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2024-06-06 12:24:01

Die gute Nachricht des Tages hat Udo #Vetter in seinem #Lawblog. Ex-#Wirecard-Chef Markus Braun verliert seine Anwälte. Wahrscheinlich ist das Geld alle. Wird Skinhead Olaf seinem Kumpel beispringen?
2024-06-07 13:10:55

An ex-AWS worker says Amazon breached UK sanctions by providing the Russian company VisionLabs with its facial recognition tech after Russia's Ukraine invasion (Financial Times)
2024-06-07 17:26:32
Content warning: CW: tech industry workers, fellatio, kink

This is going to be the next trend, as mechanical keyboards once were, for all those tech workers wanting to avoid being part of the next round of right-sizing by finding a second, literal way to gag on The Man's Dong
This Blowjob-Powered Dildo Keyboard Is Perfect If Your Job Sucks Dick
2024-06-06 02:20:49

General Mills turned blind eye to decades of racism at Georgia plant, Black workers allege (Khristopher J. Brooks/CBS News)
2024-06-06 10:07:11

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-06-07 09:46:34

Daily Inspiration: "Construct your opportunities by demolishing your fears!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Here's a fun one I've got coming up in October! Five Chicago area construction associations representing unionized workers are bringing me in for a talk on the impact of AI in construction. I'm eager to put into perspective the reality of the future for these hard-working folks - because after all, if you listen to the hype and hysteria, all these folks will be out …
2024-06-07 05:22:47

Even ignoring the super scary impact #ChatControl, and other attempts at destroying our digital privacy, will have, it also won't stop what they claim that they want to stop.
The people that this will mainly affect are normal innocent people, and a few of the dumber criminals.
People who care about their privacy will find ways around it, and some of those will sell these workar…
2024-06-07 22:05:23

Unite union refuses to endorse Labour's election manifesto - BBC News
2024-06-06 15:08:29

The fact that I'm, consistently, simultaneously thinking "pay attention to the details of the conversation" at my co-workers and "tell me precisely what you're asking me to do in detail" at them suggests several deficiencies on all our parts, and I'm not fully sure what it means or what I should be doing about it.
2024-06-07 01:10:42

The National Samsung Electronics Union, which has ~28,400 workers, goes on a strike for the first time in the company's history for one day over a pay dispute (Yoolim Lee/Bloomberg)