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2024-03-25 15:41:24

Oh look, they gave the crime-boss a reprieve so he doesn’t have to come up with the $400 million. Now it's only $100 million. I'm so glad the courts are so lenient to these well-to-do paragons of public service.
#Trump #EatTheRich (Even if they're only faking th…
2024-04-25 11:37:20

Schöner Titel zu Donald #Trump in der #SZ Süddeutschen Zeitung:
"Der Pornostar und die Weltpolitik" Aber ich sehe das so, dass hier Trump der größere Pornostar ist, noch vor Stormy Daniels - Seine politisches Agieren ist pornografisch. 🤣

🔥A Trump return to the White House is a threat to democratic institutions🔥
-- RAND analyst
#Trump admires #authoritarians, which is nothing new.
Yet back in January, Turkish journalist #Asli
2024-04-23 19:00:23

Telling detail from the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse (by Nate Schweber for the NY Times): The NYPD is working in the service of the defendant Trump, rather than the people of New York.
#Trump #NewYork

Trump continues to receive favorable treatment from the New York City Police Department. For a week, a large N.Y.P.D. dump truck has parked in the intersection of Hogan Place and Centre Street, with a uniformed driver sitting inside. Minutes before Trump's arrival each morning, the dump truck has pulled a half-car length forward, blocking news photographers' views of him entering the side door of the courthouse. And this afternoon, like those before it, the driver did the same maneuver for Trum…
2024-03-25 15:41:24

Oh look, they gave the crime-boss a reprieve so he doesn’t have to come up with the $400 million. Now it's only $100 million. I'm so glad the courts are so lenient to these well-to-do paragons of public service.
#Trump #EatTheRich (Even if they're only faking th…
2024-04-25 08:38:45

Genießt Donald #Trump vollständige Immunität? Mit dieser Frage beschäftigt sich von heute an der Supreme Court. Die Entscheidung hat weitreichende Folgen. Bereits, dass sich das Oberste Gericht mit dem Thema beschäftigt, kann Donald Trump als Erfolg verbuchen. Er hat damit erreicht, dass der Strafprozess vor einem Bundesgericht in Washington gegen ihn ausgesetzt wurde. Wie das mehrheitlich mit kon…
2024-04-24 18:49:28

Via 𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕒𝕖_𝔻𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕖 @SundaeDivine
These courtroom sketches are off the leash.
2024-03-26 01:01:39

Many people are saying this poor owl caught pigeon herpes from Donald #Trump

New York City owl Flaco was exposed to pigeon virus and rat poison before death, tests show
2024-04-25 14:27:15

Interesting arguments about immunity and official acts...
#scotus #Trump #immunity
Watch "LISTEN LIVE: Supreme Court hears Donald Trump’s immunity claim | MSNBC" on YouTube<…

#Trump is going to win in #supremecourt, not on absolute immunity, but with a broad standard of what acts are immunized, and then delay, delay, delay to resolve what charges, if any, can be brought, and are not immunized.
2024-03-26 00:46:31

Great Moments in the Annals of Human Generosity, Donald #Trump edition:
(Atlanta Journal, July 22, 1996)
2024-03-23 17:48:26

"This assault began last August, after Schwalb announced he was investigating the Federalist Society for alleged self-dealing. Leo is accused of using millions of dollars in tax-exempt organization funds to prop up his private consulting firm, CRC Advisors."
#Trump’s 'court whisperer' unleashes #GOP
2024-03-25 23:23:31

On the same day he got his $483 million #bond reduced by a NY Court, #Trump announces he'd be selling shares with his initials #DJT as the trading symbol in his nascent

Truth Social will have a market value of roughly $6.8 billion when it begins trading, a staggering valuation for a company that has had about $5 million in sales and tens of millions of dollars in losses since its launch in 2021. Social-media firm Reddit is valued at about $9 billion following its recent initial public offering and had more than $800 million in sales last year. A af J v Posting Civil-Fraud Bond.\What Are His Options?
2024-05-25 15:25:46

Had a short 3 hours post-breakfast nap today.
I dreamt of a D. #Trump in his early 30s. Orange all over. Hair, face, cloths, you name it. ... Being a guest in a kids tv show ... Just like Sesame Street... Behaving like an uneducated child without manners.
What the heck is wrong with me? (And him...but that's another story.)
2024-03-24 21:29:36

#Trump #DonPoorleone
Via Tim Hannan @TimHannan
It would be a shame, it really would, if Trump’s new nickname Don Poorleone doesn’t stick.
2024-04-24 23:23:14

An #Arizona grand jury has indicted 11 people in the #Trump fake-electors conspiracy, including former state GOP chair Kelli Ward.

