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2024-06-10 18:54:27

Anyone else notice the spicy ligature in WWDC24? #wwdc #wwdc24 #typography

WWDC24 logo, with the two Ws merged into one.
2024-06-10 18:00:30

It’s nice to see them stressing this
. #WWDC24

Screen cap from WWDC24 keynote showing a woman presenting Safari with a panel that says “Private browsing that's actually private”
2024-06-14 04:05:53

The thing about Apple’s #WWDC24 announcements:
The average person — who, as with the recent Adobe outrage, is rightly concerned about what a huge multinational company might do with their personal and professional data — is just going to hear, “Apple built ChatGPT into the iPhone.”
This is not the whole story, but it’s salient enough to poison not just the well, but the entire aquifer…
2024-06-11 01:21:40

So obvious the starting part is all about #WWDC24 🍎

A screenshot of Phanpy's Catch-up, showing a graph representing posts activity over a time range from 1:08 to 9:07 am on 11 June 2024. Below the graph, there are tabs labeled "All (745)," "Original (416)," "Replies (32)," "Boosts (291)," "Followed tags (2)," and "Filtered (4)."
2024-06-10 15:47:20

So what's the best hashtag to see commentary today about Apple's event?
Or something else?
2024-06-10 18:30:08

#WWDC24 “genmoji” look exactly like meta AI stickers. at least they’re on-device? sigh
2024-06-12 07:51:03

Apple Intelligence: Ist das wirklich die KI für den Rest von uns, intuitiv von allen nutzbar? -Unsere #WWDC24 Nachbetrachung vom @… und mit mir
Apple muss im Bereich Künstliche Intelligenz nachziehen und so wundert es nicht, dass KI das bestimmende Thema der WWD…

Die Titelgrafik wurde von mit dem Magic Prompt A futuristic and sleek background for a videocast, featuring Apple WWDC 2024 with the slogan „AI for the rest of us…“. A question mark hovers in the air, symbolizing the excitement and curiosity around the upcoming AI technologies. On the left edge, an iPhone with a glowing Apple logo is seen, accompanied by Siri, who appears as a hologram. Privacy is symbolized by a locked padlock and key on the right edge, emphasizing the importance o…
2024-06-11 03:01:54

I guess #Apple doesn't use Swift for all their backend stuff :-) #WWDC24

A screenshot of a web server error on the Apple Forums that is obviously not Swift nor Vapor.
2024-06-10 20:26:47

So it’s GitHub Copilot but for Xcode. #wwdc24
2024-06-10 19:29:40

I didn’t watch all of the #wwdc24 keynote because much of it was tediously out of my interest zone and I had work to do.
However, I gather from others' notes that Tim Cook has gifted me with permanent resale value for my iPhone 14 PM: the best iPhone Apple will ever make *without* AI functions.
2024-06-08 07:27:45

Throwback to #WWDC 2008… cheers to all #WWDC24 attendees!

Image of a T-shirt sold during WWDC 2008 with psychedelic writing saying “WWDC08
Featuring OSX iPhone
OSX Leopard
June 9-13
Moscone West
San Francisco”
2024-06-11 00:19:35

Here goes nothing!
#WWDC24 #iOS18
2024-06-10 18:40:50

New App Intents #WWDC24
2024-06-10 17:15:39

Pretty solid visionOS updates… #WWDC24
2024-06-10 18:00:30

It’s nice to see them stressing this
. #WWDC24

Screen cap from WWDC24 keynote showing a woman presenting Safari with a panel that says “Private browsing that's actually private”
2024-06-10 20:40:49

Oh man, Gestures and Animations getting factored out of all the kits is HUGE. #apple #wwdc24 #sotu
2024-06-10 15:47:20

So what's the best hashtag to see commentary today about Apple's event?
Or something else?
2024-06-10 17:02:09

#WWDC24 nice seeing the classic apple colours
2024-06-11 03:01:54

I guess #Apple doesn't use Swift for all their backend stuff :-) #WWDC24

A screenshot of a web server error on the Apple Forums that is obviously not Swift nor Vapor.
2024-06-10 17:57:00

A tiling window manager? IN THIS ECONOMY? #wwdc24
2024-06-10 17:52:25

iPadOS bento box #wwdc24
2024-06-11 04:01:57

Calculator app has some fancy pants now…
#WWDC24 #iOS18
2024-06-08 07:18:26

What are the first apps you’ve ever bought for your iPhone? Not showing on this image is “Enigmo” from Pangea Software (best game of 2008)… still available and updated last year to run on the latest models! #WWDC24 #WWDC
2024-06-10 18:33:24

