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2024-03-15 01:59:41

‘Hungry for control’: Kansas House advances ban on gender-affirming care for #trans minors | News From The States…
2024-03-14 08:55:36

#Trans here, trans there, trans everywhere. From my etic perspective lots of performative fem. #Perfem, one might say.
2024-03-14 19:29:20

These transphobic losers are at it again.
#trans #transphobia
2024-03-13 09:14:07

From 2015. This was when I wasn’t acknowledging my own repressed trans desires. This was my idea btw.
“Hey, let’s dress up as fictional women for a training video for work, not at all because I’m actually a trans woman and not realising it yet…..”
#trans #EggMoment

A scene from a video in 2015 when Jae was dressed up as a woman in a red wig
2024-05-15 10:44:15

If gender is a “contested subject that should not be taught” in schools, according to our government, then surely the same applies to religion?
#ukpolitics #trans
2024-03-15 10:38:33

The movies Bicentennial Man and A.I. are two of my favourites growing up.
I realise now why that is. They are stories of individuals, albeit robots, knowing who they truly are and being told by society that they aren’t who they KNOW they are.
These are imperfect allegories, but I still resonate with them.
2024-03-02 08:30:17

The full Trans Facts resource is here. It refutes around twenty of the most common specious attack lines used to deny #trans people's human rights and access to healthcare.
The fact I can even write "twenty of the most common specious attack lines" says something grim about the state of the discourse around trans people. There are plenty more where these came from, alas.
2024-03-07 19:49:06

Stephen Miller Sues VA Schools Over Pro-#Trans Policies - Joe.My.God.
2024-05-10 04:42:27

The "Rapid Onset" is the Moral Panic, not the Gender Dysphoria.
Thanks for a thorough and empathetic episode, #MaintenancePhase!
#trans #LGBTQ
2024-03-08 16:14:13

Biden Defends #Trans Community, Supports the Equality Act in State of the Union – Georgia Voice – Gay & LGBT Atlanta News
2024-03-31 21:01:48

Hoje é o dia da visibilidade #trans? Bom, então registro aqui a todos as pessoas trans os meus votos de que o mundo um dia passe a aceitar vocês exatamente do jeito que são. Que todos os preconceitos do passado fiquem no passado. Que nos comportemos como pessoas do século XXI (e não como em uma nova Idade Média, conforme é o desejo de alguns).
2024-03-31 12:39:54

It's #TransDayOfVisibility today - which makes this a great day to read and/or listen to #Trans Facts, from Resisting Transphobia in Edinburgh.
Cis allies in particular, I beg you to get the hang of gently correcting misinformed friends when they repeat common anti-trans myths!
2024-03-27 21:34:18

"Critics say the newspaper doesn't let trans people speak for themselves while talking about them to its massive audience."
The New York Times didn't quote #trans people in articles about trans issues 60% of the time - LGBTQ Nation
2024-04-03 22:01:18

What better way to drown out trans people than by being upset at trans day of visibility being on Easter? Drowning out all the news of support of trans people with faux outrage.
2024-04-22 10:10:54

Surprisingly sympathetic from the #Grauniad on the plight of #trans teenagers post-Cass.
Things feel as though they're getting pretty bad here. I can remember trying to persuade a trans friend to move from Lithuania to Scotland because I felt they would be safer here. It doesn't feel that w…
2024-03-04 16:01:00

Conservative Media Elevated and Enabled a Ranting, Rage-Filled Anti-#Trans Dad in California — Assigned
2024-03-05 06:08:59

One aspect of being trans is I’m trying to focus on the trans joys.
For instance swimming for the first time or realising my boobs are so big now I need to buy new bras soon.
#trans #TransJoy
2024-03-04 15:55:35

Cis people get gender-affirming healthcare over the counter. Why can’t #trans folk have the same?
2024-03-02 08:29:23

Resisting Anti-Trans Logic, part 2: #feminism, women and children.
An abridged adaptation #Trans Facts, from Resisting #Transphobia in Edinburgh, aimed at giving people the tools to recognise and correct misinformation when they come across it.
2024-03-05 06:57:55

Trans Ally Tip:
Transgenderism is a phrase that makes me immediately suspect you either are against me or don’t know enough about being trans. Usually the former. Remove transgenderism from your vocabulary.
2024-03-01 21:47:35

Not a teacher, but I do support #trans students - I must be a felon
GOP bill would require teachers to register as sex offenders if they support trans students - LGBTQ Nation
2024-05-14 03:13:46

The continuing saga on #Utah bathrooms.
#utpol #LGBTQ #trans
2024-04-09 02:49:13

Transgender policy won't allow #trans women athletes to compete in U.S. women's college sports | CBC Sports
2024-02-29 22:13:42

In 2018, the Canadian government bought the Trans Mountain pipeline, which carries dibit from Alberta to a port in BC, when the company expanding it seemed ready to step away. Still not complete, how has the projected cost of completing the project changed? #BC #Transmountain
2024-02-26 10:47:59

The trans agenda is actually why your socks go missing in the laundry.
We like mismatched socks and all your socks eventually get stolen from your laundry and get mailed randomly to trans people across the world.
Hope no other trans person is upset at me sharing this secret.
2024-02-29 18:25:38

Kentucky. GOP bill would take #trans kids away from their parents if they violate new bathroom law - LGBTQ Nation
2024-03-23 01:55:22

i'm pretty slow at reading books these days, but for #TransRightsReadathon i'm going to read YOUR BODY IS NOT YOUR BODY (weird horror anthology by trans and gender nonconforming authors) which i picked up a while ago but haven't started yet
2024-02-20 16:51:30

2024-03-30 15:15:01

👍 Joe Biden issues powerful #Trans Visibility Day proclamation 🏳️‍🌈
2024-03-02 02:09:34