Attorney General
Firm Bar No. 14000
State Bar No. 028231
Assistant Attorney General
2005 N. Central Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
Telephone 602-542-3881
crmfra ud@
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Counts 1-9
Counts 1-9
Counts 1-9
Counts 1-9
Counts 1-9…
2024-03-26 00:46:31

Great Moments in the Annals of Human Generosity, Donald #Trump edition:
(Atlanta Journal, July 22, 1996)
2024-03-25 02:26:14

#USPol #Trump
Via Joe Biden @JoeBiden
Congratulations, Donald. Quite the accomplishment.
2024-05-21 13:27:21

"#Trump for Prisondent!"
2024-05-16 12:47:45

In a way it is simple. Trump is a traitor. Everybody seems to be forgetting that.
#Trump #Traitor
2024-04-16 18:54:20

Hey, always worthy of your attention: Matt Levine deconstructs #DJT (again). (What? You're not reading Matt Levine? Well, sign your butt up yesterday!)
“When #Trump Media went public as a meme stock, it set off a race between its business and its big shareholders’ ability to sell.”
2024-05-22 08:33:55

Trumps Truth Social macht Millionenverlust
Das Unternehmen hinter Donald Trumps Online-Netzwerk Truth Social machte im ersten Quartal fast 330 Millionen US-Dollar Verlust. An der Börse gilt das Papier inzwischen als Meme-Aktie, so das #ManagerMagazin #Trump
2024-05-12 15:56:17

Trump zahlt seit der Steuerpleite Mitte der 1990er ja kaum noch Steuern. Wenn er das alle nachzahlen muss, wird es aber sehr teuer. #trump
2024-04-16 09:49:13
2024-04-23 22:20:33


Adam Parkhomenko
BREAKING (ABC News): The Secret Service held meetings and started planning for what to do if former Pres. Trump were to be held in contempt in his criminal hush money trial and Judge Merchan opted to send him to short-term confinement
2024-04-23 17:31:41

NYT: “the jury is now being shown a contract the National Enquirer reached with Dino Sajudin, the doorman, in which the words “Donald Trump’s illegitimate child” feature prominently. Things like that can leave a mark.”
And this is me scribbling said mark everywhere! #Fediverse #Trump
2024-06-03 01:40:25

Because #Trump is now a convicted felon, he is barred from entering 37 countries, including the United Kingdom, which means he can’t even visit his own golf course in Scotland.
“Donald Trump Is Banned from 37 Countries as Convicted Felon, Including Major Allies Like Canada and U.K.”
2024-06-14 22:16:45

He will NOT debate Biden. He’ll cancel, guaranteed. #Dementia #Trump…
2024-05-01 13:01:57

«Donald #Trump has warned that Joe #Biden and his family could face multiple criminal prosecutions once he leaves office unless the US supreme court awards Trump immunity in his own legal battles with the criminal justice system.
[…] Trump painted a startling picture of his second term, from how…
2024-05-31 06:03:11

#Trump #Trump #Trump
Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty…
2024-03-25 16:58:15

Liz Dye on #DWAC and #TruthSocial:
"As with everything #Trump does, this entire thing appears to be a series of nested grifts...
2024-04-23 19:50:18

Via The Lincoln Project @ProjectLincoln
10/10 chyron. No notes.

Donald #Trump's decision to run to his Truth Social account on Thursday to defend Judge Aileen #Cannon from criticism drew the attention of MSNBC political analyst Steve Benen,
who pointed out the former president has done nothing but lead the charge in attacks on the judges who are overseeing his other trials.
2024-05-18 10:34:33

#Xi, #Putin, #Trump. Diese drei lenken wie viel Menschen? 1 Milliarde?
2024-04-06 15:32:54

Trump’s bizarre, vindictive incoherence has to be heard in full to be believed
2024-06-18 07:51:01

