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2024-07-04 11:27:41

(1/4) A teacher colleague of mine from Oklahoma, Michelle Waters, experienced something similar to me with her Facebook account getting suspended a few years ago. She wrote a heart wrenching and detailed article about this in April 2022 that I recommend:
“Facebook hack ‘worse than when my house burned down”
2024-08-19 23:26:47

Einem Nachbarn wurde energietechnisch von Beratern und Handwerksbetrieben ausschließlich zu Fossil geraten (Gas, auch wenn es das gar nicht aus der Leitung gibt).
Eine wohl viel werbende Firma hat dann noch ein PV-"Angebot" gemacht, das anhand der wenigen Parameter, die ich kenne, nur extrem teurer Betrug sein kann und nicht mal technisch funktionieren würde.
Für mich ist klar, dass jetzt ein günstiger Zeitpunkt ist, dort auf Wärmepumpe umzusteigen, aber niemand bietet d…
2024-07-17 20:19:59

#LunaLMS now utilises sticky scrolling to keep the roadmap in view as much as possible when scrolling through a course page.
Something we learned from our #Fachgruppe with learning disabilities over at @…

A screen capture of a Luna LMS example course. It showcases how, using sticky scrolling, the course roadmap on the left stays in view when scrolling through a longer page of text within a course.
2024-08-14 11:35:08

It's always annoyed me when people write Rhys' instead of Rhys's, even when I was a child. The final s is not a plural, so don't treat it as one.
2024-08-16 15:56:19

…"planning for multiple destination points and date coordinates, not like the one-nighters of the old days. We can now call this Research 2.0. Let the #TimeTravelers decide where they would like to beam down, and with whom they would like to rendezvous (be it #MIT,
2024-09-12 13:06:49

Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
ARLE: Oh, come on, Berg. You're not old enough to have lost your nerve yet. [They start to cross the field. Smoke begins to rise around their feet] Help me. Help me. I can't move.
BERG: I can't. [Small flames lick near their feet] I can't! [His scream is cut off when they are blown up.] B7B4
2024-07-18 07:55:39

Ukraine is not just about Ukraine. It is about Russian dominance in Europe. As the US's influence is about to wane, Russia wants to take its place.
If Europe wants to remain free, it needs to stand up to Russian influence and aggression. Otherwise we will all be run by Russian puppets.
I hope the talks taking place in Blenheim Palace today lays the foundations for a totally European replacement for NATO. The US can no longer be relied on.
2024-08-14 09:44:46

Die #noafd verhält sich wie eine kriminelle ausländische Organisation, die Deutschland schaden will. Müssten sie sich nicht selbst einsperren? Zumindest Kollaboration mit solchen Kräften ist in der Partei weit verbreitet und sollte Konsequenzen haben, wenn man etwas FÜR Deutschland tun will (wie deren Politiker ja immer behaupten).
Vielen scheint jedenfalls nicht klar, wie sehr sie sie gegen Deuts…
2024-07-16 08:02:52

Western Europe needs to be prepared to replace NATO with a European Treaty Organisation. It's looking increasingly likely Trump will win the presidency. Europe must be able to defend itself from Russian aggression without the US's help.
Western Europe spends more on defence than Russia. We have coordinated militarily as part of NATO for over 50 years. This is achievable.
Ukraine is a signal of how Russia sees its future in Europe. Farage would like nothing more than to be the UK's Lukashenko.