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Three online tools to discover the world in a playful way. Thanks to the helpful access to @… that is useful in everyday life, these entertaining online games and history archives could be created.
📍 MapRoulette
Excited about the new xLSTM model release. There are many well-though designs compared to transformers: recurrence (which should allows composability), gating (like Mamba & LSTM which is based on, which allows time complexity independent of the input size), state tracking (unlike Mamba & transformers). For now, these advantage aren’t apparent on benchmarks, but most training techniques are secrets, and the recent advances of LLMs evidenced that they matter a lot.
#TheAmazingDigitalCircus Episode 4: No words to describe how amazing this is, amazing in directing, in development, in everything else. It's the series best at the moment. Do yourself a favour and watch it now!
Follow me on bluesky here: https://bsky.app/profile/mszll.datasci.social.ap.brid.gy
(My posts from Mastodon will be bridged to there)
Wow, this was really painful: #urbanism
«"Terms of Service; Didn't Read" (kurz: ToS;DR) ist ein Projekt, das im Juni 2012 gestartet wurde, um die "größte Lüge im Internet" zu bekämpfen: fast niemand liest wirklich die Nutzungsbedingungen, denen wir ständig zustimmen.»
P.S. Für mich pers. ein guter Einstieg um die Privatsphäre der Menschen im Internet und deren Nutzung zu erörtern, ist aber mMn nur erst der Anfang.
Yes please! Supporting nonlinear careers to diversify science https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3002291