Warum einst konservative US-Bürger heute Donald #Trump unterstützen - Craig und Jim – zwei Männer in ihrem letzten Lebensabschnitt, die über Jahrzehnte das Establishment Amerikas verkörperten und nun Trumps Verschwörungsnarrativ verbreiten. Eine Form männlicher Altersradikalität? Wenn die beiden von „Kommunismus“ reden, ist das kein rhetorisches Stilmittel. Sie glauben, man wolle ihnen das Private…
2024-06-04 09:27:08

Convicted #felon #Trump is bought and paid for.
Pay no attention to the billionaires behind the curtain.
BBC News - The billionaires rallying behind Trump after his conviction
2024-04-29 14:17:05

Christ. A second #trump term gutting @… #noaa would be a disaster. Globally.
Trump will dismantle key US weather and science agency, climate experts fear
2024-05-12 18:48:58

Wes‘ Geld ich nehm, des‘ Arsch ich leck‘. #trump
2024-04-10 23:37:28

Ladies and gentlemen, the Republican Party.

Police Report: Trump County Chair Threatened to Rape Boss's Wife, Then Kill Him

Jonathan Stone, a former New Hampshire police officer, has been a part of Trump’s campaign since 2016, when he gave Trump an inscribed AR-15 assault rifle.
By S.V. Date
Apr 10, 2024, 04:04 PM EDT
2024-05-25 12:35:10

#ServiceTröt #Wirtschaft #Populismus #noAfD
2024-04-07 17:09:42

Die #USA gelten als Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten. Donald #Trump hält sich für den Schutzpatron dieses Mythos. Der orange-blonde Wüterich kämpft um seine Rückkehr ins Weiße Haus.
Vor den Wahlen 2016 wurde hierzulande ein Erfolg des superreichen Dauerlügners nahezu ausgeschlossen, 2024 ist das Geg…

Karikatur zeigt Porträt von Donald Trump mit langer Pinocchio-Nase.
 Bildtext oben: Im Land der unbegrenzten Lügen
Logo unten: Demokratie in Bewegung
2024-05-26 09:05:04

Tyranny as a Triumph of Narcissism
“Tyrants do not arise in a vacuum just as tyranny does not spring on the world unannounced. It takes years of cultivation of special conditions in a society for a tyranny to take over.” #Trump #USA #Orban
2024-04-06 07:45:31

“What could be more democratic than voting for your preferred candidate against the advice—the warnings, the threats, the fear-mongering—of your betters?” 🤔 It’s so unfair that #Trump cannot be the forever President! t…
2024-05-16 10:18:58

"Der amtierende Präsident Joe Biden will die Macht der Regierung nutzen, um das Wohlergehen aller Bürgerinnen und Bürger, insbesondere der unteren 99 Prozent, zu verbessern, während Donald Trump eher daran interessiert ist, den Wohlstand des oberen einen Prozents zu maximieren." Joseph E. Stiglitz
#Trump #neoliberalismus

Trump and Mike Johnson push for redundant ban on non-citizens voting
Donald #Trump and the House speaker, Mike #Johnson, plan to push for a bill to 🔸ban non-citizens from voting, 🔸the latest step by Republicans to🔹 falsely claim migrants are coming to the country and casting ballots.🔹
Voting when a person is not…
2024-04-29 17:23:40

Good overview what Trump 2.0 would be like
2024-06-17 18:43:33

Michelle Goldberg:
“This week I finally got to see ‘The Apprentice,’ an absorbing, disturbing movie about the relationship between red-baiting mob lawyer Roy Cohn and a young Donald #Trump. The #film… was received with an extended standing ovation and mostly appreciative reviews when it premiered at
2024-04-01 23:56:02

#Trump Brags He Got 'Love' at NYPD Cop Jonathan Diller's Wake…
2024-06-17 18:43:33

Michelle Goldberg:
“This week I finally got to see ‘The Apprentice,’ an absorbing, disturbing movie about the relationship between red-baiting mob lawyer Roy Cohn and a young Donald #Trump. The #film… was received with an extended standing ovation and mostly appreciative reviews when it premiered at
2024-04-02 00:37:42

Judge Juan #Merchan has finally had enough of #Trump siccing his rabid disciples on the judge's daughter.
The gag order in Trump's New York election coverup case has been extended to include staff and family members of the Court and DA Alvin Bragg's office. Trump can (and surely will…