So do we call Apple intelligence "iAI"
2024-06-10 18:05:30

I have to say, a day-1 AAA game launching on the Mac is a big deal. When was the last time that happened? #wwdc24 #wwdc
2024-06-10 18:07:11

And here we go with the #AI angle...
2024-06-10 18:06:48

welp here it comes 🙃 #WWDC24
2024-06-10 18:28:15

#wwdc24 Will #Appleintelligence be able to expands those
"Can we talk?” emails?
(Siri: “She's breaking up with you.”)
2024-06-10 18:03:11

“Ubisoft, the developers that released Assassin’s Creed” makes them sound like some unheard of scrappy startup 😂 #wwdc24
2024-06-10 17:49:36

Math Notes look good. #wwdc24
2024-06-11 01:52:02

Dark mode icons. Why do you need to standout AppStore?
#WWDC24 #iOS18
2024-06-10 18:08:03

Apple Sherlocking “Artificial Intelligence” smh #wwdc #wwdc24
2024-06-10 18:07:11

And here we go with the #AI angle...
2024-06-10 17:54:50

Haha your phone is a fucking macOS app now
2024-06-10 18:38:19

glad i can say 'no' to using chatgpt from siri #wwdc24
2024-06-10 18:28:15

#wwdc24 Will #Appleintelligence be able to expands those
"Can we talk?” emails?
(Siri: “She's breaking up with you.”)
2024-06-10 18:38:50

This live stream is triggering Siri on my phone multiple times. #wwdc #wwdc24
2024-06-10 18:08:41

Clever... "Apple Intelligence" can also be abbreviated as "AI" 🤣
2024-06-10 18:04:48

macOS Sequoia bento box #wwdc24
2024-06-10 22:06:59

My programming hot take for the day: Apple has gone a bit crazy with the macros and decorators across the Swift frameworks.
The additional indirection and complexity makes it trickier to reason about what the framework actually does for you than it should be, and makes it really hard to write code that uses the frameworks, without being deeply coupled to them.
2024-06-10 17:42:24

Interestingly #WWDC24 keynote avoids the term #AI and use Apple Intelligence instead.
2024-06-10 18:00:39

where's that reader mode 'summary' coming from? 👀 #WWDC24
2024-06-10 17:51:39

So far no mention of "intelligence" as we expected
2024-06-10 18:35:28

So…where is this data coming from?

Screenshot of presented staying in front of screen saying “Image Playground API”
2024-06-10 20:29:37

I like how the Swift Assist slide says your code is not *stored* on the cloud. Unsaid: it is *sent* to the cloud.
#wwdc #sotu #wwdc24
2024-06-10 18:08:41

Clever... "Apple Intelligence" can also be abbreviated as "AI" 🤣
2024-06-10 17:57:50

Passwords app. It was about time! #wwdc24
2024-06-10 17:18:29

how many kinds of widget screens can we add to iOS now? #wwdc24
2024-06-11 01:18:15

Check out the right and left sides of the screen when a button is pressed! Subtle but so natural.
#WWDC24 #iOS18
2024-06-10 19:22:10

Intelligence is taking the headline, not surprising, but honestly I just want to see #SwiftData and #SwiftUI be mature technologies for building software #wwdc24.
2024-06-10 18:08:03

Someone needs to tell Craig about magnetic collar stays
2024-06-10 18:17:31

So, Private Cloud Compute is basically Lambda on Apple Silicon, running open source (or at least, 3rd party reviewed) code, right? #wwdc #wwdc24
This is no more “private” than any other cloud service.
2024-06-10 18:35:28

So…where is this data coming from?

Screenshot of presented staying in front of screen saying “Image Playground API”
2024-06-10 18:15:33

"it is built with privacy at the core"
The Apple #WWDC keynote talks about "Apple Intelligence" doing so much on-device versus sending it to someone else's cloud.
#AI #WWDC24<…
2024-06-10 17:48:49

the pencil calculator mimicking my handwriting is cool but creepy? #wwdc24
2024-06-10 19:17:20

Did I miss it or is there no Slack channel for #WWDC24?
2024-06-11 01:32:13

Here’s a first look at the password app!
Think it’s gonna be easier to manage password entries.
#WWDC24 #iOS18
2024-06-10 18:47:52

“Would you like to ask ChatGPT?” is the new “I found this on the web” 😜
#siri #wwdc #wwdc24
2024-06-10 18:15:33

