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2024-08-09 14:03:10

The traditions and promises of #TimeTravel are both drop-dead serious and drop-dead hilarious. Those are the #duality.
"On the Night of the Total Lunar Eclipse,
Time Travelers descend in their Timeships."
2024-07-05 05:49:04

Liz Truss is out!!!!!
#ge2024 #torydeathparty
2024-07-05 01:56:36

Yes! Lib Dems took Bicester and Woodstock!
#ge2024 #torydeathparty
2024-07-05 02:53:52

Bristol Central goes green with 56.6% of the vote!
#ge2024 #torydeathparty
2024-07-05 05:24:05

No Tory MPs left in Wales!
Da iawn Cymru!
#GE2024 #torydeathparty
2024-07-05 05:44:47

Labour won Banbury! Fantastic! That means the Attorney General lost her seat too!
#GE2024 #torydeathparty
2024-07-05 01:46:59

One electoral reform I'd like to see is to make voting in GEs mandatory.
#GE2024 #torydeathparty
2024-07-05 00:53:28

In my lifetime (I was born in 1971) there have been 4 Labour PMs and 8 Tory.
35 years of Tory rule against 18 years of Labour.
#GE2024 #torydeathparty
2024-07-04 22:48:29

Anxiety particles float about looking for things to attach to. Immigration is a magnet for general anxiety. That's why populists win. But immigration is not really a problem. Sadly the country may not realise this till it's too late.
(Vince Cable has just made the point that there is no immigration problem in Sunderland or Blyth)
#GE2024 #generalelection2024 #torydeathparty
2024-07-04 22:41:42

It's absurd to think you know what people think in the country as a whole because you've spoken to a lot of people when canvasing. No-one can talk to enough people in enough places to get a real idea. And yet politicians consistently say, "when I speak to people, what they say is...." And, of course, they are more likely to remember those who agree with them and dismiss those who don't!
#generalelection2024 #torydeathparty