Trump trials
Judge expands partial gag order after Trump's attacks on his daughter in hush money case
Attorneys for Trump characterized the attacks on Judge Juan Merchan's daughter as "campaign advocacy," while prosecutors called the language "dangerous, violent."
2024-04-12 16:40:08

It couldn't happen to a nicer guy! 😅 #DJT
#Trump Media director accused of 'hacking' files: Lawsuit
2024-05-15 23:18:15

Conway trying to goad Trump into testifying is the content I needed today. 😆
2024-04-16 15:39:01

2024-06-05 14:12:51

Donald #Trump telefoniert mehrmals im Monat mit Elon #Musk – und plant ihn für sein Regierungsteam ein. Es ist noch keine zwei Jahre her, dass Donald Trump und Elon Musk sich öffentlich in den Haaren lagen – doch jetzt wollen sie offenbar eng zusammenarbeiten. Trump plant augenscheinlich, Musk nach einer…
2024-04-18 22:36:53

#Trump #USPol
Via Mark Ennis 🤖 @…
Presidential immunity for me but not for thee.

Acyn @Acyn 

Trump: Biden is the one who should be on trial . He’s a crook. 

Apr 18, 2024, 5:30 PM EDT
2024-05-06 13:49:34

Would be fun, New York judge tells Donald Trump: "Future violations [of gag order] will be punishable by incarceration"

Contempt of court by Trump
2024-04-04 00:52:02

"That’s why The Inquirer Editorial Board plans to spend the next 10 months sounding the alarm that #Trump remains a danger to our democracy. We plan to detail Trump’s many flaws and misdeeds while spelling out the risks of a second term, which the twice-impeached former president has made clear will be worse than his first four years.
Put simply, Trump is unfit for office."

In one of her first campaign appearances since GOP Supreme Leader Donald #Trump was convicted of falsifying business records,
Vice President Kamala Harris sharply criticized him on Saturday as a “cheater”
who believes himself above the law and argued that he should be #disqualified for the presidency.

2024-04-20 04:00:49

Via StrictlyChristo  🇺🇦🌻 @StrictlyChristo
Updated courtroom sketch from today🦨
2024-03-26 20:23:03

Jesus fuckin’ Christ, there’s nothing #Trump won’t scam his disciples with.

Trump is selling ‘God Bless the USA’ Bibles for $59.99 as he faces mounting legal bills
2024-06-09 09:09:13

Thema dieser Wochenschau ist natürlich die Europawahl mit der Aufforderung Eure Stimmen abzugeben. Außerdem ein Blick auf die Kumpels Trump und Musk und sektenähnlichen Verhalten bei den Rechtsextremen. Zum Abschluss noch einiges zu Tools und Apps für Smartphone und Computer.
#Europawahl #Trump

Das Titelbild wurde erneut mit nach folgendem Prompt erstellt: Create a picture with the bright European flag in the center and on the right side. In the left third of the picture you can see the dark silhouettes of Donald Trump, Elon Musk and people in KuKluxKlan-like robes in the shadows.
2024-04-04 00:52:02

"That’s why The Inquirer Editorial Board plans to spend the next 10 months sounding the alarm that #Trump remains a danger to our democracy. We plan to detail Trump’s many flaws and misdeeds while spelling out the risks of a second term, which the twice-impeached former president has made clear will be worse than his first four years.
Put simply, Trump is unfit for office."
2024-04-20 03:59:44

Via TheRealThelmaJohnson @TheRealThelmaJ1
2024-05-10 06:02:11

Just thinking about it, but a Trump presidency would be a heaven-sent for China, it can be sure the USA will lose ground in essential economic fields like EVs and renewable energy, gives China more options towards Europe, will weaken ties between US and other countries in general.
#trump #usa
2024-04-20 03:58:31

Via TheRealThelmaJohnson @TheRealThelmaJ1
2024-04-15 17:14:05

I take the opposing view of Trump sleeping in the courtroom... it's not an indication physically that he is anything other than old. And moreso, it IS an indication that he is unconcerned about both the proceedings and the outcome likely because he thinks nothing much will come of any of it (ie. not Jail).
So no, I am not particularly encouraged by Trump falling asleep in his own trial.

