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2024-06-06 06:00:22

What a right-wing shift in the EU Parliament means for tech policy
What a right-wing shift in the EU Parliament means for tech policyA more right-wing European Parliament could mean fe…
2024-06-07 13:24:00

Gamer gehen Nvidia am Popo vorbei
Die Computex hat allzu deutlich gemacht, wie wenig sich Nvidia für GeForce interessiert. Dahinter steht wirtschaftlicher Zwang, resümiert Mark Mantel.

Fans of 11-time Grammy Award–winning singer Dolly Parton came to her aid this week, in response to a tacky, homophobic hit piece published by a right-wing magazine.
The Federalist is a conservative outlet that has previously taken aim at Taylor Swift, accusing her of indoctrinating her listeners into man-hating feminism, a thinly veiled grievance about their inability to control the thoughts of young women.
Now it’s taken aim at the Queen of Country herself, likely for much the…
2024-06-07 12:18:00

heise | Polar Grit X2 Pro im Test: Gut aussehende Outdoor-Sportuhr mit Schwächen
Wenige Sportcomputer sind so eindeutig männlich und für raue Verhältnisse getrimmt. Die Polar Grit X2 Pro leistet auch viel, tut das aber nicht fehlerfrei.
2024-06-07 16:52:19

Israeli press hoping that the far right wins in the European Union elections because... they are their friends.

Europe breaks to the right: the dramatic elections that change the Union

The elections for the European Parliament, held this weekend, are expected to be "historic", and for the first time the ruling coalition may be both right-wing and anti-Islamist. This is a political earthquake that is expected to affect us here in the Middle East as well: "These members of parliament are very sympathetic to Israel and may vote in its favor." A look at the "world's strangest" elections and the main figures…
2024-06-06 06:11:26

"NewsEye Project Wins European Heritage Award / Europa Nostra Award 2024"
"The NewsEye project aims to enhance access to historical European newspapers (1850-1950) for researchers, libraries, and the genera…
2024-06-07 02:29:04

Btw don’t buy the ModRetro console.
Absolute fartwaffle ring-wing and war profiteer asshole Palmer Luckey is behind it.
2024-06-06 16:50:55

Twitch announces a program in which DJs can use copyrighted music in streams by paying a fee; Twitch signed deals with UMG, WMG, Sony Music and indie labels (Mia Sato/The Verge)
2024-06-07 09:54:40

Als Antwort auf eine Umfrage mit dem Titel „wen würde Hitler wählen” (71,5% sagten AfD) [Campact].

Ein Screenshot einer Konversation auf Instagram wo Campact schreibt „erstaunlicherweise gingen 40% der AfD Wähler*innen selbst davon aus, dass Hitler die AfD wählen würde.”

2024-06-07 13:04:45

Ist jetzt auch nicht das erste mal, dass SPRIND durch eher ... spezielle Entscheidungen auffällig geworden ist.