About to go for the first time since 2019!!!!! First trans swim!!!
#trans #transjoy
2024-04-02 00:23:00

I read the first book in the series and something felt idea it was the author.
"Arrest me!": J.K. #Rowling posts anti-#trans rant, responding to Scottish hate crime law |
2024-04-14 15:42:50

Tributes paid to ‘inspiring’ oldest conjoined twins who passed away in April – one was #transgender
Lori and George Schappell: trans conjoined twin and his sister die
2024-03-01 14:16:24
Content warning: Lewd new trans phrase I’ve coined based on an experience I have from transition

Instead of wet dreams, which I don’t have since my orchiectomy, I have what I call dry dreams.
The reaction of ejaculation from a dream, but no production. It’s weird, you still feel it pumping.
To be honest I prefer these as there is no mess.
I share these for trans people and just because I want to share with anyone curious. It’s a boundary I tiptoe carefully on how much I share.
2024-03-09 22:37:09

#Atheists, he says you're 'always the biggest supporters of the LGBT, the #trans rights' and I think you should keep on being the good example he so obviously needs. #GoldenRule
Baptist …
2024-04-21 00:52:53

Cass review critique
One of the better pieces I've seen so far about the Cass Review, from Elia Cugini at Trans Safety Network. Usefully realistic about how gatekeeping & genuine exploration don't mix very well.
#CassReview #SOGICE #trans #health
2024-03-23 01:55:22

i'm pretty slow at reading books these days, but for #TransRightsReadathon i'm going to read YOUR BODY IS NOT YOUR BODY (weird horror anthology by trans and gender nonconforming authors) which i picked up a while ago but haven't started yet
2024-05-07 21:18:24

I'm glad John Dougall and the Utah State Auditor's Office were publicly embarrassed about the anti-trans snitch page.
I hope he takes his anger over the embarrassment out on the Utah State Legislature and pressures them to repeal this and their other hateful, anti-trans laws.
#utpol #utGOP #utLEG #UTAuditor #trans #LGBTQ
2024-02-22 17:17:52

A shorter explanation is that it's unconstitutional. Anything that targets an easily identifiable group of people (all people who self-identify as #trans, e.g.) and deprives or punishes is a bill of attainder, specifically prohibited by the US Constitution, Article 1, §§ 9/10.
Oklahoma’s anti-trans bathroom bill explained | The Independent
2024-02-25 15:05:33

Trans check-in, how are you doing today?
2024-03-02 18:32:56

Bras are great phone holders. I’ve known this for years. It’s why I transitioned.
#trans #TransSecrets
2024-02-24 17:06:53

Anti-#trans rhetoric and policy dominates CPAC, where Republicans invoke the Bible and a ‘war on families’ | The Independent…
2024-03-02 12:11:54

It’s so weird how much I didn’t like not having a top whenever I went swimming growing up. It always felt wrong.
Last night wearing a bathing suit that covered my was the most comfortable I’ve ever been swimming.
#trans #transjoy
2024-02-22 14:06:57

Hello, my name is Jae Bloom and I am a trains woman.
Would you like economy or first class? Sorry our trains will be delayed today due to a rail strike. Thank you for traveling Southwestern Railways.
2024-03-31 09:59:05

My name is Jae. I am a #trans woman and on #TransDayOfVisibility I want to show that I am a valuable part to the world.
I run the podcast, streams and tech business @…

Selfie of Jae in front of the ocean
2024-03-31 16:33:34

For those who take in spoken information better than written, there's a very nicely read audio version of Trans Facts on the Resisting Transphobia in Edinburgh (RTiE) #SoundCloud
#trans #transDayOfVisibility #mythbusting
2024-02-22 14:03:55

Happy National Supermarket Employee Day. To all my fellow supermarket people who do it day in and day out. We are amazing.
And to my trans supermarket employees, our customers who are rude to us can go fuck themselves. You are worth more than they will ever be.
#retail #trans
2024-03-19 11:39:03
Content warning: LGBTQ Inclusivity

I do want to note that just because someone is inclusive of gay people doesn’t immediately make them inclusive of trans people.
I’ve met people who have been bigots to me because I’m trans and yet are very inclusive and welcoming of gay people.
The reason it’s the LGBTQ is because we ALL are striving for equality for all. One’s fight is also my fight. Until we all are equal, none of us are done fighting.
2024-02-25 15:14:02

I remember getting my license back in the beginning of March in 2021 when I changed my gender from man to woman. It felt so freeing to see the gender of who I am reflected in an official document.
#trans #transjoy
2024-04-22 10:21:33

I pity you. Being so afraid of #trans people that you have to make our lives hell.
I’m sorry that I have so much power to make your life unbearable. I’m sorry that you feel persecuted because I’m living my life as who I am.
2024-03-18 23:06:25

Your periodic reminder that *any* statute, law, ordinance, policy or other law or law-derivative that singles out any group of easily identifiable people, like #trans ppl, and subjects them to punishment or deprivation is unconstitutional.
Article I, sections 9/10, forbids 'bills of attainder', the anachronistic term for the use of government power to target and discriminate at the fed…
2024-02-19 02:05:59

I try to be strong, but some things take me back and make me have to compose myself. To the two young ladies tonight who laughed at me for my deep voice and being trans, I pity you. I was just working my retail job.
I am proud of my voice and I do not wish to modify it to suit some “gender norms”.
Please make sure to pick up kindness in aisle 26. It’s on shelf 3 in bay 15 in position 6 next to the kindness.
2024-02-20 06:05:20

**One to watch**: First Federal Gender-Based Hate Crime Trial Starts in South Carolina Over #Trans Woman's Killing #law #legal #TransRights