The lawsuit in question is #Buchanan v. #Trump,
a case that started in 2020 after protesters sued Trump in his official capacity and a number of other officials for unconstitutionally clearing them away from #Lafayette
2024-03-31 14:57:07

Donald #Trump steht wegen eines Wahlkampfvideos in der Kritik. Der am Samstag auf Trumps Onlineplattform Truth Social veröffentlichte Clip zeigt zwei Pick-up-Trucks, die auf einer Autobahn fahren und mehrere Pro-Trump-Schilder und -Flaggen transportieren. Auf der Heckklappe eines Fahrzeugs ist ein Bild zu sehen, das #Biden
2024-05-15 01:40:59

On MSNBC just now, writer Andrew Rice said that while he was in court yesterday for #MichaelCohen’s direct, he could see over #Trump’s shoulder and Trump was editing the very remarks #MikeJohnson
2024-04-15 17:24:27

Via I Smoked The Trump And Dump Scheme @BlackKnight10k
You have to admit, only Trump could find a way to turn 2 minutes banging a porn star into a criminal conspiracy to steal an election

The lawsuit in question is #Buchanan v. #Trump,
a case that started in 2020 after protesters sued Trump in his official capacity and a number of other officials for unconstitutionally clearing them away from #Lafayette
2024-06-02 13:58:06

Der hat noch gefehlt: Donald #Trump ist jetzt bei #TikTok
Seit er einst bei Facebook und Twitter in Ungnade fiel, ist Donald Trump fast nur noch auf seinem eigenen Social-Media-Netzwerk präsent. Nun schließt er sich TikTok an – das er als Präsident noch verbieten wollte. Nach wenigen Stunden hatt…
2024-06-09 16:58:30

Donald #Trump said and did so much terrible shit every single day of his presidency, it's easy to forget much of it. This incident had completely slipped my mind.

A post from Seth Masket on Bluesky. It says:

"Four years ago today: Buffalo Police knocked over a 75-year old man at a George Floyd demonstration, giving him a head injury that would put him in the hospital for a month. Trump went on Twitter to promote a conspiracy theory about it and say the man had it coming."

Below is a screenshot of a tweet from Donald Trump about the incident, making false accusations against the victim.
2024-04-05 14:14:50

Not that it matters for the average Trump voter but US economy is doing quite well.
#Trump #Biden
2024-06-03 18:12:11

"Trump’s attorney, David Warrington, sent ProPublica a cease-and-desist letter demanding this article not be published. The letter warned that if the outlet and its reporters 'continue their reckless campaign of defamation, President Trump will evaluate all legal remedies.'"
#Trump #convictions
2024-06-09 16:58:30

Donald #Trump said and did so much terrible shit every single day of his presidency, it's easy to forget much of it. This incident had completely slipped my mind.

A post from Seth Masket on Bluesky. It says:

"Four years ago today: Buffalo Police knocked over a 75-year old man at a George Floyd demonstration, giving him a head injury that would put him in the hospital for a month. Trump went on Twitter to promote a conspiracy theory about it and say the man had it coming."

Below is a screenshot of a tweet from Donald Trump about the incident, making false accusations against the victim.
2024-04-12 21:57:55

#Trump #Parody
Via Christine @guelphgirlchris
I just can’t. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

Donald J. Trump @realDonald Trump 

The great O J Simpson used to play football with me. Not many people know that because I don’t like to boast. He could never outrun me, though - have you ever seen blisters on my feet? No blisters. He used to say: “Sir, you are a great runner, probably the best there has ever been. Also thank you, sir, for playing ball with a black man.” He had tears in his eyes that day.
2024-05-31 04:05:11

Can we put this on a poster? t-Shirts?
“Trump … His face flushed while he gripped his son Eric Trump’s hand before walking out of the courtroom.”
(Wall Street Journal)
This is the first time I have read something that makes him sound vulnerable, stricken.
And I like it.
I like it a LOT

A screenshot of the article in the Washington Post. Reads:

Donald Trump became the first former president ever convicted of a crime, with a Manhattan jury finding him guilty Thursday of 34 felonies for falsifying records to cover up hush money paid to a porn star.
The historic verdict, stemming from conduct that took place around Trump’s remarkable run to the presidency in 2016, could threaten his 2024 bid to return to the White House. Trump can still run and his poll numbers remained steady d…
2024-06-03 18:12:11

