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2024-07-27 10:23:03

the whole #innovation paradigm, including asking for more #startups, is just a pseudo-solution for the consequences of markets wich got closed by monopols
unregulated markets ruin the world by forcing products that are not adapted to a good life and instead only create or sustaine the
2024-07-03 11:23:04

“Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.””
John 20:29 NRSV

A group of men dressed in robes are gathered in a dimly lit room. A man kneels before another standing figure, both at the center, while the rest sit around. Text overlay reads, "…Blessed are those who have not seen
2024-08-16 15:56:19

…"planning for multiple destination points and date coordinates, not like the one-nighters of the old days. We can now call this Research 2.0. Let the #TimeTravelers decide where they would like to beam down, and with whom they would like to rendezvous (be it #MIT,
2024-07-04 22:41:42

It's absurd to think you know what people think in the country as a whole because you've spoken to a lot of people when canvasing. No-one can talk to enough people in enough places to get a real idea. And yet politicians consistently say, "when I speak to people, what they say is...." And, of course, they are more likely to remember those who agree with them and dismiss those who don't!
#generalelection2024 #torydeathparty
2024-08-08 14:47:56

... who's the fairest of them all?!
2024-09-14 08:04:04

whoa this is fun, getting off github pages with a handful of lines of redo, cmark, and a 10-line go server that embeds my files in the binary. computers are fun sometimes
2024-06-30 16:00:05

And four more cultists of the super old range (6th Ed?) done!
#WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #Chaos40k

Guy with a club and bald guy with a nice coat.
Guy who thinks going to war half-naked is smart, together with guy who loves wearing his gasmask.
2024-07-03 10:45:09

Carl E Rasmussen, who you might know from his foundational work on GPs, discussing a new measurement to access the impact of a person on global warming/climate change.
The Degree Person Days:
2024-07-04 10:36:25

#ConCW Book: Invisible Rulers
The People Who Turn Lies into Reality by Renee DiResta (2024)