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2024-05-11 15:11:36

Strange shinanigans with time as the BBC put two episode of #DoctorWho out at once on iPlayer before they're even screened on the broadcast channel.
Two episodes in sequence too.
They don't make enough episodes each season to be rushing two out at once, surely!?
Will watch at least one of them tonight.
#watching #tv
2024-06-09 19:18:32

Doctor Who - Rogue
I don't really know what "Bridgerton" is other than period-drama.
Great episode though. Scandal and drama and dashing alien bounty-hunters and interracial homosexual kisses. Scandalous. I like how if the anti-woke complain about it they have to admit to having the same prudish morals as the Victorian aristocracy.
The aliens wanna "Cosplay the world to death", 😆
More musical numbers and dance scenes, RTD really does want Doctor Who to be Glee and I'm here for it.
Only a double-episode finale left. It's ending too soon! Who is Susan Twist? Who is Ruby Sunday's Mum? Who is The Doctor?
#watching #tv #doctorWho
2024-05-19 11:21:23

Doctor Who - Boom
I liked the baddie being The Algorithm that pits the people against themselves for capitalism and war and profit.
Defeating it by the power of paternity is a bit twee. Don't often concentrate on The Doctor being a father/grandfather and have him relate to people (or uploaded AI people) "As a father".
It was indeed the power to run away taken from The Doctor forced to stand on one leg for a while and still all episode.
The writers are still not really managing to contextualize how new Ruby's relationship with the Doctor is. It's been six months and she knows him well enough to stay what he's always like but this is her first alien sky?
#DoctorWho #Boom #Watching #TV
2024-06-16 00:05:59

Doctor Who - Legend of Ruby Rose
The time-window I can get, but having it enhanced by the presence of a 20 year old video cassette, uh. Time is memory they reckon. Okay.
So we learn the doctor hasn't yet met his own child even though he has met his grandchild. Strange life Timelords live.
But it was all a red herring anyway, nothing to do with Susan, it's just the god of death.
Am I supposed to remember Sutekh.. [google image search] Oh. I vaguely remember that guy? Guess that little god/dog has been leaching on the Tardis for some time then?
He's changed quite a bit as graphics have improved eh. From long-mask to wolf/horse faced glow devil.
Quite a bit of peril there in the cliffhanger though. Pretty doggy goddy is angry.
And still don't know who Ruby's mum is.
It was beautiful and scary and confusing. Love it.
#doctorWho #legendOfRubySunday #watching #tv
2024-06-02 21:33:39

Doctor Who - Dot and Bubble
A social-network filled with instagram nazis hiding in their bubble to avoid looking as their friend-list gets eaten by slugs.
Heh. "This bubble video-chat could have been an email" would be my reaction in that world.
Not all that much actual doctor in the last couple of episodes. Good emotional outburst at the end there when they're racists refusing rescue.
Ricky September seemed pretty intriguing as seeing through the matrix to reality but only really there to be double-crossed. Poor guy.
Another great one RTD is so good.
#watching #tv #doctorWho #dotAndBubble
2024-06-02 21:33:39

Doctor Who - Dot and Bubble
A social-network filled with instagram nazis hiding in their bubble to avoid looking as their friend-list gets eaten by slugs.
Heh. "This bubble video-chat could have been an email" would be my reaction in that world.
Not all that much actual doctor in the last couple of episodes. Good emotional outburst at the end there when they're racists refusing rescue.
Ricky September seemed pretty intriguing as seeing through the matrix to reality but only really there to be double-crossed. Poor guy.
Another great one RTD is so good.
#watching #tv #doctorWho #dotAndBubble
2024-05-27 22:05:37

Doctor Who - 73 Yards
Doctor starts the episode stepping on a mine again. He's always causing trouble. Ruby stepped on a butterfly in Ep1 too. Will every episode start with stepping on a butterfly/mine
No idea how Ruby traveled back in time at the end of her life. Just spooky magic I guess. More spooky this season. It's okay, you literally can't have hard-sci fi about a time-traveler because time-travel is impossible, so it's fine to have witches and werewolves and yeti and loch monsters.
It was like a Doctor Who version of RTD's previous "Years and years" eh? That was pretty great too.
Kate Lethbridge-Stuart running away even from second hand contact with the distant lady was the scariest part. You can't win if she's running like that.
Amy Pond's aging makeup when she had to live a whole life abandoned by the doctor was done better than Ruby Sundae who just looked 20 in different wigs till she was 80.
The 2060s don't look as futuristic as they might do they? Still just using black-slates for a tricorder then.
#doctorWho #73Yards #watching #tv