"Trump’s attorney, David Warrington, sent ProPublica a cease-and-desist letter demanding this article not be published. The letter warned that if the outlet and its reporters 'continue their reckless campaign of defamation, President Trump will evaluate all legal remedies.'"
#Trump #convictions
2024-04-15 17:46:45

#Trump #SleepyDon
Via Wu Tang is for the Children @WUTangKids
We need cameras in the court room 🤣

Maggie Haberman 

Trump appears to be sleeping. His head keeps dropping down and his mouth goes slack.
2024-04-02 17:47:04

"This is not subjective. We all saw it. ... Trust your eyes. Trump on Jan. 6 launched the most serious threat to our system of government since the Civil War. You know that. You saw it.
The facts involving Trump are crystal clear, and as news people, we cannot pretend otherwise, as unpopular as that might be with a segment of our readers. There aren’t two sides to facts.
Chris Quinn, Editor
2024-04-15 17:38:19

Via Alex Cole @acnewsitics
Trump's stock is tanking during his criminal trial. 🤣

The degree to which other countries are #preparing for a #Trump #victory was illustrated by an unlikely visitor this week to the former president’s exile in Xanadu: British Foreign Minister
2024-04-15 17:27:14


TheRealThelmaJohnson @TheRealThelmaJ1 

I lit some candles over at my church today and prayed real hard that Jesus sends Donald Trump to jail. 

4:56 PM - Apr 15, 2024 - 10.6K Views
2024-04-15 20:24:39

#Trump #SleepyDon
Via I Smoked The Trump And Dump Scheme @BlackKnight10k
After falling asleep in court, we have to start calling him Don Snoreleone
2024-04-18 23:43:52

Via bolton69420
damn i should watch this trial
2024-06-09 09:30:00

#Handelsblatt: Europa muss sich darauf einstellen, dass Donald #Trump erneut US-Präsident wird - Obwohl noch gar nicht feststeht, ob Trump ins Gefängnis muss, inszeniert er sich schon als „politischer Gefangener“, als Opfer einer Elitenverschwörung. Seine Partei steht geschlossen hinter ihm. Teil…
2024-04-14 19:33:09

Via Alex Cole @acnewsitics
Fact: When Trump was President, Iran bombed a U.S. base
2024-04-28 22:50:50

Smelly Trump, smelly #Trump, what are they feeding you?
🪰 💩 🪰

Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast.

An orange human figure is seen from behind, waist-down. The figure is wearing a diaper and adjusting it with his right hand. The diaper says "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN." There are several flies buzzing around the diaper. Donald Trump is a fucking traitor who smells like shit.
2024-04-28 22:50:50

Smelly Trump, smelly #Trump, what are they feeding you?
🪰 💩 🪰

Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast.

An orange human figure is seen from behind, waist-down. The figure is wearing a diaper and adjusting it with his right hand. The diaper says "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN." There are several flies buzzing around the diaper. Donald Trump is a fucking traitor who smells like shit.
2024-04-17 18:01:02

Via TheRealThelmaJohnson @TheRealThelmaJ1
Have you tried Trialenol?
2024-04-12 21:54:47

#USPol #Trump

Mike Johnson says he and Trump are introducing a bill to ban non- citizens from voting when non-citizens already can't vote in federal elections
2024-05-02 19:40:26


Tom Joseph @TomJChicago 
Trump being called "Von ShitzinPantz" in a Michael Cohen post has been introduced as a court exhibit by Trump's attorney, Todd Blanche. Now national and world media is covering Trump's new moniker of Von ShitzinPantz. Thank you Todd Blanche.
2024-04-15 18:19:09

#Trump #SleepyDon
Via TheRealThelmaJohnson @TheRealThelmaJ1
2024-04-15 18:17:18

#Trump #SleepyDon

Richard M. Nixon @dick_nixon 

If the President of the United States fell asleep in public, the stock market would go through the floor and there’d be planes doing funny business in the South China Sea. 

5:57 AM - Apr 16, 2024 - 4,715 Views
2024-04-15 17:44:14

#Trump #SleepyDon
Via Wu Tang is for the Children @WUTangKids
Nice 🤣

United States trends 

1- Politics - Trending #SleepyDon

11.8K posts
2024-04-13 19:58:17

2024-04-12 19:55:21

Via Molly Ploofkins™ @Mollyploofkins
Stormy's so good at this...