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2024-04-21 10:00:01

Do you (sometimes) use print() or message() for debugging your code? Next time you can use {icecream} instead:
2024-05-23 15:28:33

Snapping Turtle Crossing
Happy World Turtle Day to all who celebrate! As today is World Turtle Day (who knew?) I thought I would share this photo of a snapping turtle by way of celebration. This was a huge monster, crossing the road in front of the car, so Steven and another driver guided it (carefully) across the road to safety and the water on the other side. It ...was such a priviledge to see it in the wild.
#Animals #EllieKPosts #SnappingTurtle #Turtle #wildlife
2024-04-21 08:53:16

Did you clean your turtle yet?
Come on, it’s Sunday, give it a rub and clean it.
2024-04-20 07:00:14

I can see how people think the world sits on turtles.
2024-04-19 10:43:00

Deutsche Hardware-Marke Roccat verschwindet
Das Mutterunternehmen Turtle Beach schafft die Marke Roccat ab. Das beliebte Gaming-Zubehör soll weiter angeboten werden, samt neuer Software.
2024-03-23 16:58:24

Orca are serious predators, who hunt cooperatively in groups, so it shouldn't be surprising that they can take down large prey. This is particularly more likely given the reductions in some of their #Salmon prey off the #BC coast.

image/jpeg two black and white Orca jumping out of the ocean.
NOAA Public Domain.
2024-04-23 15:15:53

Ohne Titel oder Text, nur ALT/Bildbeschreibung im 2. Threadteil
2024-04-22 02:53:17

The MUSE Permanent Magnet Stellarator: Fusion Reactor With Off-The-Shelf Parts
The MUSE Permanent Magnet Stellarator: Fusion Reactor With Off-The-Shelf Parts
2024-04-21 01:03:20

Hey, they’re using the fix I suggested
2024-05-23 15:28:33

Snapping Turtle Crossing
Happy World Turtle Day to all who celebrate! As today is World Turtle Day (who knew?) I thought I would share this photo of a snapping turtle by way of celebration. This was a huge monster, crossing the road in front of the car, so Steven and another driver guided it (carefully) across the road to safety and the water on the other side. It ...was such a priviledge to see it in the wild.
#Animals #EllieKPosts #SnappingTurtle #Turtle #wildlife