Zeus carrying off a sleeping Ganymedes. Both are fully clothed. Zeus has a long, black beard and long curly hair. Ganymedes is beardless but has long hair and his eyes closed in sleep.
2024-05-18 00:42:00

🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #6MusicsEmoForever
🎵 Jet Black New Year
2024-05-16 07:09:00
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It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
"The author of the Cypria says that #Thetis, to please #Hera, avoided union with

Painting of Thetis touching the beard of Zeus as she pleads for her son Achilles.
2024-06-13 07:04:03
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It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
"The king of all gods once burned with love for #Ganymede."
#Ovid, Metamorphoses
🏛️ Pencil drawing of a vase paintin…

Ruled paper with a pencil drawing of a vase painting of Zeus gifting Ganymedes a cock, a common lover's gift, and taking him by the arm. Above the following quotes are written in cursive: "The king of all gods once burned with love for Ganymede. Ovid, Metamorphoses, 8 CE. Ganymede, who was the comeliest of mortal men; wheretofore the gods carried him off to be ZEUS' cupbearer. Homer, Iliad, 700 BCE." Below the pencil drawing, the following quotes are written in cursive: "Setting ZEUS' majesty a…
2024-04-11 07:14:06
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It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
"As soon as he [#Zeus] had seated himself upon his father's throne, he immediately assigned to the deities their several privileges and apportioned to them their proper powers."
Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 200

Roman cornelian intaglio of Jupiter, enthroned, and facing left, wearing a wreath. He holds a spear or sceptre vertically in his left hand behind him, and his right hand is outstretched before; beneath this hand, on the ground, stands an eagle facing the god. The intaglio has heavy surface wear.
2024-05-09 11:16:37
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It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
It's #FathersDay and Lord Zeus is father to all:
"Kronian #Zeus, whose scepter is the thunderbolt, strong-spirited,

Cameo of Zeus or Jupiter in profile with a large wreath or laurel and ivy. He is wearing his hair short with a trimmed full beard and he is wearing the Aegis.
2024-05-09 11:16:37
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It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
It's #FathersDay and Lord Zeus is father to all:
"Kronian #Zeus, whose scepter is the thunderbolt, strong-spirited,

Cameo of Zeus or Jupiter in profile with a large wreath or laurel and ivy. He is wearing his hair short with a trimmed full beard and he is wearing the Aegis.
2024-06-06 07:57:00
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It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
"In these lines Apollonios takes over what Ibykos said in his account of the abduction of #Ganymede [that he was carried off by a love-smitten Zeus] in his song to Gorgias."
Ibycus, Fragment 289 (from Scholiast on Apo…

Mosaic of Zeus abducting Ganymede in the shape of an eagle.
2024-06-06 07:57:00
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It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
"In these lines Apollonios takes over what Ibykos said in his account of the abduction of #Ganymede [that he was carried off by a love-smitten Zeus] in his song to Gorgias."
Ibycus, Fragment 289 (from Scholiast on Apo…

Mosaic of Zeus abducting Ganymede in the shape of an eagle.
2024-05-02 07:36:05
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It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
Zeus sleeps with everyone, even sea goddesses:
"Zeus Kronides had hurried to Plouto's bed, to beget Tantalos, that mad robber of the heavenly cups; and he laid his celestial weapons well hidden with his lightning in a deep cavern."
Nonnus, Dionysiaca 1.145
Plouto is an Okeanid-nymph and minor goddes…

Red-figure vase painting of a naked Zeus in the process of throwing his thunderbolt.
2024-05-30 07:00:00
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It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
"The gods then drew lots for a share of the rule. #Zeus won the lordship of the sky, #Poseidon that of the sea, and Plouton the rule…

Screenshot of Destripando La Historia's animated music video depicting the division of the realms. Zeus is standing in the centre with his palm spread over a simple model of earth as a mountain with the ocean flowing around it and down the sides. On his left is Poseidon with his trident, on his right is Hades wearing a long, dark cape.
2024-03-28 10:57:45
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It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
"On the highest point of the mountain is a mound of earth, forming an altar of #Zeus Lykaios, and from it most of the Peloponnesos can be seen. Before the altar on the east stand two pillars, on which there were of old gilded eagle…

Marble statue of Zeus-Jupiter as a mature, bearded god with shoulder-length hair. He is dressed in a himation draped over his shoulder and around his lower body, leaving his torso bare. An eagle perches at his feet.