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2024-04-24 21:40:11

A few days into the experiment of removing many apps, all widgets from my phone and all complications from my watch.
I’m convincing myself they’re a net negative and happy with how it’s going.
Having information displayed all the time added a lot of noise and it gave me reasons to pick up my devices “just to check things” and we all know how that ends…
2024-05-23 14:50:09

A little morning typography for the user proxies in your life.
#UserResearch #UX

The limits of your mind are at the end of your nose - M. de Voltaire, Philosophical Dictionary (1794)
2024-05-23 14:50:09

A little morning typography for the user proxies in your life.
#UserResearch #UX

The limits of your mind are at the end of your nose - M. de Voltaire, Philosophical Dictionary (1794)
2024-06-15 15:28:12

oy, dear #UX fedizens:
We're in the process of adding a basic tagging system to our app. This feels like one of those things we have some pretty established conventions for already in order to make tag-entries exceedingly user friendly on both desktop, mobile, soo
got any good resources for 'Best Practice of Tagging UX'?
2024-05-17 12:46:08

A little #UX quiz: in which of those two inputs will your password be visible aka unmasked? 🤔

Two input elements with the label “password”, one with a crossed out eye (A), the other one with an open eye (B).
2024-05-16 08:34:52

If you ever think that you’re disrespected, or nobody cared about you, remember that Safe Area Insets is out there and feel better.
#ios #humor #ux
2024-04-17 08:26:52

Es ist wieder Zeit für dieses geile Meisterwerk #ux #fun
2024-06-15 15:28:12

oy, dear #UX fedizens:
We're in the process of adding a basic tagging system to our app. This feels like one of those things we have some pretty established conventions for already in order to make tag-entries exceedingly user friendly on both desktop, mobile, soo
got any good resources for 'Best Practice of Tagging UX'?
2024-05-05 14:19:20

Dumb API UI question.
You have a settings page and want to support whether they have JS or not.
If they have JS, some toggles should auto-save. Otherwise the form should submit when they hit the save button at the bottom of the section.
How would you handle that?
Should it submit only the changed item to a different endpoint?
The whole form to the same post endpoint?
Are there times when you don't want a toggle to automatically save? Times when you do?
#javascript #ux #ui
2024-05-21 16:41:17

#UXDesign practice has optimized itself towards software for users and away from process for internal customers. Low fidelity design became discounted, because it is a tool for problem definition rather than solution delivery.
Unfortunately, losing this tool has undermined design's ability to influence strategy. Designers who still recognize that their cross-functional colleagues &amp…
2024-05-02 21:59:04

I just spent more than a few minutes finding a unique username, filling out forms, and complying with arcane password requirements to create an account with, clicked the final "Create Account" button, and... "Service Not Available"
#USPS #ux
2024-04-30 18:01:08

Address auto-completes are the worst idea ever.
There are so many services I can't use because they just don't accept my address.
If you really think they are helpful, at least add a fallback to a normal form.
2024-05-01 14:35:44

#UX HELP ! 🆘
Quand on commence avec @…
1. Est-ce qu'on comprend qu'on doit se loguer en utilisant #gitlab ?
2. Dans le cas ou on n'a pas de compte gitlab, …
2024-06-10 14:25:05

From the beginning, Phanpy consists of UI ideas from many various apps.
#PhanpySocialDev now has a small new UI experiment, copied from an app that I think some folks don't know: Weverse, a K-pop fan platform. Multiple media attachments won't be in a grid layout when opened in the post view. That's it.

Demo of opening a post in the post details view on Phanpy. There are 4 images in the post. In Timeline view, the images are laid out in a grid and cropped. In the Post view, they are show as standalone images in their own rows, and not cropped (if possible).
2024-05-21 16:41:17

#UXDesign practice has optimized itself towards software for users and away from process for internal customers. Low fidelity design became discounted, because it is a tool for problem definition rather than solution delivery.
Unfortunately, losing this tool has undermined design's ability to influence strategy. Designers who still recognize that their cross-functional colleagues &amp…
2024-05-05 14:19:20

Dumb API UI question.
You have a settings page and want to support whether they have JS or not.
If they have JS, some toggles should auto-save. Otherwise the form should submit when they hit the save button at the bottom of the section.
How would you handle that?
Should it submit only the changed item to a different endpoint?
The whole form to the same post endpoint?
Are there times when you don't want a toggle to automatically save? Times when you do?
#javascript #ux #ui
2024-04-08 00:05:55

On one side I keep being told that chatbot interfaces are the NUI that we were promised 10 years ago - the perfectly intuitive interface messiah come to liberate us from #UX design.
On the other side I keep being told that prompt engineering is the #software development of the future and chatbot…
2024-04-08 00:05:55

On one side I keep being told that chatbot interfaces are the NUI that we were promised 10 years ago - the perfectly intuitive interface messiah come to liberate us from #UX design.
On the other side I keep being told that prompt engineering is the #software development of the future and chatbot…
2024-06-03 13:19:15

My article "No, AI user research is not “better than nothing” — it’s much worse" is now available in Japanese!