"it is built with privacy at the core"
The Apple #WWDC keynote talks about "Apple Intelligence" doing so much on-device versus sending it to someone else's cloud.
#AI #WWDC24<…
2024-06-10 18:11:44

Shots fired: they're claiming Siri will basically work now
2024-06-10 18:43:05

Apple Embrace and Extends the term “AI”, that should be hilarious for that alone.
2024-06-10 18:16:45

will need to hear more details about this 'private cloud processing' stuff 🤔 #wwdc24
2024-06-10 17:04:18

Running out of places to stand Tim?
2024-06-10 17:26:49

Topographic maps in iOS 18 Maps. Nice!
Though I bet they won’t be available in MapKit. We’ll see… #wwdc24
2024-06-10 18:32:36

I really dislike the idea of using faces of *other people* in your photo library to generate AI images.
Seems like it crosses a line. #ai #wwdc #wwdc24
2024-06-10 18:43:05

Apple Embrace and Extends the term “AI”, that should be hilarious for that alone.
2024-06-10 18:30:36

"hey Siri create an emoji of a hotdog sitting on two tennis balls"
From: @…
2024-06-10 18:11:03

at least they're limiting the abilities of image generation but it still looks like crap #wwdc24
2024-06-10 18:59:42

Image of Craig Federighi in Apple Park Steve Jobs Theater standing in front of a giant white display on which the words “We Sherlocked Everybody” is shown in SF Pro Bold font with diagonal blue to salmon pink gradient applied to the lettering, WWDC video Apple live stream photorealistic.
#wwdc #wwdc24
2024-06-11 01:36:25

Looks like I don’t have to keep using to do calculations anymore. 😬
x/0 didn’t brick it, so that’s good. lol
#WWDC24 #iOS18
2024-06-10 17:23:11

Selective contacts access seems to be useful. I refuse to give WhatsApp access to all my contacts, so this might solve that problem. #wwdc24
2024-06-10 17:15:18

july 12 vision pro in canada! can't wait to finally try it in an apple store and not buy it #wwdc24
2024-06-10 18:05:46

Did…did I just see #Valheim!?
2024-06-10 18:38:39

Oh my God they've literally baked in ChatGPT because that's always gone so well
2024-06-10 18:47:49

Apple Intelligence will be available on iPhone 15 Pro or iPads and Macs with M1 or later, in US English. Other languages will follow next year. #WWDC24
2024-06-10 17:55:38

iphone mirroring will be handy. will it support face ID using touch ID on the mac? i'm thinking about 2FA apps #WWDC24
2024-06-10 18:05:46

Did…did I just see #Valheim!?
2024-06-10 18:26:17

Also if Siri can just play the album that I told her to play I'll consider it a win
2024-06-10 17:13:16

just realized that maybe the apple store is down because of apple vision pro being available in more countries #wwdc24
2024-06-10 18:41:03

They just gave Sam fucking Altman the keys to the kingdom this is gonna be a wild ride
2024-06-10 17:40:43

@… @… Having the two of you on “notify on new posts” while watching the #WWDC24 keynote on my phone has been a hilarious experience so fa…
2024-06-10 16:53:20

bunch of developers in a giant hydraulic press getting squashed down. out pops the new siri #wwdc #WWDC24
2024-06-10 17:40:43

@… @… Having the two of you on “notify on new posts” while watching the #WWDC24 keynote on my phone has been a hilarious experience so fa…
2024-06-10 18:13:06

Weird choice to cut away from the close-up of Craig right when he mentions privacy in the context of AI
2024-06-10 18:09:56

#AppleIntelligence knows about you!” So it knows I'll want it to turn itself off? That's impressive. Will it blow it's own chip out for me?
2024-06-10 18:26:03

I can't wait to see people successfully breaking the Apple AI getting it to do and say and create offensive shit
2024-06-11 01:27:58

re: apple AI training data:
We train our foundation models on licensed data, including data selected to enhance specific features, as well as publicly available data collected by our web-crawler, AppleBot. Web publishers have the option to opt out of the use of their web content for Apple Intelligence training with a data usage control.
from #WWDC24 #ai
2024-06-10 18:09:56

#AppleIntelligence knows about you!” So it knows I'll want it to turn itself off? That's impressive. Will it blow it's own chip out for me?
2024-06-10 18:10:53

Oh cool, #AppleIntelligence will review my emails and posts before I send them! Will it give me little tamales to show me how "spicy" my take is?
2024-06-10 18:10:53

Oh cool, #AppleIntelligence will review my emails and posts before I send them! Will it give me little tamales to show me how "spicy" my take is?